
peaceful and respectful thread
relax, user, calm your temper

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There's someone in New Jersey...

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How come my hands don’t tan as much as my arms? My arms are red after a hike but my hands look fine

i have less than 3 hours to buy alcohol before the store closes.
that or i sit in my feelings tonight and cry about my ex-fiancee.
singles, alchemy
dubs, no alchemy

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relaxin rn
readin y'all like this

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nth for funposting and mustard gas

If you had alcohol, you'd just be crying while drunk. Is it really gonna be that much better?

There's a lot of people in New Jersey dummy

>I like boys but I'm not gay
that's gay

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alchemy it is, boys

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alcohol is cringe

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Very comfy, user- sashy, is that it?
Be comfy, fren

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You can't buy liquor on Sunday in the theocratic state of Texas.

/britfeel/ radio is now LIVE!

We've got a full house of 4 guests now, we got whites, trans and gay Jewish German people!




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You're gay lol

Yes but there's one in particular. A very stoopendous person whom I like very much

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Being gay is pretty gay,
but not as gay as marriage.
-Oscar Wilde

hook up with him silly

here up until a year or so ago you couldn't purchase alcohol at all on a sunday, unless it was at a restaurant or bar

liquor store should be 24/7

int is probably the best board solely for it's userbase
Alot of the boards are unusable. Nobody reads more than a sentence or two. Scan for keyword -> emotional response -> type out emotional response describes about three quarters of the boards

Daria is cringe.

Alright but pleease take care. Don't make a habit of drowning your sadness in booze. It's much better to be happy drunk rather than sad drunk.

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you sound like my mom

yea, sashy
thanks user, you too be comfy
should i call you user?

Jesus. Where? Utah?

You're gonna get him going again talking like that

WTF is this real?!?


no u
that only makes it more right

I agree.
Or at least open on Sunday.


I don't have a name, but some people call me Setteposter. You can call me just "user" if you prefer, sashy

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Was a good laff. I'm done now thanks

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for me it's the Dornier Do 17

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That honestly surprises me.
I thought the Midwest was more pro-alcohol than that.

the chad tank driver v. the virgin air bus driver

dubs and I hero

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For me it's the Foo Fighter.

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damn haha that's crazy

You'll always be my hero.

alrite setteposter
i'll remember you with that name