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International #1272
What are some epic things your government tried to do during peak corona scare
What happens here?
White men, please breed our women
Imagine living on mars
/lat/ + /luso/ - hilo LATINOAMERICANO
Is being gay a choice or are you born with it?
Italian-german mutt
American’s be like
Europe is full of snakelet countries
Not a Latin American country
Defacing your body with tattoos is degenerate
/fr/ - Le fil français
Oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
In usa, house like this in city center cost 1000 dollars
Your country
I'm going to cook user
South Korean Folklore
I wish I like my sister
How would this board treat them?
International thread
/mena/ - Baljeeki edition
/Sverigetråden/ den förkylda utgåvan
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why am I Japanese?
/ita/ il filo
Old building good
Are parents cool in your country?
Kurva anyátok
Why is no one ever proud of their English ancestry? Americans will brag about being 1/64 Cherokee, but not English
My waifu is cute
Why can't more Indians look like this? If they did, they would slay
Yes, five XXL meatlover’s pizzas with cheese-stuffed crust and extra grease on the side
*opens kebab and barbershop in your cunt*
My least favorite color is brown. What's yours Zig Forums?
Being honest, is china really worst than USA?
Nothing of value would be lost if these two cunts were rangebanned
How true is this?
Miss Japan contestants
80 million europeans emigrated to the americans in the XIX century because the alternative was to starve to death in...
What song are you listening to right now in your country?
It's settled then
Hilo /lat/ANO
/tr/ Türkiye ve diASSpora
Romania was a mistake
/fr/ - le fil français
Why are iberians the only southern europeans with more inclination to war and fighting?
ITT: we prove we are white
Reminder that "civilized" Europeans hunted lions to extinction
Why is Northern Europe better at English than Southern Europe?
What is it with Zig Forums and femboys?
Most White Americans look more like Germans than Anglos to me
What country can I still get laid in if I look like this?
I suffer in Russia
/v4/ + friends
/deutsch/ zu ehren von /sql/
/Sverigetråden/ päranupplagan
What’s the best country to move to...
Why are you guys so far away
This image encapsulates what is wrong with us modern men
Can this Finn pass as a local in your country?
How do medshits cope?
Is she cancelled?
Romani thread
Anyone else hate sexpats?
What is this called in your language?
Greco-Turkish war imminent
Your Cunt
Greek niggas be like
Post talentless hacks from your country
Choosing literal soviet flag on the right instead of historical flag on the left
Post an image that makes you say "wow, this is literally me"
This is wrong, how do we stop this?
Tfw you'll never have a qt white bf like this
Is Islam a “peaceful” religion?
That's enough mockery, Zig Forums
There are cute latinos browsing Zig Forums right now
How common is this in the west
Has everything its needs to be a major European power
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Just don't pronounce half the letters, bro!
Me in the middle :3
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /belarus/
I impregnate cute trap gaijin kun
Argentinians are much more similar to Europeans than to other Latin Americans
Sverigetråden negerupplagan
Stop calling these people "Asian"
How do i sex with arab/iranian girls without getting honor murdered?
Femcel in your cunt
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Are they culturally Western or an extension of MENA Christians?
Can someone give me a profile of this country? Particularly someone who has been there
For me, its mushroom, bacon and white sauce pizza
What would be the best solution to do with the gay spam?
I suffer in india
/ita/ il filo
How would your country react to the fall of America?
Brazilian pardas
No matter what your skin color , country, ethnicity, or language you speak you're a beautiful person...
Who will your country be supporting in the upcoming war?
- Your country
What countries still have a decently large proportion of pure women who save themselves for marriage and where your avg...
Tfw all other brown races shit on us and go at least we arent as brown and ugly as pajeets lol
Hail Suomi!
Do Americans really ?
Kurva anyátok
How do you call this in your country?
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree Brexit was a bad idea?
/piloti/ früher /deutsch/
Is this common in you're a cunt?
How much time in jail?
Do Americans really not understand the 24-hour clock?
Do you read in your spare time?
Sverigetråden - PewDiePie upplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
Frugal Five?
Can you tell me more about this fascinating country?
Reminder that Italy literally carries all the other med countries
Tfw no chinese gf
/world of polska/
Dubs decide which country will be bullied after Netherlands
Euros will never experience driving through the desert at high speed
What's their fucking problem?
Remember when Germonkey said we were trying to steal their vaccine and sell it exclusively in the US?
Hilo latino /lat/
What are your thoughts about Korean women?
My grandpas in the ICU and will probably die soon, not of covid btw
Whats going on with mena? Why do they look like this?
Just found out Anglos aren't natives of Britain. They're from Germany
Iraq if it not arap-speaking country nor muslime
I don't get it
Arabs that live in europe, prove me wrong bros
Sverigetråden - Frejas upplaga
/fr/ - le francofil
Are there any attractive Australian Aboriginals? I'm talking about pure bred abos...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2354
Albanians are illyrian
What's their problem?
Protestantism is so based!
/ita/ il filo
Why is it so?
Get yourself an ugly gf this is my gf on the left 6 months ago and on the right now
Why south korea don't attemping to claim this island
Did this happen in your country?
Slavic languages thread
Spain is spending 25% of their new EU money (35 billion of 140 billion euros) on diversity
I am half black
When will the yellowstone erupt?
Your cunt
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ઈઝરા/ - מהדורת הנהג
How long did it take your brains to get back to normal after drug/ alcohol addiction
Both sides going full retard
The Utoya massacre was 9 years ago
They took Lions from us
Are trannies tolerated in your cunt?
Economic Collapse
1. Your age
Non white have low iq
Can the /med/ BVLL be stopped?
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Nips are degenerates and faggots. Nothing nip-related is left in Japan after 1945...
Why does India have hundreds of millions of Muslims...
Japanese Yayoi is descendant of korean?
Why do they hate Chinese so much? China gave you everything. Your culture, food, writing systems, morality...
Is everyone nigger?
Is northern vs Southern European tension at an all time high right now...
This is what Evropa is about today
Nobody goes to church anymore. we're fucking doomed
Have you ever met a kazakh person irl? How it was?
What the fuck Finland kun
How I fuck hot blonde hair is scandinavian girls if I'm not white...
F-France? M-Maron!?
North europe, why are u giving us all this money all the time?
I wish I was a med chad
Do i look creepy?
Would you breed with an Indian woman?
Why did she give billions in gibs to medoids?
What are the typical russian lunch and dinner?
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ il filo
Did anyone else go to a really shit school and ever feel bad about not attending a big and prestigious one?
Love each other’s and be nice, don’t forget to kiss your loved once and tell them how much you love them
/med/ - olive oil general
/fr/ - le francofil
Pls forgiv me
So whatever happened to the "revolution of our times"?
Die animeposters
/lat/ hilo latino
Drought in the North
Why don't china just invade taiwan already? They are weak cunts
Does this happen in your cunt?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Pakistanis be like
China's sending an orbiter, a lander, and a rover to Mars tomorrow
/cum/ Canada, USA, Sombrero
Why are Indians so weird?
Are Asians considered wh*Te in US of America?
Imagine if the anglos colonised latin america instead of the spanish/portugese
Ok but seriously why are so many American flags chicanos...
D.C. is such a beautiful city. What is actually like to live in the capital of the world's superpower?
What race is this monstrosity
Why are brazilians like this?
You wake up in your country in 1939. What do?
Would pic related pass as a local in your cunt?
Why are they so fat and stupid?
Is this a regular math problem?
Would you date a girl with tattoos?
Every person in the world is my friend, except politicians
So I ran an experiment today. I set my tinder to Rio De Janeiro for a few hours and got around 5 or 6 likes, 2 cuties...
India has had dozens of Empires/Kingdoms throughout it's history, are any of those royal families still around...
I suffer in Japan
Is pic related considered attractive in your country?
Why is Chile whiter than Mexico?
I estimate my parents have spent about $500,000 on me, but I don't care
Do you eat mac and cheese in your country?
Sverigetråden - Dinosaurieupplagan
Chicanos is this true?
I'm a decolonized mestizo
Is this type of relationship okay in your country? Would you want it? Yes...
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mehico
Post your town city flag
We need to kill all chicanos and whitexicans
Japan had 24 original castles designated as National Treasures
Why does Korea barely have any history?
Why do eastern European women has such big assholes?
Why are diaspora so nationalist compared to the people of their home country...
Hafū girls are the perfect beings
Why do women age so bad?
Do whiteoids really believe this?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
1. country
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ /brit/ /fr/ /polska/ /lat/ /nederdraad/ /mämmi/ /egy/ /ita/ - il filo /balk/ /v4/ Japanese Thread /...
Ywn get to suck off saddam
Say hello to Jack Johnson, the most based American in history:
Tfw america is getting merit based immigration
Did you know the United States makes anywhere between 1776 1783 british people cope and seethe a day
Why do they think they are white, when 90% of them look like arabs?
Are they a meme nation/culture, or do they really exist?
International webm thread
Name one thing you know about this country except for baseball and them hating Haitians
/schlafen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Which major east cost US city is the best for living and working? I gotta get out of Flyoverville...
Let’s talk about inter-ethnic couples
I'm not joking guys, I'm genuinely terrified of America
Tell me about these people. Who are they? Why they don't sound like Americans?
Do you like England?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why are brown boys so intimidated by BLACK men?
I have only ever had sex with girls darker than me
Did you perform your skincare routine today
WTF, I didn't know buddhists were so based
/lat/ - hilo latino × hilo hispano /esp/
What does int think of him?
Holy based
Wypipo be like
So glad i spent my life shitsposting wojak edits on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum
What's your cunt's most consumed mixture of beverages?
How does one acquire a Latina gf?
Tell me about this place
Do Americans really?
Noooo i am an Aryan queen
There is now a Mexican indio here and he is fucking annoying
You wake up in America
What are some dystopian leftist shitholes?
Where are my international friends?
/ita/ il filo
Prove you're not an american
/cum/ - Canadá Usa México
Are anime characters white? A lot of them have round eyes, blonde hair and colored eyes...
Oh no China bros we got too cocky
Haiti and jamaica almost joined canada
China's sending an orbiter, a lander, and a rover to Mars tomorrow
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Fertila Upplagan
Yes, like in Finland
Russia is finished
Can we please stop defining countries by the actions of their lower class members?
Tfw rapefugee
Is there an economic collapse and food price crisis going on in your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are there any Americans who will unironically vote for Kanye?
The U.S. is on its last leg and will split soon
Leftoids thought the BLM protests would lead to a communist revolution and not just be "KILL WHITEY"
They really take their time at developing, do they?
People in relationships by definition are happy because if they weren't they wouldn't be in one
For those who lived in other countries, what are the biggest culture shocks you experienced?
Zig Forums is a PIIGS board
Do people LARP in your country?
Both of them are white
/balk/ + /ro/
Y'all ready to colonize Antarctica?
Is this true?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/lang/ - Language Learning General
We are going to war guys
Iraqi boys
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Southerners are abandoning the Southern Accent and adopting the General American accent because coasties associate it...
I want to see your computer
This evil empire needs to be burnt to the ground for the good of mankind
Mom created onlyfans account
White people be like
I will never live in 1990s-Early 2000s Europe. Suicidally depressing
Russian women
Why yes, I will move to Japan and be accepted in their society as a fellow man, how did you know?
Shy men liked?
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
Post your ancestor
What’s the best country for an American to move to...
Kurva anyátok
Ethiopian chads will soon turn Egypt into a failed state with the accomplishment that is the grand renaissance dam
/ita/ il filo
All EU countries will stay. You will understand soon why, it's necessary for the EU, and thereby europe, to succeed
Thoughts on the
Sverigetråden - Autismupplagan
Europe will fail, England will prevail, Scotland will wail
Get in here medbros, we did it
American "Summer" Mask
At what point did you realize Anglos were the protagonists of history?
The swedish government is considering a 45 year work age before retirement...
The girl that make femcels and Incel muslims seethe
Europe appreciation thread
The most overrated empire
/lat/ hilo latino
/fr/ - Le Francofil
How come Portugal is so much more European than Spain? Spain has so many Arabic words in its language...
/AR-I3R/ ehrmals /deutsch/
Do people fast in your country?
If you want to bully my Dutch brothers then you need to come through me first
Which of these is my ancestor?
Would you support English independence?
This is a hate symbol in my country
Do you love Japan?
Reminder that the monstrosity is back...
Sverigetråden Stor Henkes upplaga
Hey nordicucks, thanks for your money HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Why are they so swarthy?
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Let's settle this once and for all
Would you consider red haired men capable of being sexy?
Why do so many Americans think science is an opinion or political belief these days?
*saves the EU*
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2353
Damn. I didn't know Zig Forums has so many cute users. imagine what a big hairy 6 feet tall bear man would do to them :)
In 24 hours, China will be launched a rocket to Mars...
/puca/ Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina
MENA girls>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wh*te women
/mena/ - Prince Baljeeki edition
>be qt pajeeta
Un pays
Why are redditors like this?
Does Zig Forums work in your country? What do you do for a job?
You wake up in France
Which one would be more accepted as your girlfriend by your parents? (in your country)
What smartphone do you have?
My already debt ridden family has pay even more money to countries who will never repay us. It will only get worse...
/fr/ - le francofil
Japan was so beautiful 100 years ago... Now it's all concreted up and looks like shit
What was Zig Forums's high school life like?
Harsh reality is that blondes are not as beautiful as brunettes
/ita/ il filo
Why does Europe have so many gypsies?
Do you think the USA could see a civil war in our life time?
Sverigetråden - Molnupplagan
/esp/ edición de cine
Kurva anyátok
Do belgians really?
Why aren't Central Asians massively moving to Europe yet? Is it because of some restrictions?
FrugalFour + Finland Win Thread
What is the best city to live in Spain?
Family tree thread
Is Portuguese the best romance language?
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ઈઝરા/ - מהדורת בראשית שתיים
Life is a gift, stop talking it for granted
Male life expectancy in Russia is 67 years
Your cunt
I overheard the nurse talking to her friend about my penis when they thought I was out of earshot and they talk about...
What type of car do you Zig Forums?
So I set my tinder to Rio De Janeiro yesterday. The matches are piling up...
I hate japan!
Join the army, they said
France bans paternity testing
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What migrants does your country have a monopoly on?
/fr/ -le francofil
What does a nice neighborhood look like in Brazil?
Do they ever fuck?
Visit morocco
Bros I miss my wife
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
They hate him because he told them the truth
Thank you holland
Are there ginger people in your country?
Thoughts on a perfect EU?
What would a "hard power" UK look like today?
This is the first world/third world border line
So when are you guys getting married?
What do you think about them?
I really want to beat the shit out of Spaniards, Italians...
Is the EU over bros?
This is map of europe regarding alcohol belts or in other words what kind of alcohol (wine...
Why are these countries in Europe ignored by Europeans?:
Why are Indians so racist against their own people?
Swedish girls look like THIS?
/ita/ il filo di umaru
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I just ordered this anti-EU stickers. Gonna put them on my car window
How do we end the Zig Forums civil war between BBC and BWC?
Nords just gave us meds millions of euros in gibs for no reason
Start a war on the premise of others being racially inferior to you
Tfw Islam has been proven by science
We are nubmer one
In the soon future employers will check and judge you by your social media
Life in Germany is good, safe and healthy
Is there anything more frustrating than this border? Mexicans are short...
/fr/ - le francofil
I am going to become a dad
ITT: we thank the nords for all the gibs
The future is white
Ooooooh nooooooooooooooooooo!
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
Ay yo Japan
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ઈઝરા/ - מהדורת העתיד
This is finno-ugric portrait pack for Crusader Kings 2. I think they look prettier than finns IRL
Thank you Sanna Marin for making Finland pay 5,9 biljard Euros for EU
European Chivalry>>>>Japanese Bushido
Thanks EU
Guess the ethnicity
Get on plane
Why is Iceland so gay
/lat/ hilo latino
This is an off-topic thread, but how did Homo sapiens and Neanderthals manage to interbreed...
When one of your ethnic female orbiters you ghosted 7 months ago messages you out of the blue
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine