What is going on in the US?
What is going on in the US?
Hope this shit nation burns, but it won't
Still desperately trying to convince Republicans that Trump has not lost the mandate of heaven.
Seethe more
y tho
Numerous state goverments (most notably florida) were already caught blatantly lying about the infection rate. And the CDC admitted that cases and deaths could be 10x higher then what they actually are currently listed as.
Truly the America Virus, America lied. People died
I believe data gathering and reporting is supposed to shift from the CDC to HHS
This site is riddled with extremely bitter, extremely self hating leftists, and people masquerading as one with a VPN. Don’t bother asking because you won’t get a genuine response.
This nation is shit, some people here think that comedians have good ideas.
HHS hasn't announced any plans to make the data public
Fucking kill me (and my children)
>1% of the USA is officially infected
literally going to reach heard immunity by the end of summer, congratz!
Cant posts links i had cuz spam filter.
Just search "CDC Ten times higher" and "Florida coronavirus hiding cases"
I think you are lying to a degree. I found this. Yes, it may be true that our cases are 10x as much as we anticipated, but I see nothing in this article to imply our deaths are 10x as high.
It's the Aussie that LARPs as an american boomer, ignore him and never ever reply to my post. He will reply to me denying it but do not engage.
>And the CDC admitted that cases and deaths could be 10x higher then what they actually are currently listed as
If anything it's 10x lower than the fear mongering stats they post
>lose your job because we said so, mkay? look at all the people dying!
I doubt this. Why would they do that?
>their dying
You haven't been paying attention for the past 19 years, have you?
bro it's a sacrifice they're willing to make!
this but unironically
source for 10x lower count.
>This site is riddled with extremely bitter, extremely self hating leftists
Then why you still here, extremely calm, extremelly confident, proud right-winger?
da jooz
loves da chan man innit
Do you not save your money?
It's only just that frivolous spending be punished.
Just anecdotal evidence like my wife who works in a hospital in a state capital and has basically treated no patients since this began.
Our landlord is one of those people always reading the news and trying to small talk about corona and every time my wife is like "we haven't really dealt with it at all"
Can't have an increase in reported covid-19 deaths if they aren't reported.
this, losing your job is only a problem for nogs
pretty cool. my friend lost 4 cousins to it, and his mother was on oxygen for a week
sounds like the county where your wife works at has people following social distancing? The county I live in also has had lower covid infection rates since they mandated stay at home order and social distancing. It's not really representative of other places in the US failing to follow basic instructions to avoid getting infect though does it?
>most notably florida
As expected of country grown vegetables.
Why is it always Florida? What is wrong with that part of the USA that makes them so much more, well, murrikan?
sorry to hear about that brother :/
What the hell is wrong with America? Isn't it supposed to be the world leader in science?
>Isn't it supposed to be the world leader in science?
Sucks to suck, nerd
Most of the US is not Florida retardation. Nor is most of the US hyper-dense like the NYC metro area.