Jesus’ face reconstructed by AI

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Apparently my unkilji is Jesus?

You can't reconstruct Jesus face tho

Why? It’s not like him and Muhammed (PBRUH) are the same person, amirite?

I hate the 21st century. Also Jesus never actually existed

I prefer the classic

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Jesus didn't exist lmao


That guy looks like a prehistoric neanderthal. Jesus lived in the Roman era


Christ this was supposed to be Bowie according to the AI. All Dutchmen must hang

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This desu. Pretty stupid to use AI as an argument as if this is some kind of definitive result when theres no skull or anything

Historical jesus is pretty much accepted by everyone but the most dogmatic atheists at this point, even if the mention in josephus was a later insert

Holy fuck he really does look Indian lmao

lol ok svenske bøsse. He looks like the average turk

Throw away your pagan beliefs and come home, desi man.

my korean church taught me Jesus was a gigachad

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Some schizo Hindus (just a few cults here and there) actually do this and make Jesus the 10th Avatar of Vishnu. Although the 10th is supposed to be the destroyer (Kalki).

christcuckery is destroying the world so they are right

Looks like a genuinely friend dude, also vaguely Kashmiri.

Looks like a half-crazed religious zealot (so probably more accurate).

my lord

Sorry I'm not going to devote my life to some desert dweller's cult. I find Abrahamic religions weird anyway

Why do people actually think God gives a shit about what religious book you read? If God was real he wouldn't give a shit about what your religion was, he would only care about whether you worshipped him or not.

most of india is pretty dry and desert-like anyways. most of india is essentially a giant savannah.

>American education

>heres your saviour bro

That Jesus looks like a Neanderthal/Early Human

>Gulf Araboid looking
Made by a racist Imbecile who stereotypes all Middle Easterners as Osama Bin Laden. Jesus was a Levantine Med

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Of course the pagan can't understand anyhting about the God of Love, go burn a widow

>Why yes, we are pure native Levantines. How could you tell?

Attached: Palestinian Syrian Levantine couple.jpg (640x1021, 496.85K)

Pretty reasonable estimate all things considered.