The swedish government is considering a 45 year work age before retirement...

The swedish government is considering a 45 year work age before retirement, meanwhile meds work 30 years and pay less taxes. despite this we pay them. Why the fuck should i be happy?

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don't worry we will send more somali to make you happy

Be the change you want to see

based Med BVLLS

Thia plus our economic recovery will take at least a decade or more while the meds will take less than couple of years due to their economy being based around tourism. Despite this we will give them money.

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Be happy for EU and europe

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Not to mention that they have no intent in stopping to cooperate with China or Russia either while never stopping in vilifying the North.

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Mister Cuckersson


>45 years of work before retirement
holy fug sven

This was our masterplan to replace ISIS suicide bombers by Swedish frescos chimping out and killing everyone in med countries.

>meanwhile meds work 30 years
Not really

Just start working at 16
Where's the problem?

The children of my generation are said to need to work into their 70s before getting a pension.

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Swedes have it easy.


If you somehow performed a miracle and found a job that would take you, you can't live off the retirement for any job you can get at 16

If everything goes well the children of our generation will have superior health and robotics.

Swexit when?

more like 80s

Are you guys ready for a revolution?

>If everything goes well
Y-yeah haha

Will there even still be a pension by that time?

Wealth inequality is increasing
Our generation will die in our 80s, poor and alone

there's always the global warming movement of people coming in a few decades.
apocalyptic event.

>superior health
Obesity rising, IQ falling, sperm-amount dropping, muscle-mass falling.

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+ even then, you could just end up like both my parents, and get fired exactly a year before, ruining your chances at a decent retirement.

If you still think you or medchads are getting any pension from the government you're gonna get a big surprise in 50 years

I will probably work until I’m dead and I’m fine with that

old people here live off 1000 dollars a month
It'll be worse for my generation.

Oh no no no

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Just go into retirement when you want

Give me one reason to be happy about this deal
This money will go to southern Europe, most of Northern-Europe will have to reform and cut back on funding. Time and time again has shown that a lot of Southern-Europe has not been able to (severely) reform in the same way the F5 does
Poland barely has any corona infections yet they receive billions
I was pro-EU before this but now I am sceptical

what about your protestant work ethic bro

My protestant work ethic includes a good deal of thirst for the blood of catholics

>meanwhile meds work 30 years
the age of retirement in Greece is 67 even if you have the quota of 35 working years
>and pay less taxes
lel no we don't