>get extraflags
>some fag asks you in a completely unrelated thread "how's life in X"
Get extraflags
Other urls found in this thread:
>>get extraflags
How's life in Avignon?
it's always fun to recognize more posters
>>get extraflags
basically tripfagging
tripfagging that you can disable and that is Zig Forums related
>he says as he roleplays as a country
Honestly Zig Forums should show the city you're in by default so you can get bullied for living in a shithole or bumfuck nowhere.
>get extraflags
stopped reading from there
t. lives in random shithole
>Why yes I do live in a shithole, how could you tell?
>he doesn't know
how's life in ouessant?
hows life in buenos aires?
>get my CIA botnet
Do people actually do this? Are there truly such retards on THIS VERY BOARD?
I hope you're Flemish and not French colonizer
it's alright
you're already on a list, so who cares
Brittany is my favorite region of france.
that's the local thread psychosis schizo just posing as other countries for attention
don't mind him
>he thinks he's not on the FBI list for posting here
no wonder Trump is your president with voters like you
are you black?
How's life in Spoorwijk?
how do you use that
no, I'm German, can't you see where i'm from?
I don't even like being associated with c*mden I hope its nuked.
it rains, you're isolated on a island in the middle of the ocean and there's nothing to do
We're all EVROPEANS my EVROPEAN friend, doesn't matter what language we speak.
>he thinks that only his country is know to alphabet agencies and chinks
Bruh they probably know what house you live in and where you're currently located inside of it, i assume it's the basement.
just search for extra flags for Zig Forums, its on github
pretty good could be better
How's life in Brussels?
so kida like britain but smaller?
very based opinion
>so you can get bullied for living in a shithole or bumfuck nowhere
Shut the fuck up, urbanite cuck.
this man lives in the middle of nowhere, laugh at him
yeah except there's like 800 inhabitants and only two boat rides each day
used to be worse, until the 70s there weren't any grocery shops on the island
Just downloaded it yesterday and got triple dubs while i was testing in /lat/
Love to see more flags
Feels good :)
>get extraflags
>have an argument with an autist
>he now insults me every time he sees one of my posts
i had to deactivate extraflags due to this retard
What shithole was he from?
bet that was me lmao
Holy fuck they named a city after Robert Trujillo that's sick
how does that work? I'm concerned about my anonymity, do the people using it see the state and/or city I'm posting from??
Was a French poster from Br*ttany, independantist retard, I mocked his region and posted some jacobin memes and he got butthurt
I don't have extraflags. Can you guys still see my city or state?
no, we cant
do you have a farm?
yeah dude, I can see your zip code too
YUP, was me LMAO
still not french btw, leue
Yes, if you're worried about anonymity on Zig Forums you should stop using internet right now
No, the extra flags are something you put in yourself, so you can put any bullshit flag like Hawaii or Arizona even if you're from say, New York.
Yeah i'm not about to do this all over again
But just a reminder that yes we genocided breton """"culture"""" and no br*tagne will never be independant, no matter how much you screech on here
Must be depressing living in rust belt state after China fucked your economy up
there's no agriculture on the island, the soil is shitty
there are lots of sheeps though, an entire breed en.wikipedia.org
always see euros with like 8 flags
do you guys have flags for your street or what
dumb post
french culture is desappearing and France will no surive this century, nothing to brag about
Our governments are a lot more liberal on map databases because we're not afraid of FBI/CIA breaking into our doors every day
It's not as bad as Ohio or especially Michigan. Plus, no one in my family line had any industrial jobs so it doesn't affect us at all.