
Attached: a58.jpg (680x357, 18.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine being an arab

>tfw arab

Attached: arab_pepe.png (112x112, 17.28K)

Attached: 36d.jpg (1080x692, 138.48K)

Tfw Arab

Attached: IMG_3775.jpg (739x415, 15.15K)

Israelis, how does it feel to know that your own army are cowards who fired missiles at each other last night?

Attached: EDmTgdcW4AE6wUU.jpg_large.jpg (526x378, 37.4K)

you are not arap
no one cares go back to pol

يسقط يسقط حكم الازعر
نحنا الشعب الخط الأحمر

اروح فدوة

Yes I am

That pic made me laugh like I haven't laughed in weeks.


Attached: Shroogis_IRL.jpg (600x404, 65.35K)

No you are not
you are juat arabized wanba/larper

so are they ever going to retaliate about us killing several of them last year, one more last week plus one bombed house?
we're still waiting

Attached: 132435464785.webm (640x480, 1.74M)

You're a Turkmen

شبيهم الشروك فوك ما حموا عرضك معاجبك

No, I'm Iraqi not arap nor turkmen

>Most imageboard software is fucking gay
Sounds like this is going to take a while

Attached: 1577355166850.jpg (201x259, 16.48K)

اي ما عاجبني اريد الافغاني والشيشاني ينيجون عرضي

I thought you said Iraq is invented by British to destroy Ottoman Empire

Arapism* not Iraq you retarded

Hezbollah has now actually attacked them. 7 Israeli soldiers are dead and only 1 Hezbollah guy killed.

انسخ هذا الموقع

Iraq is product of Arabism literally all the founders of Iraq were officers from the Arab revolt and the king was a hejazi prince


Attached: ogfn5.jpg (750x491, 211.98K)

>literally all the founders of Iraq were officers
and they were Iraqi nationalists not arapists
>and the king was a hejazi prince
brit puppet

his fantasy

رجعولنا النخلات لا انيج خواتكم

Cope. They wanted a Fertile Crescent Arab union

Just accept Arabism. You are half Arab so you will be accepted

>They wanted a Fertile Crescent Arab union
>Just accept Arabism. You are half Arab so you will be accepted
Iraqis arent araps Im not Arab at all

>he doesn't know about the united Arab Deep State

Do not expose us brother, we will strike when its the right time.

I refuse to poo.init()
Theie repo is just another frontend for Lynxchan. Right now my only choices are Lynx or tinyboard/vichan and I despise both (the latter more so than the former).

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This wasn't the exact tweet I found but the number of Israeli soldiers who died is instead 5. But pic related is the Hezbollah guy (Ali Mohsen) who died.

Attached: IMG_20200728_104553.jpg (1080x1382, 138.98K)