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International #1271
Is Brussels a nice city?
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Kurva anyátok
One race the human r-
The frugal five: Finland, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Denmark
Fuck you Zig Forums
/deutsch/ Guten Morgen was hier los?
Post your personal 10/10 and rate others
Military history
Whoa, I can't refute this
1. Your country
To be fair theyre pretty big
Takahiro has left
Why do must soldiers in Latin American armies tend to be based Amerindians?
Why are men such faggots?
What is the ideal sex position?
The top-3 richest Americans owns as much wealth as 50% of the US, or 160 million Americans
So what type of girls do you usually attract in ur cunt?
Do you really actually dislike america or is it just a meme??????
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
Your cunt
International BVLLS, the manliest board of 4channel
White girls are superior, i say this as a swedish dude
This triggers the Koreans
Do you desire international love?
/lat/ hilo latino
Dutch... the language of the gods
Do you prefer girls with or without tattoos?
Sverigetråden - Tryggt Bröst-upplagan
Americans can legally form militias armed with rifles, light machine guns, kevlar vests and parade on public spaces
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why do you about this phenomenon Zig Forums?
What makes this region in particular so barbaric and violent? South America is pretty chill nowadays...
I wish i could be a monky
I really wanna get this book
Why do Turkish actors look white?
If your country is smaller than Uruguay then it doesn't deserve to exist
I'm Japanese, but I'm fat
Are they the most masculine latinos? I never see trannies from here, they are all from colombia or brazil
Where does Zig Forums predict genocide will happen next? Here's my predictions on a map, what do you think?
This is what hide behind a anime picture
I want to go to some country where all girls all blonde and marry one...
You're a country
Why do non whites hate their noses?
Why do Indian guys get butthurt when they see with an Indian girl?
What are your thoughts on the greatest country in the world, ARGENTINA?
Asian girls are superior to wh*te roasties
I want a Japanese gf so bad bros, but all the Asians here are Chinese or Filipino or Korean
/cum/ aka /arig/
/ita/ il filo
I suffer in India
Are you supporting the Chechen anti-nafri death squads? I am
Would you rather live in a British, French or Swedish ghetto?
Do they really
Tfw no Iberian gf
Portugal is the best fucking country on the planet
What were the 1990s like in your country?
I live alone in Wyoming, the least populated state
ITT: Zig Forums in 1868
Be so obsessed with the EU and harbor such an inferiority complex towards Germany that you decide to become an American...
Norwegians look like this?
That's it. I'm fucking done. Quitting my job and moving to Europe. Which country should I pick?
Why is africa so diverse
Why does jap look like seamonkey shitskin?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Quick AMA
Why is everyone in this country so fat?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2352
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Wear your mask libtards!
Has there ever been a country leader THIS CUTE before?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Make fun of Africans, Asians, and Latinos for eating bugs and mud
Entire world has been in lockdown for 4 months
Are there actually shut-ins/NEET's/Hikikomoris here on Zig Forums? If you are, why did you decide to do it...
I'm from /g/ and Zig Forums and have been checking this board for the past few days and i got a question : why is there...
There is something really unsettling about nordic women but I can't really grasp what it is
Why are boys of this board so cute?
How do we evolve them into humans
Imagine looking like this
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
No earthquakes
Americans dont drink mineral water
/dixie/ - southern us and friends
Wow... deep
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - Le Francofil
1. youre cunt
/ita/ il filo
What race would he be in your country?
What's the best city in france?
Do dutch people really?
Blaming violent video games for shootings
Does this happen in your cou try
Sweden is almost 2000 years old. The svear tribe is mentioned in AD 98
Poland has been catholic for 1054 years
I want to challenge an Zig Forumsoid to a 1v1 fight. We can stream it on Youtube and Twitch and take bets on it...
Zig Forums posters in their 40's
How do I get hijabi gf?
Why aren't you studying spanish right now user?
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Why were the french so evil
Get extraflags
Is gay okay in your cunt?
Makes your city irrelevant
/ourguy/ on the inside
/fr/ - le francofil
No gf
Why do low caste Indians have better jawlines than high caste ones
Jordanian princess marries a christian white boy
All these n*zi freaks on Zig Forums
Which is the lower race Indians or Latinos?
America is older than Germany, Austria, Hungary, Russia, China, France, Japan, and most of the world
Children can't consent you creep! SCIENCE says so!
Any Arabanons here
Dear Dutch
What do these niggas do if they want chinese or indian food?
In America you can live off minimum wage
Are Nord/med couples common in your country
Iam white and evropean, fuck shitskins and fuck snowniggers praise jesus the savior of the white race!
What do you think of Greece and its people?
Can your country beat Turkey in a war?
1. your country
Religion is a disease, I'd say science is the cure
What was your first cell phone?
Luso fio
I like the United sta-
Is this considered political or anything offensive?
International board !
Children can consent to permanently altering their mind and body with HRT and joining the 40% club
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
A good Canditate for Finns in Civ 6 :)
What is Zig Forums's opinion on the Sami peoples?
Somebody call netherlands he is crying
Muslims in France ran over a dog today, when its 23 year old owner wanted to call the police they ran her over too...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
The letter Z
Damn mongols look like THAT???
Is Britain okay?
Really makes you think
Fo you have trouble talking to girls?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - le francofil
I stand with my Dutch brothers
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Sverigetråden neoskytiskaupplagan
Show me your cute belly user uwu
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Europeans are the crowned champions of seethe
I am allied with the anglos and israel
I suffer in the Middle East
No one is proud of having brown eyes
Are europeans overcompensating with the mercator projection?
Messages you first
How come this dude is trying to spend so much money on the military and why are the Japs not letting him do it?
Faces of Zig Forums
How many tabs do you keep open int? I have 80
The Chads, Normies and the Incels of Balkan
/lang/ - language learning general
For all those people on Zig Forums who call me a low IQ poo subhuman all the time
I'm not german, I'm Swabian
How would your family feel if you brought home a Japanese girl?
Does your country have anarchists that are so far left they don't think Amazon is far enough left?
BBC News - Coronavirus: Oxford vaccine can train immune system
What's wrong with Indians?
Why are east asians and arabs obsessed with Naples?
No grammatical gender
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What went right?
I am at the beach
The roman empire of the north
1. ur cunt
/fr/ - Le fil français
Just did a 5km run
Zuko and the fire nation is often classified (wrongly) to be Imperial Japan...
What's stopping you from moving to Norway, Switzerland, Denmark or The Netherlands? Good countries like that...
How do you say "me too" in your language?
/sverigetråden/ - skogskattsutgåvan
On behalf of Zig Forums: we welcome African immigration
I live in orange zone with my mom, I'm NEET and I can't even find a summer job anymore...
I don't get it
The two most bullied flags on Zig Forums right now
Are you happy with the Wizarding School you would be sent to?
I suffer in Tunisia
Why do you like asian girls?
1 your country
How do you feel about having an sjw leaf gf?
While you go to the mediterranean... I go to England instead
Why t*rks are the most vile race in the world?
Why do they think that slovenia and croatia are better than Greece?
I won't forgive americans for what they have done to europe by bombing the middle-east
The media tells me Finland is a one-of-a-kind modern utopia and Finns on Zig Forums tell me of how miserable they are...
See a daily asian micro dick thread
Why is Japan allowed to have a shrine honoring war criminals?
/desi/-i have no idea what to put here edition
Indians are Chads
Hey hey why are you sleeping on that boy's shoulders? Are you fucking homosexua
/ita/ il filo
Do you like WMAF?
Call me a faggot in your language
Armenia vs Azerbaijan
What would you need to change in this picture to make it look like your country?
How the fuck is possible to suffer in Spain?
In the Netherlands we call these "French valves"
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Describe 2010-2020 with one pic
How promiscuous do girls dress in your cunt?
I vote against the EU. Don’t want these slavs and meds leeching on my income
Lmao remember that time we literally nuked japan?
/fr/ - Le fil français
/v4/ + friends
This app makes me want to kms
You goddamn spic fucks. why are you like this? defend this shit if you can. what the fuck is wrong with you people
Saves western civilization
/Sverigetråden/ Läskigaupplagan
/ישר/ - /ઈઝરા/ - /isr/ - /ισρ/ - מהדורת גיבור ישראל
Scottish/Irish ancestors
1. your country
You came to the wrong neighbourhood, Christcuck
Would you date a white young Muslim girl ? She has blue eyes, white skin and and brown hair
This guy will never experience any hardships just because of his looks...
India is Indonesia's big brother :)
I determined to stop gambling
When did you grow out of your lefty phase int?
Ooh fuuug Hitler dood
Fill in the blank
Who is better ?
The feels bar is open Zig Forums
It is September 1939 and you are supreme commander of Polish forces
我愛越南而朝鮮之版。/Han-Culture Sphere/ I love Vietnam and Korea edition
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2351
For me, it's the Kaikavian dialect of Croatian
/lat/ hilo latino
Why is India like this?
Are these big enough?
(((They))) took this from us
These are the people telling you to kill your landlord
How do arabs read this?
Why do i have a masked girl fetish ?
Ask an israeli jew anything
Europe couldn't beat mongol
Zig Forums couples thread
What's your opinion of Sanna Marin, PM of Finland?
China has 56 native ethnic groups
Whats this phenotype ?
These are the people calling you a shitskin degenerate subhuman
Do you live in a city?
Why do italians put leafs on their pizza? And why is there barely cheese on the pizza
Groß Bengal
Mexicans are ok. Their country is in a bad shape, and their narco problem is big but Mexicans are ok...
/mena/ and night owls
Thoughts on the western world?
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
Hilo latino /lat/
Why do Mexicans always call the fat kid "gordo"?
So appearently Dora was a mexican beaner who taught spanish to amerilard children...
Muslims are the most despicable, pathetic species on our planet
Mexanons, is traditional Mexican culture like banda being erased by Puerto Rican influence?
Be me
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
How the fuck do you find a girlfriend...
I drank another diet pepsi
Just fixed America
Worst. President. EVER
Mexico is not going to be the mestizo society it once was in the last century...
1. Your country
How do countries in red cope?
You may not like it, but this is what peak Christianity looks like
China starts a humane program to combat Islamic terrorism in Xinjiang (unlike America who just bombs an unrelated...
Is Zig Forums jargon IRL common in your cunt...
Why is Europe considered a continent, but not India?
$1,000,000 for every baby
I want to fight the United States of America
Todos y casi el 95 % de los que votamos por AMLO somos profesionista y de alto rango , hablo por mi...
We have female-only parking spaces in Germany
Are white americans med, centraleuro or nordic?
Masculine gays are OK, feminine ones are not
/fr/ le francofil
It's 2020
How does it feel knowing you will never live in America? Jealous? Sad?
What is your country opinion about anime?
I wish I was a Japanese
So user are you enjoying your holiday in Germany?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I could beat the shit out of anyone on this board
What kind of bong are you?
Music Thread
What race were the Kushans?
Any person that is a virgin in his twenties should be entitled to a government sponsored gf...
Why do South Americans do this? Canadians and Americans seem to escape this autism
Mutts of Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - Mörka upplagan
1.your cunt
LATAM posters
Losing argument
This is a 9/10 in the United States
Im learning japanese
Who is your country's greatest friend?
I sure do love international board
Why are Brazilian anons so cute and handsome? I love Brazil so much :)
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I lost my pepe pictures so post pepes please, preferably funny ones
Why is the franco-german friendship so soulful?
How old are you?
I'm using Tinder Passport in Japan and a lot of girls mention ヤリモク. What is it?
/lat/ hilo latino
Literally everything about this country is perfect
/fr/ le francofil: édition les français sont endormis
Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh
Imagine evicting people during a pandemic then stealing their stuff
/Norgetråden/ + /deutsch/
This is a common sight in the United States of America
What did she mean by this?
How do you feel about Slavic doomer music? Are doomers common in your country?
What's the camo used in your cunt?
/brit /
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Stridsvagnsupplagan
Tfw anti-maskers in the USA are wearing fake masks that still infect others
Yes, my vision is becoming clearer, the fog of time is parting, the future will look like
Latino or blacks who is stronger?
Firsties think they can get depression
What is your dream life?
Does your country have bears?
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht
Uh hello based department? I'd like to redirect you to India
He has brown eyes and blond hair
/brit /
Holy shit, are brits going to be alright?
From today's march in Helsinki
Do men often get pregnant in your country?
I am Indian and want a blonde blue eyed gf...
/fr/ - le francofil
Is it only in Napoles that italians look like latinos??
/ita/ il filo
I'm in the process of gaining German citizenship (through family)...
What the gay posters on Zig Forums think they look like
This is the power of Germans
The most white country of latam
I've applied to at least 80 jobs in the last two months and I haven't gotten a single interview for a job that I like...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
You will never be a Chad from the Congo
Sverigetråden GLÅRIOUS-upplagan
Wtf i just found out africa isn't a country but a group of countries kind of like europe...
The most famous man to ever exist was American
Why american universities have sport teams?
What’s the point of this country?
/FR/ le francofil: édition douce et comfortable
Turk girls are for____
Stop watching porn Muhammed
Is it true white women love chicanos/mexicans now?
Which European cunt has the best military and why is it us
I think this stuff looks cool
Is it true that Europeans don't know how to do any sort of home remedies for common ailments...
Donut steel
Why do they have no culture?
Why is everyone so mean to Brazil?
When will people learn that not all migrants are equal?
Armenia - Azerbaijan 2020
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I just bought a dress for my gf spending all of my month salary on it (740$). Does this happen in your cunt?
Big if true
What do you call a capitalist country where the government outright owns or owns majority shares in every industry that...
Putins daughter lol
Are you team blue or orange?
Dutch niggas be like
Is your country infested by footfags?
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
/brit /
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ il filo
Children can't consent!! The ability to consent magically turns on at age <insert arbitrary aoc here>
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Do americans really charge their children rent?
This is what my college looks like
Anti-Dutch Racism on the rise
All arab countris are shitholes but the real question is what is the biggest shithole
Sverigetråden - Heemglassupplagan
Literally me
Cuisine ranking
From todays march on Stockholm
How often does this happen in your country?
You have 10 seconds to convince me why the United States shouldn't nuke your country
Ctrl+f... no LEWD thread in sight
What would you order from this menu?
Why aren't cunts on Zig Forums frenly with each other like they used to be in 2013...
Why does this flag makes so many freaks SEETHE?
Why are slavs like this?
D-did we get too cocky bros?
Why are meds so fucking lazy and irresponsible? GET A JOB
Why are Europeans so racist?
Post cool architecture or sculptures from around the world
Kurva anyátok
/lat/ hilo latino
It would really help if americans actually explained their concept of freedom instead of just looking like...
What percentage of Ashkenazi Jews look like this?
Based Varg spreading the truth
What's your honest opinion on the People's Republic of China?
Imagine waking up next to him and cuddling
Hello, I'm trying to learn English
/ita/ - il filo
Why do people want to immigrate to become doctors and engineers here? I keep seeing more and more Indians...
Sverigetråden - Primitiva upplagan
/brit /
How many countries have you been too?
/desi/- I love Dark Souls edition
Buy a cheap fleshlight that replicates the pussy of a known pornstar
Why are they so smug?
What's your excuse?
Why do white people have fat stumpy legs?
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine