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International #1275
You are all collectively my friends as of now. how does that make you feel?
Your cunt
Nords vs meds
Capitalist?... No
I miss the empire guys
ITT: We pretend we're from the country above
ITT: Posters you recognize:
This is the average ________
/lat/ hilo latino
When was the last terrorist attack in your country?
Are Romanian villages really like that place where Borat was filmed? I'm not trying to make fun of Romania...
/Ita/ - il filo
Why do Europeans give a fuck about American politics?
What do communists in your country look like? Do they actually get anything done?
/lang/ - Språklärotråådhen
Is it true this phenotype is very common in scandi countries?
If only I had a German gf, my life would be complete and I would be happy
Why are bongs so phisycally weak?
Say something nice about the country above you
So lemme tell you about this absolute biais right here
Do you love Finland?
/fr/ - le francofil
Do you support balkanization of the United States? I personally think it would be better for everyone...
/desi/-Laugh At Copewaz Khan edition
ITT: Ask an real Belarussian everything!
Are Italians the greatest LARPers in Zig Forumsernational history?
UUUghhhhhhhhhh.......... Germanium must be Groß
How beautiful were big German cities before WW2?
Do people in your country of origin have good jawlines?
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Guess the country
/esp/ - Hilo español
I have never played Minecraft
First worlders brag about making 3k per month
Sverigetråden - Kommer ni ihåg den känslan?
He imagined a bunch of shooters/criminals breaking into his school
/lat/ - hilo latino
God i wish i were a westerner
To all my 3rd worlder bros who live in DARK SOVL (extremely poor) mode.I only have 3...
/tr/ yeni ibneler out
Wife Beating Bowl 2020
/österreich/ - /deutsch/e Frejndschaft
1. Your country
Why do Americans fake being nice?
Are you a lightweight?
Swarthy people are not safe in Poland
La meseta...home
/ita/ - il Filo
/ita/ il filo
When will it stop?
I'm trying to find an image that was in this channel before
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I wonder, which one's happier?
Czech 'em
What's the 30th city in your country?
Kurva anyátok
What's the realistic way to get sex if you're an introverted man with no social circle and poor social skills?
Nordic here. How can we stop Meds from taking our women?
I want to work in europe for a year will people be mean to me?
Map thread
Person, woman, man, camera, tv
/fr/ - Le fil français
Where would you place yourself on the compass int?
This is the future russians want
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Your country
Sverigetråden - nya KDU
Sverigetråden - Götalandupplagan
Which European count is the most soulless count?
The year is 2045. Sweden lives under URALIC RULE. All Swedish """men""" are sissified...
Does this happen in your country?
Is it over for Asian man?
Faggots believe this
Why's Portugal so poor despite being a small western european country?
Masterrace Thread
Spaniards have ridiculously perfect facial features...
Are anglos the biggest schizos on earth?
Post the ugliest city in your country
Today I learned Canada is just as anti-immigrant as America
Do you love them?
What would it look like if they were mixed together?
You are cute
They are Greek
How do I convince the local kebab shop to let me try the sauce for brown people?
I want to visit the UK one day. Great country
Literally made Iraq the shithole that is today
White vs. Yellow vs. Black
Faces of Zig Forums
Why are the Scottish so cringe?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
I just installed Linux
Which of these countries provide more leeway to non-EU immigration?
Sverigetråden - TV-spelsupplagan
My new shoes have just arrived, thank you America :)
1. Your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do westoids deny the existance of similarities between the Eurasian languages like Turkic...
Do you welcome (LEGAL) immigrants who've taken the time to learn your language and culture with open arms in your...
How does a country of only 5 million people have so many posters on Zig Forums?
Im from Morocco. My family thinks i came here for a better life but im actually here just to experience white cuties
/fr/ - le francofil
Someone makes a gay thread
Why do most Americans live paycheck to paycheck?
/ita/ - il Filo
Have you ever been to Sweden? Or Norway, Finland or Denmark?
Kurva anyátok
Clown World
Do white people really?
What's your stance on intervention here?
Russia still has the communist party
I want to play with the Finnish prime minister's ears
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
It's another "euros bitch and moan about the heat yet defend not having a/c" episode
This is a 40 year old Latina. I want to put my seed into the Latina
What's your favorite female name in your country?
/dixie/ -Ssouthrn thread & and others
Why do they veto everything?
Honest thoughts on the Finnish phenotype?
Does your country have cringe people living on islands for no reason?
Europe is over
/fr/ - le francofil
What age do girls usually give their first blowjobs in you're country?
I'm gonna post as much political compasses as i can find. You say if your country is accrute
Could this Arab pass as a Med in your country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Are whites unironically the supreme race?
U will never live in Norway
White and arab seem the same people to me white boy
Which one is more common in your cunt?
British cuisine is some of the best in the world
Based or cringe?
Which one?
English: "the"
I fucking hate tourist scum
/brit/ - Scots Language
Are we hated in the rest of europe?
Weather today
Sverigetråden - Porrupplagan
Tired of the Netherlands hate threads
/fr/ - le francofil
Did he ruin EU?
Paging all Latvian bros, I wanna know your thoughts on this
I lived under communism. it was hell. everyone had a job and they made us all work for a living...
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ઈઝરા/ - מהדורת צדק
Am i white?
I am half black. does this happen in your country?
If India was united it would have 1.75 BILLION people, surpassing way over China
What's with all the pro-China shills nowadays?
Someone post the GREɅT MVSHRØØMS ÖF SVËDEN pls
I am sad
BBC posters are browncels
China = bad!
Based, fuck the normalfags who use this shit app
Are you racist but don't show ir IRL?
Americans actually think English originated in the United States
/v4/ + friends
You will wake up in Tallinn
/mena/ + /IRQ/
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Kurva anyátok
Which one would you rather live in?
You wake up in the "Beverly Hills of Korea i.e. Gangnam
Have you ever been ethnically discriminated?
/ita/ il filo
I'm a plodder
Jesus’ face reconstructed by AI
I woke up
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2360
These are the people who think they can beat mighty India in a war
This is Norwegian Princess
Why you can trust SCMP
Dog rate thread
/lat/ hilo latANO
Are pantyhose still part of the office dress code for women in your country?
No history other than being owned by Spain (lol) and creating one of the worst countries in the world (Indonesia)
When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets
Why haven't you taken the gaypill yet?
Coming soon to a world map near you!
How to get black bf?
The final G7 meeting in human history
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Asean thread
/desi/ Gangu Chad Edition
Did I make Zig Forums proud?
Post American things
Justify this
Japan > Mongol > Europe
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Are you ready for the Indian century?
Zig Forums walk
Would u rather be born in Mexico or rather in Brazil...?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Can we get a music thread.t?
Your country
Rwandan refugee confessed to starting fire in the Nantes-Cathedral after initially denying
This is tindr in my country
Brazil´s average height by state
How would you honestly feel if someone walked up to you in you're a cunt and said pic related to you?
Why is this a thing?
Australian work culture is super shit
Was there an orthodox equivalent to the protestant reformation?
Are Americans really like this?
Beards of Zig Forums
/cum/ - canAda us mexico
Today’s breakfast
Your cunt
Does this hapoen on your cuntry?
What Latinos are the best looking? The white, mestizo/amerindian, or the black/mulatto ones?
*grabs your kid*
Jair Bolsonaro is denounced in The Hague for genocide and crimes against humanity
Does your country have a region that has a massive victim complex?
Mfw Europeans act like they're going to vote in our elections
How to make this board any less terrible?
What's the most bullied country on Zig Forums?
Lmao euros don't put smokestacks on their trucks
/lat/ - hilo latANO
On a scale of 1 to 10, how pathetic are nationalists/poltards in your country?
This board is low IQ
An American in 90s Russia
Wait a second
Looking for nice friends
Was it austism?
/cum/ - canada us mexixo
/fr/ - le francofil
Do you wish you had a Scandinavian girlfriend?
Games for high IQ people
Mom and dad, I want you to meet my girlfriend. Her name is Amina and she's from Somalia
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Are you enjoying life in your country?
Brazilians like to say "Australia is the first world Brasil", just because aussies are extrovert and the climate thing
Why am I so attractive, r/int?
Germans explains this now!
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Do Swedes really?
I wish i were american
Makes western liberals seethe
My cousin went to paris a year ago...
Sverigetråden - Nostalgiska Nattupplagan
How am i supposed to meet new women and get a gf by just talking to them randomly on the street or in a bar?
The coalburners of Europe
/brit /
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
/Nederdraad/ - Groei eens op-editie
To-be Expat
Bathtube in winter
Why are they like this?
Do you drink tap water?
Could latin america defeat the americans if they decided to invade latin america?
/fr/ - Le francofil francophone
Hilo latino /lat/
Could this Finnish man pass as a local in your country?
Is "Hans" really a common German name
Is 26 too old for university, especially in europe?
Can we take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the Indigenous peoples of the American Plains?
I have a feeling I am literally the ugliest person on this board
/balk/ + /ro/
What's your honest opinion on them?
Do you want to find love in America?
Family is coming in town. Oh boy, time to get judged
Suomi finland
/ita/ - il filo
/cum/ -- Canada+USA+Mexico
Obese North African here
Why do people on Zig Forums still pretend that Austrians are somehow Germans?
I'm thinking about moving to Brazil at some point in the future. Is that a good idea?
What was you're favourite year?
Sverigetråden - Söndagsupplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
Zig Forumsernational accents
Does your country have terrible fanfics?
I will just say it once and never again
Kurva anyátok
Philippines of the 5,60's
This is the ideal woman
Why do americans have such weird attitudes to the working class? It's like they think being poor is a character fault
Do people in your country like bread?
Are Spanish people proud of their Islamic history?
/dixie/ + /desi/ & Friends
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Would you disown your son if he became like this?
I'm attracted to white women that look like this
/deutsch/ - deutsche Edition
Look how simple Europe was in 1900
1. ur cunt
You wake up in Helsinki
I suffer in Türkiye
Do you write in cursive?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What language is this?
What did you eat for lunch?
Which city do you live in?
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Non white guys
Do other countries have the problem of trannies taking over leftwing communities or is this an American thing?
1. ur cunt
Sverigetråden - Vandalupplagan
Why is every german youtuber either turk or black?
Do Bolivians really name themselves "I Like Teslas" and beg American billionaires to visit their country and take all...
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
China's plans for the next 25 years
Zodiac for pretentious people
Non-white people can just say
2 weeks beard. I'm 25 years old. Just fuck my shit up
American high school kids don't wear uniforms
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /belarus/ + lads
Which one are you?
Ugh EVROPA bros
When "European English" replaces your local funny languages
Most common interracial couple in USA
Should I be ashamed of being Mexican?
/fr/ - le francofil
What is this called in your country?
Dad's white. Mom's filipina. When she gets drunk she calls my dad her "little aryan man" because he's German...
Gonna be my first time ever eating kebab
Sverigetråden - mysupplagan
Why so many westerners sympathize with the Russian royal family?
Kurva anyátok
Make picrews of yourself as accurate as possible
In Britain this is considered a meal
Daily reminder
Are you a twink?
Frens thread
MFW faggots fantasize about my 168cm 57 kg petite twink smooth hairless body
/deutsch/ - Ossi-Edition
Would you date a Zig Forums-poster girl in your country?
/ita/ il filo
Have you ever had international roommates/flatmates? What were they like?
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
/fr/ - le francofil
Is it socially acceptable now for girls to admit having lots of sex in you're country?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Your cunt
White women are angels, bros
What do they think of each other?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2359
Sverigetråden- Kycklingupplagan
Why do Brits insist so much on not being European? I understand not wanting to be related to the EU...
Greeks are better than other humans
Why do Westerners care so much about the Amazon forest as if they didn't cut down their own forests to make factories?
Americans are still rioting lol. So when will you guys chill down?
Med women for nords and nordic women for meds
This British man is 34 years old
You wake up in Дзepжинcк
/fr/ - le francofil
/österreich/ - /deutsch/er Freundschaftsfaden
Who are they? What are they?
I told her she had pretty eyes
/ita/ - il filo
Could you guess what does this map represents?
Name a race of "people" more deserving of genocide
Italian pizza
Redpill me on their diaspora
Would I be considered cute in your country?
/balk/ + /ro/
Do reverse image search of an attractive blonde blue eyed woman
I love being european
Your country
/deutsch/ heute /verachtung/
Would you give tomboys and “masculine looking” women a chance?
Why aren't Muslims standing with their brothers?
/fr/ - le francofil
What modern countries think of their former empires
What do you think of my end of the world Zig Forums
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ઈઝરા/ - מהדורת ריפ שחר
The future I'm foreseeing
Sverigetråden - Molns upplaga
/East Asia/
Why is /fr/ the only general with women ?
Damn polacks flocking to my country and taking benefits!
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Whats your hobby Zig Forums? Are you creative? What do you like to do aside from shitposting here all day?
Average Zig Forums age
So which one is the germanic phenotype?
Why are Russians on better terms with China over the west?
You wake up in Stockholm
Post National industrial structure
What Chinese product are you using
/med/ - olive oil general
Nooooooo you can't like Korean girls don't you know they are plastic?
It gives me severe depression that my home country of 1.2 billion, India...
Humanity is stagnating, everyone does drugs, all women are whores, every 2nd girl has ugly tattoos...
Question for the Japanese
/desi/ khap panchayat edition
Britain doesn't have a constitution
People who earn 1k$ per month considered successfull here
There are currently 286,000,000 non Hispanic white in the US that's excluding middle eastern and North Africa...
East asia love white people but do white people love east asian?
Turkey is a secular, white, European country okay. We have nothing common with Arabian culture
How would you rate your country's education system?
Google '(your city) street fashion' and post the first image
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What's the issue? This is fucking based
I gotta join the korean military in 6 months I'm 180cm 180lb cuz I'm fat how do I get in shape and get gains so I dont...
/v4/ + fiends
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You call us nip
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine