
Makes you think doesn't it

Attached: aladdin.jpg (599x475, 34.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/#q=pthc fickvideos mit kindern

tiktok should be banned

what happened to the free market?

Attached: 1564465973906.webm (504x896, 2.92M)

kinda does

That’s your check engine light.

who gives a shite about the free market

fuck off zhang

Does clogwog post anything other than shitty porn webms we've all seen before?

how did you get this video of my daughter

why don't we have workhouses anymore?

it never existed
yanks only larp about it

where are the chebs?

does not apply to CCP spyware

arr res prease buy huawei phone very very cheap onry cost arr your personal information

why would I buy a phone from Hawaii?

left: /brit/ slag poster
right: tiktok posters, anime posters, nonces and ponces

Attached: 1593381173423.jpg (1704x2272, 1.03M)

alri ebenezer


Attached: 1577052797150.webm (404x720, 2.73M)

going to start working with my dad in a month

been a NEET for 4 years

recorded it just before shagging her.

Your countries riddled with Chinese people

its his fallback routine when his regular bait we've all seen before doesn't yield results
sad, sad life desu

free propaganda market?

the (((free))) market

Attached: 1567581407012.webm (404x720, 1.81M)

What street corner does your dad work on?

you fucking cunt she's 17!!! i'll smash your head in

and even we've restricted huawei
get a grip you pasty freaks

>you fucking cunt she's 17!
oh darn, I thought she was 16

not posted in /brit/ since the janny started deleting threads if they were before page 8 and everyone spammed that pic of david mitchell
did i miss anything good

no. I want to work in it.
and you're anti-Scottish racism shouldn't be tolerated.

we banned it last week mate old news

think I might stop posting here, eventually


Lads post more slag qts like this

Attached: 1595265783301.jpg (750x1333, 147.55K)

remember when you were posting this chick and being an absolute pedo freak in some other thread

Weird name for a lass that.

is it true that chavs fuck everryone?

it says here they do
google.com/#q=pthc fickvideos mit kindern

Attached: 1592054435090.jpg (500x364, 26.6K)

You literally live on a prison island

she's literally 20 in that webm
stop projecting