>u will never live in Norway
it hurts kankas...
U will never live in Norway
this bitch will look like 50 in a few years with all that sun exposure
Just move to Norway whats the problem here?
Flatter than a runway t b h
>Thread about whore not made by american flag
I'm impressed. maybe today most of them decided to go to sleep as the sun rose
Why go to norway when you have this?
Imagine put her in this pose by sticking your big fat white cock in her wet juicy pussy
not op but no thx
this but black
Why do you dislike your own women?
Grass is alwasy greaner somewhere else
stop spamming this disgusting tranny everyday
they all died from the 'rona
i like most turkish women but not the fenotype you posted
is there anything more overrated than blonde girls?
Well that would explain the proportions
black hair all the way
maybe dark brown
yellow girls
Das ist korrekt.
This. Get me out of this blonde hellhole.
you take that back!
Ich fühle mich jetzt so schwul
>Der größte Trick, den der Teufel je gebracht hat, war die Welt glauben zu lassen, es gäbe ihn nicht.
you got non blondes in your cunt too
Asians, definitely.
Transen und schwuchtel sind schwache menschen die der Teufel als seine armee benutzt um männer und frauen zu beeinflussen
>it's a man covering his nipples
Simply why?
If she identifies as a woman she is one tbf
If you dislike your brown cuties so much ,then stop hiding them away and let us (me) have a go at their fishy döner.
Not gonna marrying them though....
women in general
>tfw Norway is a 10 minute walk away
Gonna drive over there any day now and help my brother move.
what's your problem brudi?
i dont dislike them, i dont like the face type you posted simple as. i actually like tanned girls.
Not enough.
you spreading your gay bullshit here this not the board to discuss if fags can be women
Are you gay or something?
Bitch you posted is just objectively ugly nigga
Shut the fuck up