I have never played Minecraft

I have never played Minecraft

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Same, but I was born in 1990.




me too, i can't make anything even in a game, too ADHD

I was born in 1990, and I played a lot of Minecraft.
Ah, the times of IndustrialCraft 2, Atomic Science, Mekanism...

in this case you should kys


No minecraft, LOL or fortnite

Tbh i dislike these games


i have. it's fun. i havent played in like 8 months though. my little villagers must miss me.

>some people are still playing minecraft in 2020 even though they've had over 10 years to beat the game
how bad can you be?

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I played it for a period a long time ago. I installed it yesterday and it ran like shit for no reason even though they didn't change anything visually, it used to be really light

i have never played a persona game

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congrats, you're not gay

I have never played but I know everything about the game and listen to the soundtrack religiously, just because it's that good, peak ambient.

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taswell is overworldly immersion

I meant otherworldly fuck

I have never finished Minecraft

It's pretty good, I would recommend it

ik ook


it's autistic. play some Battlefield 3 nigga.

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>I only play minecraft

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Any mods to give blocks weight and gravity? I'd play if blocks acted like they would irl.

literally me

why would you play post-2142 battlefield



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but im 31 yo, what can be done?

you are not 31

jets are absolutely op in that game
trees might look like this

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what do you mean user