Should I be ashamed of being Mexican?

Should I be ashamed of being Mexican?
>country and people made up mostly by incompetence, corruption, crime, and poverty

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no point wasting your time on that. just do your best to live up to your potential

>>country and people made up mostly by incompetence, corruption, crime, and poverty
Sounds familiar...

Shouldn't have been born in a country where the majority of the population is made up of brown people, I guess. Oh well.

Do the best you can. I believe in you.

Back to Zig Forums, Cletus

>>country and people made up mostly by incompetence, corruption, crime, and poverty

That's most third world countries desu.

>Bean loving short and brown pyramids, beheadings in some parts of the country
BROTHERS even Americans online assume that I am Mexican when they see me

Doesn't matter ya faggot just get out of this hellhole site & focus on your real life building.

>Should I be ashamed of being Mexican?
no, remember indians exist

What a fucking attention seeking faggot you are.

No- you will always have central Americans to look down on


Well, we central americans have south americans (except the nicer cunts like Chile and Argieland), indians and africans to look down on.

so this is the looking-down upon order in the Americas

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I suppose, Argieland and Chile are excluded though.
By the way, turkanon, for some reason turk soap operas are big here. There's one called Lifeline (original name in Turk: something something Karadeniz), it has aired in few countries including this one. It is comfy I must admit, I never watch tv except for when it comes on.

My grandma watched one of those some years ago, not sure if she still does

>By the way, turkanon, for some reason turk soap operas are big here.
That is revenge for flooding our tv with Brazilian soaps that never ended
>It is comfy I must admit, I never watch tv except for when it comes on.
I am happy our work gets out to the world and you like them :D

No. No real reason to be ashamed or proud of things you have nothing to do with and are outside of your control.

Wtf no, love your country even when it's sick

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I get Panama and Costa Rica are decent, but are most South American countries really worse than Honduras or El Salvador?

If you're Indio, then no. Your land was robbed by the European Christian leech.
If you're Mestizx, I dunno. Maybe.
If you're Criollo, then yes. You're a parasite on that land. Talking about how bad your country is when your class how the power to change things and willingly choose not to,

No because you have access to Latina qts

>Tfw live so far away from Mexico and can't get a qt Mexican gf


Is it tru you niggas (or maybe just turk boomers) like el santo?

Brazil is unironically relatively isolated from most Spanish speaking countries, but yeah, turkish soup operas are pretty popular here as well.

t. Brown Chicano

Jokes on you, im black

>country and people made up mostly by incompetence, corruption, crime, and poverty

My brother...

You should be ashamed of being ashamed. I'm ashamed of you.

hahaha based
indians are literally placed at the bottom of all races
even the most n iggerish ooga booga from some african shithole get sympathy from misguided and clueless whitoid faggots
indians are generally disliked by everyone
so op, yeah, dont be ashamed of being a mexibro
just play the victim card and many whitoid faggots will bow down to you :^)

you should never be ashamed of what you are unless you are a german, because we did unspeakable things in the past and have to atone for the sin of our ancestors.

k y s, faggot

Why would you be ashamed of something you didnt choose? Are you retatded? Maybe you should be ashamed of choosing to be ashamed

Behold, the underage bimaru fag
He puts spaces between KYS and nigger all the time because he’s scared daddy will find him browsing naughty sites

pulled a string i see huh


indeed kys, self hat

Yes, but at the same time there is nothing you can do about it. Just be glad that at least you weren’t born in some sub-Saharan African shithole

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lol seethe

no, killing myself for my sins would be the easy way out, i must actively spread the message to all my german brothers and sisters, that we must work to atone for our collective sins.

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