
jesus was white and most modern 'historical scholars' are just ideological pawns pushing an antiwhite agenda that disregards the historic migrations of peoples in the steppes and leveante area but that doesnt matter because now is the epoch of the cyberchrist edition

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Other urls found in this thread:




Mad how the majority of people work in places like these

so how are your gcse studies coming along

rorke is finished

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Say it clear, say it loud!
I am bent and I am proud!

used to work in one of these years ago
it was like school except worse

>existing as a historical figure

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trip on mikey

Don't be a mong.

can suck my own willy already, now working on tonguing my own arse

jesus wasn't a real person

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man gotta do what a mans gotta do. it's a doggy dog world out there

i dunno if jesus w3as right but i agree with eveything else


explain this rectangle..?


As Napolean said “History is a set of lies agreed upon.”

But these musings matter little in the hyper real manifestation of the platonic form of the cyber chirst

Elevate yourself

I do pretty well with girls, but 90% of the time they call me "cute" instead of hot or whatever, is this a bad thing lads? Like last girl to message me said "Hey cutie" with the heart eye emoji. FFS


as long as it gets me shags I don't care

Learned how to cum without ejaculating and it means I can shag for as long as my cardio system keeps up now, or wank for ages, real game changer

basically when youre about to orgasm stop wanking, clench your balls and ass and take a deep breath in and hold it, and you should feel the orgasm come and go but youll still be hard and still feel like wanking/shagging. After you get good enough at this you can stop it while still wanking or shagging slowly

try it

Turks are just Muslim Greeks. Ethnically they're exactly the same both sides of the Aegean.


The final ever Bronycon has been held. The My Little Pony fandom is finally dying.
It took far too long to reach this point but it's slow and steady decline has now reached a critical low point.

If your still here user, could you tell me the reasoning behind the filename? feel like I'm missing out on a joke.

it means they see you as more of a brother

ethnifity isnt real

It's because you are a child.

spent 30 quid trying to find a cute girl to order food from

but I've banged a lot of them, so that doesnt really make sense


what happens if you do this multiple times in a short space of time?

seems like it would fry your system somehow

Serious question for /brit/.
Are you stronger than a british woman at wrestling.

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a little brother?

for those who refuse to believe the conspiracy theroires

what about the "PEDO" in huge letters with the israel flag behind it ??

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Just in case you thought the perfect job didn’t exist.

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>or whatever
Wannabe yank bastard. I’ll rip your head off and shite down your neck, batty boy


Covid has proven the entire economic system to be an entire sham yet the average person is too stupid to even notice

they must have been really fucked up...

>mr brightside


not an israeli flag (maybe greek or uruguayan)
thats not a p

i want to lick her abs

and it has proven 1/3 of jobs in this land are fake.

Remember the time a mate of mine asked a girl if she thought I was good-looking, and she said "Of course he is, but he definitely knows it". In actual fact I'd also considered myself to be pretty ugly, and now I'm wondering if I've actually been good-looking all this time after all



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blog on ugly cun t

how many kids did he kill

Time for my 200 squats lads to improve leg strength

You've posted this before.

Tu trompes personne.

goodnight lads

britain will never fully recover

landlords will be the only ones who come out largely unscathed. wagies? forget about em

stoopid peng

Feel like shit lads

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get the fucking vaccine out aready jesus CHRIST

i am a landlord and i can assure ytou already we are not unscath3ed

>built for bbc

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What do you expect?
This country doesn't build anything, sell anything, producde anything, anything of value we had got sold for a quick £ to foreign countries

Why else do you think we are mostly call center workers?

Leave /brit/ alone.

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Vivement l'overdose pour toi.

Me at ten past three on a Saturday afternoon.

True but it was about 6 months ago, I was hoping you wouldn't remember


thoughts on the Polish–Ukrainian War of 1918-1919?

just realised he's reading from right to left


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blackmail pyramid scheme

ah yes the human body

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how mental would it be if scientists found out that your spunk was the only vaccine but it would only work on fit lasses haha

Leave /brit/. It's summer.

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thoughts in sri lankans killing israelis?

>enjoying the view?

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Pédophile de merde.

they changed the fucking font on here or what?

wtf i love jews nwo

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ohh boo hoo enjoy hoovering up more properties with low interest and no stamp duty diego

where do I even begin. the thoughts I have on the Polish-Ukrainian War of 1918-1919 are esoteric and rich

4 day work week

fucking i-deal bud.


not sure what language this is but i don’t like it

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know what this webm is from the blacked out thumbnail and I shan't be expanding it, would rather not see a fountain of yank juice and popcorn erupting from that fat bastard

*mumbles something about d'weather and walks away*


Come on, Bryce. There are a lot more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.

based and not a mong pilled

I’m actually pathetically weak would sign up to the gym but would be embarrassed about being able to do 30 reps on any of the machines on the lowest weight what’s a good non-meme way to improve your strength at home push ups?

about to get comfy in bed with my switch and play botw

>muh bogeyman

makes you think

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anti-paedo spells to ward them off /brit/

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Can't tell if this is a typo or not.

fucking hell

diego please mate dont play games


currently having a manic episode how are you all doing this evening /brit/?

no one gives a shit mate, so long as you aren’t hogging equipment people won’t pay you any mind

typos for homos

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What’s a manic episode then

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Can literally see the difference already in my legs after these squats. Frightening how fast I'm growing and how strong I'm becoming

being a weakling at the gym is fine
thats what its there for
so you no longer have to be a pipsqueek

gonna sign up to the gym after a bit of time has passed, around October I think. make terrific gains and become a behemoth. then I'll share my body online with you lads since it isn't like I'll get any girls.

my anus keeps clencing and i wish a gil was there to lick it bu tlet's accep ti tsn'ts o i'v eonly spent 30 on a dliuveroo

toilberg beckons user.... toilberg beckons.....

why are you on here like 8 hours a day?


Is there any other country in the world where if you don't go to one specific university your life is basically total shit and irrelevant?


how many a day?

alex jones is bill hicks

buy some weights from amazon, use them and also do 5bx

come on girl lick my anus i've lready ordered 3 deliveroos

depends on the girl and how she said and depends on you as well

(pro-tip: literally everything in life depends on context.)

I don’t know you tell me

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>Mr Musk, who is also chief executive of SpaceX, an aerospace manufacturer and space exploration company, also denied having an alleged threesome with Heard and the British model Cara Delevingne.

wish id worked harder at school this fucking nerd is elbow deep in super model clunge

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she killed herself

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not if you're a neetie :) getting paid tomorrow


He denied it user

virgin freak

lol i've been awake for 5 hours ffs

my days

i need to sort this out big time

simple as.

Saw this complete and utter spacker floundering like a fish out of water at the gym today lads. Me and my bros were bellowing with laughter at the little runt. Should have seem his face when he realised we were laughing at him.


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What's a decent free dating site? I don't have a new phone sorted yet so out of the Tinder game for a while. I don't want to resort to using POF

wish i was in a rich enough for the question to even be asked if i had shagged cara

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here she coooomes

any girls want to fuck me i'm rich but wasted in richmond hah

her tits are fucking awful

how rich






>how rich

"Mostly white" rich

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would love to have a job but I just can't seem to get one
oh well

Can we please talk about how fucked up the toil industry is?

few mill

got this in the journal today lads, thinking of replying "poo"

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Eskimo sound

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noticed last night you were away from brit between 03.34am and 04.40am.

what were you doing in that period of time?

they look like coronaviruses

>can criticize everyone but jews

fuck off mostly i am fully

poor and sober in poormond here

the patrician pornhub channel

giz a quid

My current read so far I didn't expect to like this one so much but I'm really liking the experimental way it is written and the CIa/Journalist chapters. Those are cool

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if he said everything he said but replaced "jews" with "whites" there wouldn't even be a conversation right now

any tradesies in?

sorry, 03.24am

whats going on with so many japanese escorts in uk lads, i understand the eastern-european, but don't the japanese usually have enough money not to resort to prostitution? especially on the other side of the planet, just wondering

mad how many Asians are in London

yeah mate i already know thanks

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bent freak