Did I make Zig Forums proud?

Attached: B59DE998-6578-4E19-B06A-662715EBA368.jpg (1125x1775, 417.49K)

Attached: award-gold-large.png (192x192, 8.78K)

No you made me fucking cringe you god damn faggot



Wow, that’s definitely epic and wholesome 100!!!! Here, take this Reddit Gold, kind stranger!!!

This is why Americans should be rangebanned and I'm not even kidding.

Why do you even do it outside this place. It’s like taking a dump outside designated shitting street.

kek upvoted!

Zig Forums memes should stay on Zig Forums
Since Zig Forums is filled with hipsters, once the general populace starts using these memes, it no longer becomes cool in this hip reddit board

At some point people decided that chanspeak should be used outside of Zig Forums. It's truly a crime against humanity.

OP here. The person i was taking to is a girl btw

I'd normally be upset but it's really justified this time huh

Nobody is kidding when we say we must rangeban the worst countries on Zig Forums (Americans, Canadians and Brazilians).


>Did I make Zig Forums proud?
>07/27/20(Mon)05:04:33 No.127555920
>417 KB JPG

Attached: 1588756617692.png (558x949, 266.85K)

This is cringe to be honest. I only send shit like this to my friend who also browses Zig Forums.

>The person i was taking to is a girl btw

Attached: gigachad(3).jpg (1080x1246, 118.9K)

I don't want to hear that from binland

Don't forget the japs

Based idc I do the same shit with girls who want to hookup idc for these hoes anymore whatsoever I’ll just say shit to get a reaction lol

please kill yourself

It's just one schizo that samefags, believe it or not.

Screencapped this thread lads

Attached: 15390813563951.png (609x2235, 260.66K)

Lol send this

It would be funny if OP sent it to her.

soyposters should be banned in real life

Also it would be funny if OP sent this to her.

Attached: op convo.png (1858x860, 167.69K)

Japan is ok.

tell whatever mutt kween you are talking to that she would be far better suited with an English gentleman such as myself

Attached: NmU9NHr.jpg (1080x1350, 117.27K)



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Guys, she said Soyjak is ugly. What now?

based Napoleon

soijack posters need to be rangebanned, its worse than fucking r*ddit now

I wish we were a mutted country.

You are. All Americans are mutts, according to your DNA tests.

>this post
>this flag

We're mutted between different parts of Europe. Not different continents unlike you.

made me giggle