Takahiro has left

> Takahiro has left
> Schitzo with french celestial gf has left
> Pole living in asylum has left
> Fridge has left
So will I soon. Life keeps going, old people are replaced by new (more stupid and faggot) people. Such is life~~

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is that Filipino kaguya poster left yet?

I don't think so. He is very new though


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>it's not the destination, but the JRail train there, that counts

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>Schitzo with french celestial gf has left
Redpill me on this guy I always hear about him but don’t know the story

No, go to some other board newfag

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just made regular threads about his french celestial gf
would bring it up in other threads as well

He'd post about him having a french celestial gf and how she's real and such. Probably an /x/ schizo that got stuck here for awhile.

Ive been here for a while I just only go on the generals
Wtf is a celestial gf even why is it french

As I said, go away newfag. There is no way someone didn't realize that legend

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Sounds epic

Be quiet Indian frog

Takahiro was also very nice. I talked to him several times

When is the half armenian going
He'd attack posts ending in random numbers and claim it was for his gf

Go away newfag, this thread is not for newfags

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Thanks for the 8
God I miss him so damn much

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Ok i went it archives for the celestial gf seems kino

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No he’s not.

how old do you think he is? I started noticing him like a few months back

Is Shahar still here or really gone? I still sometimes see his threads but some people say that's an imposter.

I don't think he is here anymore

>the pissing ausie with the big hooters left
why live

It was a he unfortunately. He was posting someone else’s videos.

tfw I am the only based poster left on this board.

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>been here for over a decade
>don't recognize any posters
The point of this thing is to stay anonymous.

He is infamous across multiple boards, he's a namefag but he doesnt use his name when he kaguyaposts
He keeps saying he is late 20s

you are simply unbased.
Sorry for the bad news user

I feel like reddit or some forum would be more to your liking. You could make more internet friends there.

I am simply too redpilled for reddit and am perma banned from several subreddits. As you might have already seen, I am too based even for this place

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