Can Americans explain this?

Can Americans explain this?

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please die right now

Shit ton of preservatives, I guess.
We have the same problem.

SOVL vs soulless

It's still less than in the US tho. Compare Canadian fruit loops vs American one if you don't believe me

Fuck off sandnigger go. Fuck a pig

FDA requires that umbrella ingredients be broken down to scientific compounds
(((natural flavoring)))

Why so much shit on oats though

Is that the same for Supplements? Like whey protein

because it scientifically makes the food taste better. Just because it has a big name or acid tied to it doesn't make it bad. I bet you think Dihydrogen Monoxide is bad too.

No. You already know the answer. Stop asking.


>I need these 357 acids to make OATS taste better, totally common bruh

You guys have fucked up palate from all. The sugar and fat you consume.

There are dozens of naturally occuring acids in fruit you eat everyday

Yank education

>dried apple
>dried strawberry
did you even look at the OP retard

How dare you reply to me

Ah right, that makes sense I was thinking I would have been something along the lines of a legislative issue.

>hehe I know water's molecular name which means I have a high IQ and any argument you have against unhealthy chemicals in your food is moot, because water is a chemical, therefore all chemicals are fine, stupid people

Are you incredibly insecure of something? His argument wasn't to state the 'scientific name' of water - in fact, he didn't; he wrote it in a seldom-used expanded format to illustrate that terms that have scientific conotations may appear intimidating. Dihydrogen monoxide is not a common name for water (and it is not really the scientific name for it; it's scientific name is just water talk to IUPAC about it) - and most people won't recognise it is water at first glance due to people's lack of experience in scientific nomenclature. It is desirable for companies to list compounds in 'common' names as to not induce confusion in the populace purchases said product, note however, this doesn't occur in the American section of OP.

All of the stuff in the left one is in the right one, just labeled as "natural flavouring".

>chemicals are bad because they make me think of science fiction movies
I bet you call GMOs "frankenfoods" as well

Why does Zig Forums love the appeal to nature fallacy so much when talking about food?


Attached: soyboy-trio.png (800x687, 144.08K)

Haha holy shit imagine typing out that entire paragraph out of sheer rage

Honestly surprised it has sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup

Not exactly, left has artificial components.

Cope, US version still has shit not present in the UK version

They're different products.

You don't actually know that since the US and UK have different laws pertaining to what needs to be listed.

>the product from the "oat so simple" line has fewer ingredients than the instant oatmeal with cream
I'm floored.

you can choose to buy regular oats. instead you use a cherry picked (oat picked?) image of two different products.

Attached: oats.jpg (1874x845, 285.2K)

Czeched and this