Lebanon is Baltic edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Other urls found in this thread:
Me in the OP pic
Salad with beef
Do I pick this edish or that one? :
the other one was first
Wonder if we can keep both up. Double the /balt/
I waited to see which one to pick, but hell this one is for Lebanon master race!
Czech neet larping as a samurai became rich and famous
Looks like what you get when you empty out a doner kebab
You fag or girl?
Sorry, I don't speak Japanese.
Why not both?
Need to shave my penis again...
page 6
Hunger is a horrible sensation that is literally eating you. I have often starved in my life, mostly because I was too lazy to cook.
>tfw eating once every 24 hours
First two days felt weird, now it just feels like nothing.
Newfags don't know
Oldfags don't remember
>tfw there're loads of shitty memes u made long time ago flowing over Internet.
Don't even say nothing to me boy you look like a mf uhhhhh
I had a east Ukrainian friend in high school, we kept contact. No news for the past 4 years though. Dunno if dead or Russian now.
Cool story and all but damn son I must have dementia bc i really dont remember anyone asking
damn bro you didnt have to body him like that
nah man im just bustin your balls here just joshin you good my nig
i came with a .38 im leaving with a body lmaooo
gon smoke him like some fish
bitch niggas tryna do me get smoked like that blunt
legendary video
When Estonia beat one of the strongest teams in Europe by one point just last year and the arena in Estonia was freaking out. Nostalgic already.