Big if true.
Big if true
He's been eating two cans of beans every day and only started cooking them this morning.
I still don't believe this guy isn't a troll
His whole campaign is hot takes on twitter
Why? He's right about everything
Imagine the farts he must be having. Also cringe for not cooking the beans as part of a meal.
What are his platform positions on covid, the economy and China? Important shit
Globalist plot
>the economy
Deep state plot.
Walmart plot.
>you know walmart is china
It is though
Imagine the smelle
Make this man president nao
Did I miss something with this bean shit? Is it all because of that Trump pic?
This is how I imagine the average American to be.
I’d vote for him.
He will be in 2024
>He's probably not eating them with rice
He appears to be just dumping a spice mix on top of them and spooning them directly into his mouth, cold, straight out of the can.
based schizomutts
>Igor Volsky
>a literal fucking kike
Schizo or shitposter?
This is just entertaining.
He is running for congress in Florida and will be the President of the United States by 2028.
Goya CEO praised Trump and gave him some money.
Some people wanted to boycott Goya.
The Trump family shills their position in the Whitehouse and advertises for Goya (something illegal btw)
Conservatives start stuffing Goya beans down their gullets en masse to own the libs
and this is bad how?
>a spic mix
Have you never had Tony's? You not a fan seasoning, yt boy?
how do you call someone who's too "redpilled"?
I remember some black guy here on Zig Forums complaining about BBC fetishism
>Tony Chachere's
The Blackest candidate