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International #1273
What is the judicial system like in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What is this called in your language?
Do you love Finland?
Why were they so fucking weak? the Romans did whatever the fuck they wanted with them
Why are they poor when they are white?
Do you guys want to get married one day or wish to die alone with no family?
So turks don't want to be secular anymore?
What do doctor visits cost where you live?
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
When will europe become one country?
Incredible. Absolutely incredible
"international" discussion
You wake up in polan
Is it true what they say about spanish gfs?
Your cunt
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ita/ - il filo
Do nords know how good they have it?
This is what they took from us
Can we nuke the shit out of this 2 country? Or push them to go to war and killing each other...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Are you privileged, Zig Forums?
/desi/-Superstar edition
Is dementia prevalent in your country?
Endless dry plains of Castile
Faceapp thread
Is their soft power gone for good?
What are your honest thoughts on Spain (España)? :)
How will Redditors recover from this?
/cum/ - Canada, United Farts, Mexico
Is- is that a TRANSLATED BIBLE??!?!
Be South European in North Europe
Does your country greenwash itself?
Is driver's license exam hard in your country?
EASTERN EVROPE, the last haven of the white man
Why do they use latin alphabet?
Why do they get so buttmad?
Half Swedish woman
I'm sorry for what we did to your country
In what part of India do girls look like this?
Wow... American cities are really like this
I love it but I will not go back
Why dors Sweden import so many Thai wives?
Do you wanna feel like schizophrenic for 9 hours?
When we studied the scyrhians in our history lessons I imagined scythians as noble samurai cavalries in golden armors...
A white man living in a tutorial country has literally no problems. If they did, then as I have said many times...
What do you think about America's blatant slamming of China?
/fr/ - le francofil
One Russian said to me
/danmarktråden/ + /skandi/
How are nazis and nazism seen in germany nowadays?
Almost ready, Insallah
Whats your country's favorite snack
What beer is your favorite brand? Mine is Staropramen
/v4/ + friends
/isr/ - ישר
What's your worst deed
/med/ - olive oil general
What's up with orthodox slavs and their love for saint nicholas? Why don't greeks like him as much?
Why are amerilards like this?
From yesterday's march in Jerusalem
Spain wasn't a democracy until 1975
How can we stop Indians raping women?
/mena/ - based saudi edition
Are Amerifats actually good at war or do they just overspam their enemies due to resource and manpower advantage?
There are blacks in the new pokemon game
Post a local food that most people would find disgusting
/fr/ - le francofil
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2356
/sag/ aka /desi/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Kurva anyátok
ITT: your political views in one image (no text allowed)
Why can't be freind? What makes it impossible?
Do people in your country care about space travel and the exploration of the solar system?
Yes, No in your language
You guys will never know what it's like liging in a shithole with 140000 people per sq km. It's terrible
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
What did he mean by this?
>MENA flag shits on Islam >european or american flag seethes in response
Why are Sub-Saharan African posters so rare on Zig Forums? Apart from South Africa...
/ita/ - il filo
Just one question, why are all westen Europeans racist as fuck?
I just got a homeless guy $15 worth of food
How do we even compete wtf
Pajeets LARPing as Persians
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do Indians take selfies like this?
Asian AUS, CAN, NZ loyalties during new Cold War
Zig Forumserracial couples
All of Mexico's SOUL comes from the Aztec/Mayan culture that existed before the Spaniards arrived
Which underwear are you wearing right now? I’m wearing the Tanga
He has an Australian accent
Other countries don't stand a chance against the mighty Mexican cuisine
I'm cute! UwU
What's this called in your country?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
American education
LATAM people
How are these called in your country? Here we call them "vienesas", literally "Viennese"
”i suffer in americ-“
Why did you guys choose to remain virgins?
Daily reminder that our cops are much more violent than American cops...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /belarus/
Why are girls with this phenotype so superior? It's like something in me saying "this is what a true women looks like"
How do Mexicans and Latins here feel about their countries only being portrayed in american tvs/movies with something...
Do you want to find love in America?
Just submitted my application for Mexican residency
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
To the anons who have a car, do you go for long rides when you are bored?
Can't stop thinking about latinos
Only international pictures
The name Pakistan means "Land of the Pure"
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
If you can't masturbate with two hands comfortably you don't have a real penis simple as
This reggaeton cacahoyo still exists
Leaving for work soon, what is Zig Forums up to tonight?
Is Palestine a country?
/lang/ - language learning general
New Zealand, get over here NOW
When did you realize you lost the life lottery?
The Manchu language, despite being spoken by the rulers of China for hundreds of years, is now critically endangered...
Hilo /lat/ANO
When the USA falls, what will happen to them?
/world of polska/
Would you fight for your country in a war?
Sverigetråden - Tunnelbaneupplagan
5000 years
Fascinating region, don’t you think?
Your cunt
/cum/ - zerzan edition
Do they have gypsies in your cunt
Do u think Japanese girls r beautiful?
Leave this site
Risk on Zig Forums
How low would you sink for a green card?
1. Your country
What you're playing right now, Zig Forums?
Is Japan a good place for Filipino men?
I applied to multiple masters programs in Germany back in May and the deadlines all passed either 5/31, 6/30, or 7/15...
Pic related calls you a mentally ill tranny
Mfw the entire Greek navy is out in the Aegean officially ready to fire at Turkish oil-searching ships
Dubs decide the next language I’ll learn; Trips beats dubs and so on
This is the truth that Wehraboos can't handle
Trips decide my discord nickname
Why is there so many Italians and Spaniards in France?
2021 males
ITT: Zig Forums in 1888
Alexander the Great had sex with an Afghan woman. We got cucked by the greatest European ever
I don't care what you european faggots say
So true lol
Ask a spaniard anything
This chink literally commiting a genocide and nobody is doimg anything or rthste can so anything...
/fr/ - le francofil
What was your dream job growing up?
I am a chad in the making bros
/Nederdraad/ - SFW-editie
Hilo /lat/ANO
Saw 10 interracial couples in the last 2 days
That 100-word essay of the flag above you is due today. Please submit your essays here
Huh, my local McDonald's is older than Germany
Calling all Zig Forums boys
Sverigetråden - Lebbupplagan
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Would you marry and interbreed with a Med woman?
Just found out about Junko Furuta
New Europe
Ur count
It is the most redpilled picture/story ever....it will cause the fabric of society to tear in half
This is the Brazilian who obsesses over fags and trannies and spams the "you are mentally ill" threads
/nocturne/ anciennement /fr/
What are these called in your country?
Dinner thread
Could I pass for a local in your cunt?
Why citizens of USA not like masks?
Why do trannies all around the globe have an obsession to become woman but they also hate them? what is the cause?
Why do the Japanese people accept the Yakuza as much as they do?
These hats look top comfy...
I just found out a quarter of europe is fat. Where do you quarter pounders get the gull to mock us for fatness
Do you believe in God?
International board
Ketchup on spaghetti
Post art from your country
White men
Why can't the rest of the world get even close to EVROPA?
Does this happen in the streets of your cunt?
/fr/ - Le fil interdit aux normets
/NEDERDRAAD/ (aka negerdraad)
Sverigetråden - Svanupplagan
Latinoamerican thread
F-france, a-are you ok?
Sweden has let 10 times more people die per capita than the United States...
T*rkey isn't an Arab country
Hilo /lat/ANO
What do Germanic languages sound like to native Romance language speakers?
Why yes, I'm socialist/communist
The only ones left giving us real real help against the sandniggers are the French
OK who the fuck invented this meme that /med/s have curly hair?
/ita/ - il filo
Brazil is a really nice country you should see by yourself someday yes we may be brown but we are nice and friendly so...
Wisdom is beter than Gold
Justice has ruled: Milka does not have the right to sell square format chocolate bars...
The swastika has been illegally appropriated by G*rmans...
Do you have a job Zig Forums
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
What does your last name mean?
Why do femoids fuck dogs? I noticed that this happens here too and it's a global phenomenon...
This guy will let you have one of his beautiful 11 virgin daughters directly descended from genghis khan's line...
/fr/ - le francofil
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How do you brew your coffee?
Snuggle with husband
Wait.... What the FUCK?
Is america Reddít© the country?
What is your favorite fish that is native to your country?
Kurva anyátok
Who is more savage and barbaric?
/sag/ | /desi/
What phenotype is this?
Brazil lads, is this true?
Sverigetråden - Polisupplagan
When did Brahmins go from looking like Europeans to looking like this?
There are literally Frenchmen named François
Did you know that French wine is made with Loli feet?
The future
Do britbongs really?
Favorite state and why?
Vuvuzueluan here... So, champagne socialist GRINGO snowflake, you think that billionaires should pay taxes, hmm...
/dixie/ - southern us and friends
Top tier women get outcompeted by average women who are more assertive to get the top guys
Majority minority
White women would rather choose the bottom of the 3 instead of nice indian or chinese gentlemen. Why is that...
Why do Japs make so much child porn?
Turkey hates him
My sister was approved in the medical college
American soldiers died in Europe fighting nazis, for THIS
Karelia is what they took from us
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Zig Forums beards
Fucking legends
Would you liberate Karabagh for her?
/fr/ - le francofil
Life is not fair , this fucking gook has a cutw dutch gf and I am single and have no gf
Why are these fuckers so obsessed with race?
Only based country left in the world. Prove me wrong? you can't
So why doesn't everyone who's not grey on this map rename themselves to Shlomo HaShemstein and fuck off to Saudi Arabia...
Post your 10/10
/ita/ - il Filo
International plugs thread
Salve, fellow Medsbro! let's unify our countries back under one empire
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden - Invandringsupplagan
Kurva anyátok
How do other europeans cope with being indoors
Kurzgesagt - In a nutshell
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /belarus/
Post cyperpunk from your country
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Sanna Mirella Marin
/brit/ + /ausnz/
Are turk EVROPEAN?
Honest question to other Euros. I need a reality check
Your cunt
/balk/ + /fr/ +/v4/ + /tr/ + /ukr/
*Sucks your BWC*
Do latinos see themselves as white?
Why are they so self loathing? They are one of few countries never conquered
Why don't Western studios make games like Tsushima about Western history?
Tfw actual biological girls browse Zig Forums and post there
Neekeri :D >neekeri :D >neekeri :D >neekeri :D >neekeri :D >neekeri :D >neekeri :D >neekeri :D >neekeri :D >neekeri :D...
Why are Indians so obsessed with skin whitening...
/fr/ - Le /fr/enulum
You have 30(thirty)seconds to name at least 5(five) Dutch people
The truth about Pakistani history
I fucking hate chinkniggers
What is the best region of Japan ?
1. Ur cunt
/rothaarkaschber/ jetzt einG /deutsch/ t
Sverigetråden - slösa livet framför dattan upplagan
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Sad news from the Netherlands
Countries that should be rangebanned
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ઈઝરા/ - מהדורת חיפה לחיפאים
This is what being arab used to be all about
Slavic women worship thread
Did you know that Dutch people have a saying "you can trust me on my blue eyes"...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2355
The big mistake
During the Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union; Brazil shipped over 10,000 sacs of coffee to Finland
You have 30(thirty)seconds to name at least 5(five) italians
The German word for mayor is burger master
How is your country handling the impending Mormon invasion?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are Chinese so arrogant...
We are ahead of Turkey and Japan
Is masculinity still appreciated and valued in your country? Is there a surging gynephilia trend?
You wake up in Russia
/v4/ + friends
Tfw 26
I got married yesterday
Kurva anyátok
Why is this happening ?
Russia has everything. Did you know russia has suicide?
Be Zhang
Death rate from smoking per 100,000 people
Decide to go try tinder
/fr/ - le francofil
How common are communists in your country?
What chatacter did you choose in Tekken?
When an old world MAN gives me a (you)
Chinese bridge vs Indian bridge
/med/ - olive oil general
Japanese keyboard
/balk/ + /fr/
Would this Finnish military commander pass as a local in your country?
Jalisco New Generation itself could literally take on any army
Your country
One shot at lilfe
/lat/ - Hilo latino
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I rambled a bit and deleted it; best cities in the US for a variety of reasons I'm not going to bother elaborating on
International plugs thread
Why don't Americans let him do his coup already? We all know it's imminent
These spanish-speaking retards make memes with the simpsons
I am thinking cringe
For me, it's turkish girls
Why do things only get worse and worse, its upsetting
He's right you know
/tot/, ehemals /deutsch/
ITT post classic/int/ images
I hate niggers
Life is hard as an indian in the west
I'm going to drunk drive to the grocery store to buy ice cream. Wish me luck frens
/ita/ - il filo
See a bro tier guy from another ethnic group/race that i'm supposed to hate
Why are Japanese so racist?
/cum/ - Canada - United States - Mexico
The Great debate
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Whats Toronto like
/lat/ - Hilo latino
1.cunt 2.sibling 3.age 4.your principle 5.favorite anime 6.occupation 7.what'd you complain your cunt
Turn on American VPN
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Laugh at Asians as much as you like, but someday Asians will dominate white people. Just like Mongols did...
Vocaroo thread
Do menas actually care about their women dating foreigners?
I am an Anglo, how does that make you feel?
Why don't Americans include tax in the price tags on the shelfs
What are the biggest culturals shocks non latinos get when they travel to latinoamerica?
Sverigetråden - A-lagarupplagan
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Why do Americans do this?
Mississippi is third wo-
Today was my last exam of my bachelor degree in Latin America Studies at Leiden University
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Post nature scenes from your country itt
/fr/ - le francofil
What's this called in your country?
I'm a pure descendant of Arabs born in Brazil and I fucking hate it
I wish I had an asian girlfriend
What are some other groups besides Anglos in which the women simply can't compete with the men
My mom says I'm creepy, do I look creepy?
Locations in Europe with Polish names on the list of the Commission for Standardization of Geographical Names
How would France react seeing these Quebec bvlls roaming their streets?
Was deciding what language I want to learn between
France and America are the only countries with catapult aircraft carriers
How well has Canada resisted Americanization?
I wish I was black or Asian and not a br*wnoid
/ita/ il filo
Do whites really do this ?
Why does Louis Hofmann look so Scandinavian? He's not even from Schleswig-Holstein nor North-Germany
Based Zig Forums
/fr/ - Le fil français
Why are they the worst posters?
Russian memes thread
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
Does anyone else feel sorry for non-europeans?
Russians are so funny lol
Why does everyone love this guy? Every time their is a discussion about him it's almost always universally positive
Why are they so poor?
Tfw western Europe will be like Brazil in a couple of decades
Hello, i'm an arab muslim from the middle east and i would like to talk to people from countries around the world...
Whos the actor you most look like int?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Is red hair common in your cunt?
What does it mean to be German in A.D. 2020?
Whenever someone insults me on here, makes me angry, calls me bad names or is racist towards me...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What types of girls do you attract in your country?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine