Attached: a58.jpg (680x357, 18.39K)
Hudson Kelly
Other urls found in this thread:
Zachary Watson
Imagine being an arab
Thomas Mitchell
>tfw arab
Ian Barnes
Joseph Taylor
Tfw Arab
Ethan Long
Israelis, how does it feel to know that your own army are cowards who fired missiles at each other last night?
Evan Taylor
you are not arap
no one cares go back to pol
Brayden Gonzalez
يسقط يسقط حكم الازعر
نحنا الشعب الخط الأحمر
اروح فدوة
Xavier Ward
Yes I am
Bentley Robinson
That pic made me laugh like I haven't laughed in weeks.
Nathan Howard
Jayden Jenkins
No you are not
you are juat arabized wanba/larper
Lucas Ward
so are they ever going to retaliate about us killing several of them last year, one more last week plus one bombed house?
we're still waiting
Brayden Ross
You're a Turkmen
Ian Myers
شبيهم الشروك فوك ما حموا عرضك معاجبك
Grayson King
No, I'm Iraqi not arap nor turkmen
Matthew Gutierrez
>Most imageboard software is fucking gay
Sounds like this is going to take a while
Xavier Gray
اي ما عاجبني اريد الافغاني والشيشاني ينيجون عرضي
Jeremiah Campbell
I thought you said Iraq is invented by British to destroy Ottoman Empire
Alexander Thompson
Arapism* not Iraq you retarded
Henry Morgan
Hezbollah has now actually attacked them. 7 Israeli soldiers are dead and only 1 Hezbollah guy killed.
Austin Morris
انسخ هذا الموقع
Justin Hill
Iraq is product of Arabism literally all the founders of Iraq were officers from the Arab revolt and the king was a hejazi prince
Landon Stewart
Kevin Fisher
Matthew Roberts
>literally all the founders of Iraq were officers
and they were Iraqi nationalists not arapists
>and the king was a hejazi prince
brit puppet
Justin Mitchell
his fantasy
Nicholas Rivera
رجعولنا النخلات لا انيج خواتكم
Brayden Murphy
Cope. They wanted a Fertile Crescent Arab union
Just accept Arabism. You are half Arab so you will be accepted
Colton Rivera
>They wanted a Fertile Crescent Arab union
>Just accept Arabism. You are half Arab so you will be accepted
Iraqis arent araps Im not Arab at all
Lincoln King
>he doesn't know about the united Arab Deep State
Benjamin Davis
Do not expose us brother, we will strike when its the right time.
Ian Nelson
I refuse to poo.init()
Theie repo is just another frontend for Lynxchan. Right now my only choices are Lynx or tinyboard/vichan and I despise both (the latter more so than the former).
Lincoln Cruz
This wasn't the exact tweet I found but the number of Israeli soldiers who died is instead 5. But pic related is the Hezbollah guy (Ali Mohsen) who died.