Defacing your body with tattoos is degenerate

defacing your body with tattoos is degenerate.

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tattoo is not personality

but i like trashy whores


I’ve been dreaming about my ex a lot lately and today I caved and looked her up. I think she might’ve gotten a tattoo on her wrist. She was such a nice pure girl before.

I feel that since every normie schmuck or trashy roastie has a tattoo these days, NOT having a tattoo can now be considered as the new tattoo.

defacing your city with "street art" is degenerate.

Attached: pepefroggie.jpg (800x450, 39.57K)


But if you believe this, and have a body fat percentage higher than at most 20%. You’re also a degenerate and your opinion is worthless in regards to defacing your body.

degeneracy is subjective