To all my 3rd worlder bros who live in DARK SOVL (extremely poor) mode.I only have 3...

To all my 3rd worlder bros who live in DARK SOVL (extremely poor) mode.I only have 3.11$ left in my wallet and I have to survive for one more week. Please teach me your survival strategy. Tutorial country or first worlders advice are welcomed, although I think you've never suffered this much before.

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Currently in possession:
- electricity, water, gas
- internet (one week)
- rice 2kg
- instant noodles 3 packs
- sugar 1/2kg
- coffee 750g

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i plan on purchasing $200 worth of drugs to put up my nose tonight

wtf that's enough for 3 months here in mexico

well i wish u luck user. u can live off rice and noodles for a week right?

Yeah, with 3 dollars I can buy 15 packs of noodles. Although actually I'm not sure how long I have to wait until I get a commission so 1 week is just my wishful thinking. If it needed to be, I want to survive two weeks with this 3 dollars.

Hentai artist?

Post examples of your art and I might commission you.

Live with your parents

No, amateur translator. I want to apply for publishers but I'm not confident since I don't have degree in Japanese study/JLPT certificate.
I'm not an artist, although I tried to be one. Bought a pen tablet with little money that I saved from translation commission but I stopped drawing because depression + knowing I will never gonna make it.

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i will give you 20 usd if you make me laugh

Do you translate doujins?

Have fun

he's not ur personal buffoon. go away sociopath

Don't have. There are distant relatives but idk if I could ask them for help.
I'd rather work for it
Yeah, I do. I'm thinking to lowering my rate to 0.5$/page for full editing since I'm totally broke. Usually I translate like 1$/page.

>2000 grams of rice for 2 weeks
>285 grams of rice a day
Boil the rice with sugar, that's what I did when I was dirt poor.
Get potatoes you'll get extra calories and vitamins.
Also dont make any kind of unnecessary effort that will burn precious calories.

>although I think you've never suffered this much before.
Bro STFU. I suffer in America. Probably even more than you ever will. You don't know what you're talking about .

I meant 2000 grams for 1 week

Eat less/ration better.
Cut out unnecessary expenses.
Don’t splurge on fast food/dining out
Sell some of your posessions and reinvest the money.

1 pack of oatmeal costs 0,50 cent and maybe start a small garden with veggies

Give me your mail and I'll commission you some work.

(or Telegram if you prefer)

You could farm gold in MMOs like Runescape or World of Warcraft

Poor student huh? Ask mommy and daddy for mone.

>Sell some of your posessions
This or pawn

[email protected]
I could deliver in one or two days depending on the length of the doujin.

Do you got any samples of your work?

sent ;^)

I'll send sample through email.
Thanks man, will work on it ASAP.

honestöy you think you might suffer but at least you still live in a comfy, non-liberal warm country with hot and easy women everywhere. Our struggles might not be the exact same but if you think you have it objectively worse you're delusional.

I just asked my piss poor friend what he would do, he told you to:

Buy frozen mixed vegetable for 1$, mix of carrots vegetables and peas to mix with your rice for means as you need vitamins

Buy powdered drink sugar thingy to mix with water, it will keep the dopamine levels and also sugar has calories thats like 1$ also

With the rest of money you can buy roughly 6 bananas and eat 1 each day or buy half a loaf of bread every day,

There's no such a thing as frozen mixed vegetable here. But yeah I'm thinking to by some soybean and few eggs and maybe eat once a day with rice, then switch with instant noodles.