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International #1270
Did you just buy Chinese hardware? You know they will spy on you, right?
Whats our problem
Do you think he will come back?
Worlds most Beautiful Country
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
My fellow Europeans, why don’t we dress like this anymore? Arabs still wear their clothes, so do asians and indians
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Are u racist?
/fr/ - francofil : Le fil francophone
/fuchsbau/ #2 ehemals /deutsch/
All arab countris are shitholes but the real question is what is the biggest shithole
Post personal 10/10s
Why are korean girls (like me) so pretty?
Thoughts on lesbianism?
Sverigetråden - En isbjörn i new york upplagan
Tfw only 17 hours left till getting conscripted to navy
Keep in mind that this country charges you a shit load of money for visiting a bunch of ruins, and collapsing buildings...
Ik ook
/danmarktråden/ + /skandi/
What's their endgame
Civ 5 sex sex sex
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why are Meds so inefficient?
The future of Europe
The end of EU is near
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
I have a Lebanese gf
A picture that makes an entire nation seethe
/ישר/ - /изp/ - /isr/ - /อิสร/ -מהדורת שחר
Do you smoke? Is smoking normal in your country
What exactly is their problem?
/fuchs/ ehemals /deutsch/
Finland: 80% of men over 30 are childless
What are Politcts like in your country?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Name a race less deserving of life
What's Zig Forums's consensus?
Does int like to cook?
American posting during European hours
Would you ever sit down at a bar and have a drink with a Finn?
Sverigetråden gogo gaga-upplagan
Vocaroo thread
The webm that saved Zig Forums
Why is every muslim country a shithole?
/med/ - Mediterranean thread
You claim the white man is weak yet the white man THIRSTS for nigger blood
/fr/ - Le fil français
Serious question: which of these countries should I immigrate to?
Ugh...what could have been
/ita/ - il filo
You're getting an Xbox SeX right? You're not a blackcel sissy are you?
/v4/ + friends
Are there literally any upsides to living here?
Yesterday's /desi/ meetup went great!
Are you religious?
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt
When janny bans you for the 15th time in 2 days
How is it like to be gay in your country?
BMAF is the purest form of love
Why do people in america give a fuck about where they came from
Is huawei a popular brand in your cunt???
Little girls keep staring at me
Am i the only practicing jew on this website
What is going on in the US?
/zeckenbiss/ ehemals /deutsch/
Your country
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2351
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Do you like to hunt?
/fr/ meet up
There's nothing redeemable about america, this nation is a nation of atheist niggers...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Ate 3000 calories in one meal again
Face it we are the nicest of all the globally dominant countries throughout history when we fall in about 10 years it...
We all know that this should be an Indio ethnostate, great Tawantinsuyu reborn. Why then isn't it a reality?
Did you know brown women love BLACK men?
/lat/ hilo latino
This is what hide behind a anime picture
What happened to Japan?
Imagine no religion
Why this board is filled with a bunch of mentally ill faggots
Honestly Canadian politics are so perfect
How are cats treated in your country?
Rank Ethiopian,Mizrahi, Ashkenazi, and Sephardic jews from best to worst
Why do Canadians and Australians pretend that their cities and suburbs are in any way better than American ones?
Hides behind an anime picture
Anytime a game is based around scandinavians
/Fr/ le francofil: édition des gros tétons
Zig Forums - International
Kill anime
I lost my virginity two hours ago and i can tell you that sex is incredibly overrated for some reason...
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Muslims have the nerve to call Jews evil imperialists despite most of Islamic land being taken over from other groups...
Americans would rather waste most of their income on rent on some shitty apartment they share with weirdo roommates...
My family unironically "owns" 60 mosques worldwide
Is Sweden really that bad? People on this site are always making fun of Sweden but what is the truth?
Do Asians really have small dicks?
Why are samurai so much more cool than knights?
Immigrants are ba-
Where are my Brazilian boys at?
What keeps you going?
19th july
I hate this woman becuse she said white men are dangerous. I no longer want to visit America
Do you love brazil?
Mexicans look Asian lol
Do you like Latin American rock music?
Indian forts are amazing. Why isn't India one of the most visited countries in the world?
/lat/ - Hilo latino
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I suffer in America
Why do white girls go tanning?
Tell me
Copycat Architecture in Japan
ITT: Signs of a third world country
Region of hope
None of the trapposters are actual homosexuals, they're just straight people LARPing as faggots...
Why are Germans so jealous?
How can anyone unironically hate this man?
Why are French so thin? Their foods are heavy and high in calories
Home, sweet home
Do you watch Joe Rogan in your country?
ITT: Zig Forums in 1972
Anonymous security forcing citizens into cars is mark of dictatorship
/fr/ - Le fil français
What happens here?
As a swedish guy i prefer white men over black ones :/
/asean/ the origin : og-dx of gt
French Anons had fun this evening. Your thoughts?
Wtf? Zoomers are actually based
I Love France
Look like a school shooter
Fio lusófono /luso/
Hilo /lat/ANO
Would you let your mother see what you post here?
*tink* *tink* *tink*
I love russia, do you love russia?
Your country
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
She's lurking on Zig Forums right now
What city should GTA6 be in?
I'm fearful for the Swede on here who is showing interest in Brazilian boys...
This is what Bolsonaro is trying to exterminate
DANE'D: the country
Sverigetråden Göthamns stad-upplagan
Wow... is this true?
Be hispanic
/viertel vor elf/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Tell me about your state/province/department or equivalent
Do you feel lonely in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why is Spanish much more popular to learn than Portuguese?
What are YOU doing to decolonise Berlin?
/fr/ - Le fil français
Why are Brazilian boys so cute. I'm blushing every time I talk to a Brazilian boy. does any user know this feel?
Do you think we will fight a war soon?
Why do normies love dogs so much?
Nobody in Finland wears face masks and coronavirus is almost nonexistent
Why are they so swarthy?
Germans drink themselves to death every weekend
At least you are not indian :(
Italian women are the perfect mommy gfs
These are the French Anons with whom you are discussing every day
I am better at judging the emotions of others just by looking at their eyes than you, user
Do you love Québec?
1. your cunt
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
How do I get a qt loving and loyal russian gf?
Miss me yet?
They're just confused Irish
Sverigetråden - Ylva och grabbarna
Akari is officially an extremist ba'athist
ITT: subtle signs of third world
/ita/ - il filo
Is this accurate?
What do people think of Black men in your country?
Is there really only 10% white people in a world of 7.8 billion people?
Which country has the most slutty women?
You wake up in Germany
/desi/-Chadnaldo edition
Putin is a manle-
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Impression on posters from this country?
A europe that suits everyone
His language doesn't specify the gender of the speaker
Best country for a korean to move to?
Kurva anyátok
Kirsi, a 46 year old woman wants a younger man, but doesn't like to be called a "cougar"
Who is your favourite twitch streamer ?
Are these dudes white?
I wilp never eat Haribo, it's made by germans
Imagine a world without blacks and brownoids
France is very cute
I'm cute
Why don't people from other countries like peanut butter?
I am bored let's play hangman
Suicide rate
My meal
Rules wisely and benevolently
Sverigetråden - En isbjörn i new york upplagan
Call me cute in your language
America is losing its cultural war with recent immigrants...
Damn... I want to be one of the tens of millions of Japanese losers in Japan
Post the embassy of the cunt poster above you from
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What group do you identify primarily as? Your country, race, religion, class or whatever
Apart from language, how else do these two differ?
Democracy General
Why isn't their cuisine famous around the world, like that of France, Italy, or even Greece?
Are you aware of our superiority?
Je me souviens
Not the hecking soldierino!! you can't just oppose the occupation violently NOOOOOOOOOO you need to give up your...
Does this happen in your country
Recognizable posters in 2020 thread
What the fuck is this place even known of?
Do GOONERS exist in your country?
When I hear American tourists talking near me I often fantasise about confronting them by reciting anti-Am*rica talking...
I'm currently in Moscow (posting from phone) and am completely dumbfondeled...
I like stalin and Georgia
Who want to be engineers?? engineers thread
Why does God hate the French and their cathedrals?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
"Look who came out of his room"
/österreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is this true?
Hilo /lat/ANO
The bog... home
/ita/ - il filo
Why does Zig Forums hate China so much?
Why the FUCK aren't you at the beach right now?
We are the granddaughters of the witches you weren’t able to burn
Sverigetråden - Skånsk-samiska upplagan fast utan samejävlarna
Sverigetråden - knegknegetupplagan
What is it with Russians and windows?
Peak Europe, change my mind
Just realized that if the japanese didn't attack Pearl Harbor americans wouldn't have intervened and we would have won...
Why is it that during the time the US has produced Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, and SpaceX among many others...
/fr/ - Le fil français
Over its purpoted 5000 year long existence...
DO yOU like Bangladesh ?
I hatw polish people
Just found of I have Italian ancestry
These are the richest people on every continent
You wake up in the netherlands
Why do so many black American girls fight like this? Why are they so vicious when they fight white girls?
Seriejuslie, de boelliejing ahgenst Dutsj memburs of Zig Forums is gettin wee out of hend...
/desi/-Director atlee edition
Be Finn
Tell me japanese historical person known outside japan
Oh no no no
Is anyone else sad that Turkey is rapidly becoming a radical islamist shithole?
Map thread
What happens here?
A toast! To Japan and Japanese culture!
/fr/ - le francofil
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
She eats ass
Sverigetråden - Episka äventyrsupplagan
Meanwhile in Mexico cartels have more power than mexican army
Why do non-Americans care so much about American happenings, to the point where they develop full opinions...
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
What kind of Asian girls do you find the best?
Today went to a French grocery store in my town and bought processed meats
Until these people are dead, america will forever stay a shithole
Why did they even leave, i dont understand
Romans looked like THAT?!
/esp/ - Hilo español y mucho español
Your cunt
Why did they kill 6 millions of my brothers and sisters?
Canada is a liberal utopi-
Bи́pyc - Virus
Czech Casting is finished
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The Russo-Jap war. When Russkies were first raped in the battlefield and later in the bedroom
Country full of twinks ripe for med BVLL cock
This is Rahaf now. The Saudi ex Muslim girl who escaped to Canada living her best life
The CHADDEST of all cats, the Norwegian Forest Cat
/isr/ thread /ישר/
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Your cunt
Why are they so warmongering, sadistic and power-hungry? Is it genes or culture?
Slavic subhumans believe slovenia and croatia are better than Greece
Women hit the wall at 16
/med/ - Mediterranean thread
Do Russians really walk around like this in the summer?
French is the most beautiful language
I just love this man so much. Greatest leader in history
/lang/ Language learning general
Dick touches the toilet seat again
/fr/ - le francofil
Imagine if the whole world was Anglo/Irish. What a peaceful successful world it'd be
How does the rest of Asia feel about Japan's totally not an aircraft carrier it is just an anti-submarine ship?
Thats right white boi
This is a Japanese Firefighter
Tfw Indian
50% of Italians want to leave the EU
Why are Japanese men so creepy?
Zig Forums officially supports trans rights
Kurva anyátok
Why all the hate on Indians?
Poor whitey
RIP Hong Kong
Why are Israeli women so busty? Is there some special diet that makes them so?
Turks need to be genocided atleast once and have a bit of their territory taken...
Whenever latinos shit on africans or blacks and think that they're honorary european
Bro what happens here
Are Slavs white?
Does ur cunt has a base in Antartica?
Hey loser lol!! We're going to the beach, take you shirt off and come with us!
/lat/ hilo latino lat hilo el hilo lat latino /lat/
Have you ever cheated or have been cheated on?
/ita/ - il filo
Call me cute in your language
Teenaged russian girls almost heightmogging the manlet with the child
When I get a (you) from a European MAN
What is holding them back exactly? They've been independent for hundreds of years...
Your country
Incel gook tried to pull a baldandbankrupt and got negged as fuck
Why girls love mixed black guys so much ?
What is this called in your country?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I grew up in a priest household and we were never supposed to eat meat as per religious laws. (Only meat though...
Why do you categorize us davido kun Ramirez Gonzales?we are japanese
Why are Americans so scared of masks?
Tfw no based and redpilled injun gf
How is it that all Europeans countries are older than the U.S, but there universities are shit compared to ours
Do people in your cunt make memes like this?
What would you represent at your English ability score of 100?
What's your favourite country that is not your own?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
I lost $100 in pachinco
Fuck australians. never have i met a group of people that are consistently assholes like aussies are
How do you call this emotion in your language?
Wtf armenians??? is this true??
What are you eating?
Why do tourists never visit Latin America outside of Mexico?
How come Mexico is the only relevant Latin American country?
Why asians all choose to have that effeminate and cucked faggy k pop style when they can look cool and chad like pic...
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Are there women like this in your country?
Stop saying we are not European!
1/6th of the worlds population
I just had sex with a Mexican American shemale
Do americans un_ironicly compare their states (provinces) to EU nations...
Best posters on this board
International board
Your country
What happens here? Is it true they're more like Mestizos and look like Hispanics?
Women are sexually atracted to guys that are good looking, have social status or money
What's your ideal girlfriend like? Pic related is mine :)
Why the word "mom" is almost the same in almost all languages
Is China really a threat to whiteoids?
How do you say
No, you're not Mexican
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico und Deutsche
Is the Netherlands based? I have heard some very good things and very bad things about Dutch people
Post failed areas of your country l
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
How many of you have actually been diagnosed with autism?
Hilo latino /lat/
It's 40°C right now, why are Euros complaining?
What is your countries largest export?
Why are Quebecois, Acadians and Afrikaners considered ethnic groups but not English-speaking white Canadians...
Hi im bored lets blog post
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Real talk, have you ever had a gay thought, even for an instance? Were all anonymous here so be honest
Are Germans ugly as sin like in this series? The cast is very ugly
Is this accurate?
The only acceptable part of the united states (Barring new jersey of course.)
Post international images with SOVL
I'm on day 6 of nofap and I just got this ad
Are Irish girls as mean and tough as people say? Pic related is a 10/10 for me
I fucking LOVE the real Europe and I'm not ashamed to admit it
It's 30°C here and I want to rip my skin off. How do thirdies handle this on a daily basis?
What's your favorite city in the world?
American citites are just parking lots!!!!!
/fr/ - le francofil
Why are Finns so autistic?
Civ 6 finally added Ethiopia!
/brit/ the man who destroyed the Scots Language edition
Fio lusófono /luso/
What does your ideal girlfriend look like?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I have fixed EVROPA
Your cunt
For me, it's California
Yo cuz, could you go to the store and buy us some booze?
I wish I could only take in migrants from this country
/ita/ il filo
How are LGBT people treated in your cunt?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Whats your favorite dessert int? For me it's creme brulee, god tier dessert
Sverigetråden - Fredagsupplagan
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
I gave a streamer 10 euro but she didn't say my name but she said the name of an American who gave her 5 dollar
Swedish girls
Why do so many Americans in here say they want to move to Europe?
What names of countries in your language differ from English?
Going to USA to discover true christianity
Rorschach Test Tiem
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2350
Spain is 4th biggest country in EUROPE and more than 60% of population lives in flats!
What's the best region of europe, and why is it central?
Post music from the 80s from your country
The nation of United India has just been created. Will your country establish friendly relations?
/lat/ hilo /brit/
Wtf i just found out that Sweden is less than 500 years old but schooling here larps that we Wuz a thousand year old...
What people of your homeland think of japan?
Americans are so bad at disease control that LITERAL STREET SHITTING THIRD WORLDERS are putting them to shame
Once you date a filipina, you'll never want something else. ;)
Sverigetråden - Våldsupplagan
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Why the FUCK are white women so fucking beautiful?
Germany was Europe's most aggressive count-
Why Asians are like this? They treat black and white people like animals in a zoo...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine