Half Swedish woman

Guess her other half

Attached: B219096B-309F-47E6-A746-C372CEBB5B29.jpg (728x1051, 186.85K)






>reverse image search
>laila bagge

What an old hag, post cure whores or gtfo



>soyboy fears the Gigachadette

Hey id let him go to town on my soylent ass

Tel Aviv

brittisk pakistanier

Wtf she is half palestinian
her dad is this thing on pic and his name is Mujir
he doesnt even look semitic

Attached: Namnlös.jpg (321x177, 14.14K)

Trans women are real women

Syrian or any other middle eastern ethnicity


How what?

Svenska kvinnor är jätte söt

Attached: mini anden_8.jpg (889x1198, 610.57K)

She looks 100% European

>ITT retards who can't tell dyed hair

you want her to keep the natural putrid color that blonde turns into with age? fuck off

I'm not a geneticist or anything but Nordics are like the whitest people that exist. So whenever anyone is mixed with us they get bleached. Except blacks, it probably takes a couple of generations to completely bleach them.

maybe by color but nordics have utter ass characteristics which can leave your children looking like Haaland if you lose the genetic roll of life

Attached: EcrsuuLX0AAJHdn.jpg (1080x1771, 80.73K)

Middle Easterners have the weakest genes on the planet. Their children seldom look like them when they mix

With the exception of the nose.

Half Finnish and half ???

Attached: half finn i2.jpg (467x500, 244.25K)


He's 1.94m tall and is a good footballer. Looks like he won the genetic lottery if anything

We have the smallest and sharpest noses i think whereas other Europeans especially when you go further south, have more semitic features.
Also forgot to mention some Middle Easterns are already white af. If Assad were to mix with some European woman then yeah the kid is going to look white af.

She lools like my italian milf gf.

Half Finnish half Syrian imam. She cute

Attached: Sherin-Khankan.jpg (1280x720, 91.51K)