How come this dude is trying to spend so much money on the military and why are the Japs not letting him do it?
How come this dude is trying to spend so much money on the military and why are the Japs not letting him do it?
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Shut up and let them do it, I need a new war to die in
because, Korea China aiming Japanese land and they always threatening us.
Do you fear Samurai, Wang?
>so much
japan's defense spending is less than 1% gdp, literally among the world's lowest and way lower than anyone in the region
>literally among the world's lowest and way lower than anyone in the region
I thought they were like top 15 in the world and the only East Asian countries that spend more as a percentage of GDP are China and S. Korea though.
Because we have a cucked constitution written by American that is blocking him at every turn
>How come this dude is trying to spend so much money on the military
China right next door, slowly moving warships closer and closer to Japanese home islands
>why are the Japs not letting him do it?
There are indeed strange, delusional people on this planet who believe that, for some reason, you can hug your way out of an invasion
Americans wrote in their constitution after they nuked them that they are not allowed to have an army, so them building up a military is practically unconstitutional. He is trying to use a loophole by saying its a "defence force" and that it doesn't count because it wont be used as an offense
1% of the world’s 3rd largest GDP means Japan still gets a big military budget. I think it’s 7th or 8th in the world.
The constitution can be rewritten with a 2/3 majority. Just convince 2/3 of the country to stop being cucks
Japan has always had an army you dumbass
*defense force
the cuck shit is inherently japanese. We added in all the based stuff like freedom of speech and religion
Where's US?
Japan doesn’t even need a military. Just build nukes. The ww2 LARPers at the top of the JSDF will kamikaze nuke both Japan and China into oblivion the second they land troops and the Chinese know this. Therefore Japan is permanently safe from invasion
We also have a defense force but we only ever trained attacking lul
>why is someone in between superpowers trying to remilitarise after 75 years of chastity by McDonalds: the nation
>Just convince 2/3 of the country to stop being cucks
lol good luck
>just get a deterrent
>china is harassing fishermen and is encroaching on uotsuri jima
>time to seppuku the entire nation
Just continue to build your navy up. For whatever reason, the Chinese want a naval arms race right now. Japan alone could stop them, but having Japan, Korea, Australia, Philippines, and the US together ensures they know they should cut their dick-waving off.
and that cant be described as "so much" by our standards.
japan spends way less than it should.
here's the one with US and philippines.
Probably corruption.
What of the contingency Japan becomes buddy-buddy with historical progenitor China?
I wouldn't say Japan is fiercely pro-American or pro-Chinese but the chance definitely exists as it does with Australia that the East and South East Asian belt of allies you've constructed to perpetually hold a stranglehold on China might weaken if not turn on you and if that happens, you're pretty much out of the game.
I heard wargamers have theorised that an air war over Taiwan would result in PRC victory.
if we need something for protecting Japan,
then we need a something Ultimate Defense System(UDS)
that like 宇宙荷電粒子砲(High Altitude Charged Particle Cannon(HACPC))
The primary focus of military spending is the navy. The Japanese maritime self defense force could beat anyone except the US, UK, and Russia and could probably compete with China for right now even without the US
You're cucked out of having carriers, though.
>90% of Japs don't want to spend any more money on the military
>all the Japs (if they're not American expats) are all in favor of increasing military budget
So how much do you think Japan's GDP should be allocated to the military? Global average of 3%? That would be tripling your yearly budget.
Don't think your military is capable of attacking. Most aren't. Hence the term defence force. It doesn't mean you don't attack in defence, it means you can't project power very much or invade anyone.
I can’t see any way Japan would ally with China in the next 30 years at least. The Chinese government doesn’t even pretend to regard Japan as a potential ally like with some other countries. There’s nothing that the Japanese people could gain from picking China over the US aside from not having the threat of Chinese invasion, which isn’t a very good basis for an alliance
Who's going to hold Japan accountable if they violate their own constitution?
It's a piece of paper.
All the English teachers crawling out of the wood work now to lecture us on a country they think they know.
If China becomes or remains a (more) valuable trading partner to Japan they might be inclined to forfeit their partisan role to say the least. In the sense that they would constrict American operations in Japan's sphere of influence in the name of 'Japanese sovereignty'.
The international community is.
If they sense that blood is in the water they'll come like sharks imposing sanctions or worse.
Yeah so this doesn’t really invalidate what I said.
US makes up ~45% of Japan's imports+exports while China makes up ~55% of Japan's imports+exports. China's already a bigger trading partner for them.
But their biggest ally will still be the US. I don't see it changing any time soon, even as China becomes an even bigger trade partner for them.
True. I think the plan is to launch aircraft from land bases, assuming Japan would be fighting a defensive war because the Japanese Air Force is also a heavy focus of military spending. In practice though it would probably just be the US providing most of the air support.
Just come to an agreement with the Americans that you can have an Army as long as it is a governed by a joint partnership between Japan and the US. This is the groundwork for the Gundams to be built by 2200 Cosmic Era.
what does china want from japan though? they surely cant want to just incorporate japan into china, can they?
Extremely high IQ post
The Japanese people are. It’s a divisive issue in Japan and if the government violated the constitution there would be massive political upheaval. If enough people wanted to they could legally amend the constitution right now, but they don’t
If you look at Australia it has been writing conflicting reports and official statements regarding its relationship with China and the US. They have alternated from siding with their 'biggest strategic partner' to 'their biggest economical partner' in a matter of years. I could go down in detail but it seems that Japan following the same route of foreign policy ambivalence isn't unthinkable.
That's supposing the 7th fleet can match the PRC airforce. If that isn't the case it's another few months for mobilisation to get under way enough to curb any Chinese threat.
You're hanging on a tight balance assuming the Chinese airpower won't match or exceed US' presence in Asia. If they gain air superiority, it's over.
>What of the contingency Japan becomes buddy-buddy with historical progenitor China?
I wouldnt say its impossible, but perhaps just really unlikely. China has used Pro-Chinese officials and leaders to infiltrate Hong Kong and attempted in Taiwan to sway public opinion and run propaganda campaigns. I dont think Japan is quite on the same level as Taiwan nor is it on the other end of the spectrum like Hong Kong, but theres definitely some deep rooted history that will block the door. But of course the opinion of those running the country differs greatly. As it stands, China is unable to even secure their own needs for energy, minerals, oil and ore, let alone secure it for an island nation of 126 million more.
And with Chinas encroachment tactics proving to backfire on anyone not a third world landlocked country with a GDP of $6, it's probably fairly unlikely Japan will 180 and accept any sort of military protection knowing China would not honor the agreement and pursue military action regardless. Even in the event of a complete US-alliance collapse, I think the scenario where Japan goes on a last ditch war for resources is more probable than a Japan-Sino alliance or any sort. Lets keep in mind this is the same country, who the US didnt want the emperor dead in the conditional terms of surrender, because the potential guerrilla war a dead emperor would spark up would have been too costly to even justify invading the home islands.
America doesn’t get to decide whether or not Japan gets an army. It’s just a Japanese law and MacArthur made it that way on purpose so Japan could change it in the future if they really wanted to.
That being said I fully support the Union against the HRL scum