peaceful and respectful thread
relax, user, calm your temper
There's someone in New Jersey...
How come my hands don’t tan as much as my arms? My arms are red after a hike but my hands look fine
i have less than 3 hours to buy alcohol before the store closes.
that or i sit in my feelings tonight and cry about my ex-fiancee.
singles, alchemy
dubs, no alchemy
relaxin rn
readin y'all like this
nth for funposting and mustard gas
If you had alcohol, you'd just be crying while drunk. Is it really gonna be that much better?
There's a lot of people in New Jersey dummy
>I like boys but I'm not gay
that's gay
alchemy it is, boys
alcohol is cringe
Very comfy, user- sashy, is that it?
Be comfy, fren
You can't buy liquor on Sunday in the theocratic state of Texas.
/britfeel/ radio is now LIVE!
We've got a full house of 4 guests now, we got whites, trans and gay Jewish German people!
You're gay lol
Yes but there's one in particular. A very stoopendous person whom I like very much
Being gay is pretty gay,
but not as gay as marriage.
-Oscar Wilde
hook up with him silly
here up until a year or so ago you couldn't purchase alcohol at all on a sunday, unless it was at a restaurant or bar
liquor store should be 24/7
int is probably the best board solely for it's userbase
Alot of the boards are unusable. Nobody reads more than a sentence or two. Scan for keyword -> emotional response -> type out emotional response describes about three quarters of the boards
Daria is cringe.
Alright but pleease take care. Don't make a habit of drowning your sadness in booze. It's much better to be happy drunk rather than sad drunk.
you sound like my mom
yea, sashy
thanks user, you too be comfy
should i call you user?
Jesus. Where? Utah?
You're gonna get him going again talking like that
WTF is this real?!?
no u
that only makes it more right
I agree.
Or at least open on Sunday.
I don't have a name, but some people call me Setteposter. You can call me just "user" if you prefer, sashy
Was a good laff. I'm done now thanks
for me it's the Dornier Do 17
That honestly surprises me.
I thought the Midwest was more pro-alcohol than that.
the chad tank driver v. the virgin air bus driver
dubs and I hero
For me it's the Foo Fighter.
damn haha that's crazy
You'll always be my hero.
alrite setteposter
i'll remember you with that name