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I'm fucking ecstatic
we can't stop winning ameribros
it's going to be funny as shit when the rest of the world moves on from corona and only the US has to deal with it. china won bros, it's over
2nd wave is starting in all of Europe.
tourism was a mistake
>the rest of the world moves on from corona
Latin America and India is alsogetting hit quite hard by corona.
I sure hope they at least quarantine everyone returning to Finland for a week this time.
>all of Europe
Only in failed lockdown experiment countries you mean
nothing is happening here. this virus is a meme
nope, lots of outbreaks here
Europe would need to actually test for there to be a 2nd wave.
at least they don't believe in herd immunity
We don't believe in functioning health care period.
there is a marginal increase due to the generalization of tests, there is no 2 wave.
>you can't have a second wave if your first wave never ended
Nice one Sweden
lmao everything is going to shit here
tests per 1 million people
>Denmark: 243,672
>UK: 217,848
>Russia: 185,982
>USA: 163,744
>Portugal: 149,944
>Spain: 135,187
>Belgium: 134,814
>Italy: 108,520
>Germany: 88,527
>Switzerland: 88,335
>Sweden: 74,350
>Poland: 55,365
>France: 45,682
>Japan: 5,657
*taps forehead*
total tests is bad metric, look at daily tests and europe is not testing anymore
per day? or week?
>min vän *cough* det är min övertygelse att denna *cough cough* uppgörelse kan gagna både mitt och *cough* ert folk
abe is literally starting to ignore everything. that incompetent clown is going full brazil now
Absolutely kino.
Only in Sicktoria. NSW has a few outbreaks which are under control and the rest of the country has eliminated the virus.
Absolute state of nipland.
We listened to CHINA WHO, stayed open to CHINA for "essential workers", and we won ASEAN #3.
They are rolling out mass testing in 2-3 weeks here.
USA actually did more to counter CHINA flu after all! We have been CHINAED by CHINA propaganda.
NSW seems to be teetering on the edge of 'going to breakout' and 'nah we all good'. They honestly should have closed the border to Victoria earlier. Is there anywhere I can see a breakdown of state by state cases?
NSW has a top tier contract tracing system. All of the current cases in NSW can be traced to known sources, unlike in Victoria where community transmission was out of control and untraceable.
This whole time I could have found exactly what I was looking for on wikipedia ffs. Also 4 million tests for a country of 25 million people thats huge. I wish I lived in Tasmina atm
Where are you?
I'm currently comfy in Canberra. Hopefully NSW can stay on top of things but the ACT government has already made plans to shut the border to most of NSW if they go the way of Victoria.
not him, I'm in Melbourne and it fucking sucks.
Fuck the state government, andrews and vicpol, utterly useless cunts all round