/balt/ + /ausnz/

Lebanon is Baltic edition

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Me in the OP pic

Salad with beef

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Do I pick this edish or that one? :

the other one was first

Wonder if we can keep both up. Double the /balt/

I waited to see which one to pick, but hell this one is for Lebanon master race!

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Czech neet larping as a samurai became rich and famous

Looks like what you get when you empty out a doner kebab

You fag or girl?

Sorry, I don't speak Japanese.

Why not both?

Need to shave my penis again...

page 6

Hunger is a horrible sensation that is literally eating you. I have often starved in my life, mostly because I was too lazy to cook.

>tfw eating once every 24 hours
First two days felt weird, now it just feels like nothing.

Newfags don't know
Oldfags don't remember

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>tfw there're loads of shitty memes u made long time ago flowing over Internet.

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Don't even say nothing to me boy you look like a mf uhhhhh

I had a east Ukrainian friend in high school, we kept contact. No news for the past 4 years though. Dunno if dead or Russian now.

Cool story and all but damn son I must have dementia bc i really dont remember anyone asking


damn bro you didnt have to body him like that

nah man im just bustin your balls here just joshin you good my nig

i came with a .38 im leaving with a body lmaooo

gon smoke him like some fish

bitch niggas tryna do me get smoked like that blunt

legendary video

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When Estonia beat one of the strongest teams in Europe by one point just last year and the arena in Estonia was freaking out. Nostalgic already.