What was Zig Forums's high school life like?

what was Zig Forums's high school life like?

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In hindsight I would taken out more time for sports or clubs, aside from that though it was pretty okay

I was a loner those five fucking years because in the first year I kicked some guy in the head (his head impacted a wall and he lost conciousness) and everybody thought that I was a delincuent or something even though I had some of the best grades in class. In the last year our psychology studies teacher (woman) told us to speak our heart out to all the class so I said "My name is ... , everybody thinks I'm a bad guy but I just like anime and video games" and everybody laughed. Then some of them became friends of mine and even some girl confessed to me.
Those were the years man.

I didn't get shot

It's sad how in many countries the way you spend time in highschool determines what university you go to and that in turn determines what your first job will be and so on.

really didnt like it to be honest. went to a private lutheran high school but my classmates were fuckwads

I went to a really shitty high school so not great

dont remind me

Dropped out after 6th grade.

I am very glad that this is not the case in my country. This has nothing to do with merit.