Is there anything more frustrating than this border? Mexicans are short...

Is there anything more frustrating than this border? Mexicans are short, brown and very ugly on average and from a third world country. Just crossing the border you have a country full of more attractive people and everything organized. I feel very sorry for Mexicans. Argentina is also a shithole, but at least there aren't any first world countries closer to us and humiliating us in this way.

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the people on the other side is also mexican and the countries below us are also mexican...
We literally have no border with different people and that sucks :(

Britain is pretty close to you.

>the people on the other side is also mexican

Besides memes, most are still typical Americans from movies.

>Besides memes, most are still typical Americans from movies.

Tiny and irrelevant island in the middle of nowhere. Too small to cause frustrations.

Lol no, the memes are 100% true. You have to a bit further inland before you start seeing white people.

Why do you think Chicanos are the most aggresive posters for no reason here?

most aggressive posters are mexicans


My school was mostly mexican. There was a few white kids we bullied though

Why? Jealousy? Your soap operas are filled with 100% Spanish people.

>Why? Jealousy?
The white kids at my school were weird autistic nerds so we liked to make fun of them beacuse of that.

I think its someone hiding behind a Mexican proxy trying to stir shit up. Its the Zig Forumstard thing to do.

Also at certain times of the day you will see a bunch of threads made by some Mexican shitting on some country.

ur probably right

>shitting on some country.
on what country?

This happened at my school too lmfao

This, they have massive inferiority complexes and are also dumb as fuck which is required to post here and which is why most American flags are chicanos

wh*te bois mad

You’re a goblin faced manlet and your skin, eyes, and hair are the color of my diarrhea and literally everyone except other latrinos hates you

>Chicanos are the most aggresiveposters
you are proving him wrong. it's actually wh*te boi incels like u who are the most aggressive

>one poster is mean to me
>haha see you’re proven wrong
Really shows that your average IQ is like 85

>more attractive people
>attractive people

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wh*te boi incels like u are comstantly seething all the time. it's not just u and idc if ur "mean" to me. i will just troll u more epic style & make u seethe even more

Ok but let me repeat myself, statistically you are an 85 IQ manlet and all of your outside features are the color of shit

chicanos are the best trolls here. they say chicanos be seething but its actually non chicanos who be seething cuz our trolling is just 2 epic

dayum, wh*teboi is mad as hell

Lidia de autoconsuelo.

>chicanos are the best trolls here. they say chicanos be seething but its actually non chicanos who be seething cuz our trolling is just 2 epic

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yep I look like that and it bothers you nore than it bothers me cuz soon ur whole country will look like that lol

Maybe that was true 50 years ago...