I told her she had pretty eyes

>i told her she had pretty eyes
>in her pussy, Chad creampies

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Other urls found in this thread:


go back to your designated normie blue board

>go back to your designated normie blue board

Attached: 247.png (600x578, 196.54K)

>"lets look at the stars together, lying on the grass"
>i texted her in the exact moment Tyronne entered her ass

Attached: 952734375.jpg (480x480, 30.45K)

>i think about her every night, and cry myself to sleep
>shes doesnt think about me when Chads in her pussy balls deep

Attached: nGZOWtWvaCPmpYQ-800x450-noPad.jpg (412x231, 17.38K)

>she told me she met this guy from the south
>that same night, the black man came in her mouth

Attached: pepesad.jpg (750x1000, 60.32K)

>Telefaxed her a picture showing a flower
>She didnt answer for over an hour
>Told me later, she was busy taking a shower
>In reality, she was inserting chads tower

Attached: 1571664352459.png (565x396, 142.17K)

>I want to be with her from now until the tomb
>she moans as chad floods her womb

>wanted to kill her
>because a black mans semen fill her

>Last Christmas I gave you my heart
>But the very next day you gave it away
>This year, to save me from tears
>I'll give it to someone special

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germs cant into poetry

>She means everything to me and my soul
>Chad fills her up, in every hole

>"user, you are nice friend, you are the best!"
>she texted me after wiping Chads cum off her chest

Attached: pepepe.png (512x375, 14.05K)

She told me she would see me soon
While was helping chad coom

woosh, straight over your head

The only way to defeat Chad is to become Chad.

She just wants a Turkish diaspora guy
Who tells her sweet little lies
He may cheat and deceive
But she still spreads her sweet thick thighs

Attached: yo based department.jpg (1080x2214, 143.96K)


When you wish to forget all your sorrows
It's nice to walk around and day dream
Dream and, forget that, happiness has flown
And that you never got my fine red rose

For this very day, I went and bought
A little rose in a flower shop
A rose, red as blood, so you understood
That you are the one I love

When I called you like I usually do
And asked you out to see a film
You simply answered "No,
I'm not in the mood"
You said:
"I'm gonna be at home tonight,
and go to bed real early.
Please, don't call again"
And yeah, I had to promise that

But that just couldn't stop me
I must go out tonight
I walked through town 'til I saw you
With some guy in a brand-new car

The polish was shining
The chrome of its nose was sparkling
I stood there numb and thought
"How simple is my little rose?"

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Girls don't text me at all. I'm 25 now and haven't met a new person for years. I miss highschool when everyone was interested in meeting you through a simple Facebook request and then just liking their profile picture indicating you wanted to fuck

look better incel


>send her a letter saying we would be a good sum
>she thinks it's better to keep slurping on black man's cum

Heb seks, incel

>i asked her to go to the movies, she told me she was at home sick
>mfw i later i found out, she was actually taking Chads dick

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Good looking women want nothing to do with me even though I'm a 6'4 tall solid 7/10.
What do they want?

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Lmao this thread. Get a life of your own and stop obsessing over women (read: grown-up children).

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>she asked me if it was my first time
>I said yes, you know I can't lie
>she told me don't worry hun
>I've swallowed litres of chad's cum

Attached: 1554571610336.png (1054x526, 46.34K)

you have your own board you have your own board you have your own board you have your own board you have your own board

>i asked her if she'd prefer a man who's white or one who's a wog
>doesn't matter because it turns out she fucks a literal dog

>I visited my gf's country to spend 1 week together
>She left me during my visit
True story...

>The butthurt incel who wrote that post is complaining about women being "bitter"

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You must have been insufferable

online gf?
tell the story

Why did you (You) me, faggot piece of shit?

you have your own board have your own board have your own board have your own board have your own board have your own board you have your own board you have your own board you have your own board have your own board have your own board have your own board have your own board you have your own board

>ask her out for on a date at Sneed's Seed & Feed
>"Sorry user I'm with Chad at Chuck's Suck & Fuck"

Attached: sneed1.jpg (480x360, 8.88K)

>solid 7/10
Probably not if women don't want anything to do with you.

>feeling alone every night, cumming inside a sock
>knowing that right now, shes probably choking on Chads cock

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Were we in the same thread together sometime back mr spainiard?

Why are you guys such pathetic simps? I´ve never spent a minute crying about some chick that was out of my league. Have some self respect.

Not really. She had big trust issues since she was cheated on twice in the past, so she turned jealous for anything. The situation had to explode in any moment.
Long story short:
Erasmus gf (Turkish). Surprisingly, she wasn't the typical hoe who engages this kind of student programmes, so I decided to stay with her during this period, but not in a serious way because we were going back to our countries after our Erasmus stay. For this reason, I had some casual meetings with other girls, since she wasn't my official gf, even though she wanted to have sth serious.
Once in our countries, we decided to have a distance relationship, which didn't work because of her extreme jealousy. She had her reasons...

on Zig Forums years ago? probably