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International #1279
His country doesnt eat human meat
My village is much older than my country
Are you a girthlet?
Does your country have a chad name?
Sverigetråden - Våldtäktsupplagan
Lmao do nordicucks/alt-incels really believe they were Romans? I thougth it was just a meme
I support trans rights now
Working hours are 9 to 5
Why aren't you rich Zig Forums?
I believe in the existence of female warriors. But I don't believe they were in the USA
/ita/ il filo
Your country
Why don't you move to Japan?
European Cities
I'm 170cm,65kg
Come home white man
/fr/ - Le Fil Français
I will be drafted tomorrow, goodbye everybody
Do you love Japanese girls?
You can choose a girl from one of these two countries to be your wife
Why if white and asian have kids its looks not bad but if we have white+black its looks absolutely disgusting
How do people even escape Russia? I can't live on my salary...
So...You're saying that
Do you want to live in this world?
Why is the new chink Janny so thin-skinned? It wasn’t even pornography lol
If the EU were the USA, what US state your country would be?
Is the west really democratic?
Kurva anyátok
What are people from here like?
Sverigetråden - Konungens upplaga
What you reading now? i reading Baudelaire
Are we white bros?
Post humour from your country
What's Luxembourg like?
Just talk to girls, bro
Skandinavian men
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sanna Mirella Marin (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈsɑnːɑ ˈmirelːɑ ˈmɑriːn]) (born 16 November 1985) is a Finnish...
Do Muslims see this as the we see the Romulan Empire?
Norwegian couple buy a house in Spain and its occupied it
Going to Japan when the borders open back up. Give me some tips on how to be disrespectful as possible...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Dont come to Germany
I'm this frog. which frog you are?
What's the difference between Muslims and Jews?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Castefaggotry ruined my country
Okinawa is an Island Paradise
Why is joining the military so popular in the USA? no australian under 25 would even contemplate military service...
Spaniards are setting fire to millenia old churches and celebrating it
Sverigetråden - Episka bakåtvoltupplagan
Why do people like white women? I don't see the appeal
/flag/ + /extraflags/
The great debate
Are LGBT ads protected in your cunt?
Why does this number make Europeans uncontrollably seethe?
Germany ruined Europe
Oh look theyre posting about us again
I wish I could be a Zionist or at the very least a sympathizer of Zionism...
American symbolism
/med/ - olive oil general
Any famous serial killers in your cunt and what did they do?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why are japs so lazy?
1. cunt
MENA, Caucasus and Balkans anons, are you looking forward to Ankara becoming your capital soon?
Childhood is being repulsed by indian street shitting, adulthood is knowing that it's probably pretty comfy
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ +חברים
How is your relationship with your father?
He's right about literally everything
Go to the local library
Why British boys(especially south)are very cute, yet their women don't have such reputation? I am a jap girl
Smart, but lazy
Imagine being some feminine twink male during the Roman Empire
Why they can't get along?
How common is your surname Zig Forums?
I suffer in Russia
Why meds brown
Post nazis from your cunt
Greeks look down on other humans
What are some events in history that genuinely make you cry?
Does your country still have history classes?
Sinophobia on this site must stop!
/fr/ - le francofil
Every time watching those kinds of white's butts
Beef bowl chains are a hell of a place for the poor
Here are the based euro countries
My boyfriend broke up with me after i casually mention that I'm Jewish. We have been dating for over 8 months
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Megumin worship thread
How do Indians feel about stereotypical Indian accent?
Why are Europeans so evil?
Post your town city flag
What can Indonesia do to be more relevant?
Do you have a healthy level of testosterone?
Are you afraid of Chinese becoming the new lingua franca?
You wake up in Florida
Are drugs decriminalized in your country?
Why did he punch the screen?
He cant name 2 spanish products
Give me your best Apus
Dont you wish you were cool like the americans?
/ita/ - il filo
/Iat/ hiIo inmune al ctrl+f y a los filtros
Why do they hate each other all of a sudden?
Do you like English people?
Why don't brazilians of portuguese colonial descent look portuguese?
Is Iberians proud of their muslim past?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2368
Have you ever killed someone?
I wanna fuck this faggot like you wouldn't believe
Is it true that latinx women are high maintenance even by women standards?
Does your country find this cute?
Americans fat
How much would you need to be paid to dress like this in public?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
A fucking portuguese white supremacist
Can you dance, user?
You are all envious of the united states
Go on this website and post your results
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Why haven't you experienced this yet?
Why can't gooks let the past go?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Why are the Finns not demolishing monuments to Russian imperialism?
/nachtschicht/ - früher oder später /deutsch/
36 is still young, right guys?
Are timely burgers a matter of life and death in your country?
Tell me about Chicago. What happens here? What is living here like? There's a chance I may move here next year
Moscow 1980
What the fuck is wrong with americans
Can someone tell me why you would want to be an immigrant? Why don't they just stay in their countries and improve it?
This guy passes as white in the US
Help me understand the white American mind. In theory, it should be similar to us Europeans. In practice, not so much
Would having an asian gf make you happy?
Woah daaaam hol’ up now, you telling us it really like this?
/brit /
Do you have spergs in your country?
Why is Mexico (and the rest of Latin America) so Puerto Rico-ized?
Average girl in Sydney, Australia
/fr/ - le francofil
Where non-whites even trying? Wtf
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I got a date
You are a pedophile now
Average american poster
Redpill me on northern and southern Italy
Poland’s only contribution to the world in history is Witcher 3
I can't stop drinking alcohol even though it makes me feel like shit
Today on the radio call in show, we have Greta Thunberg!
Out of curiosity, how much are you guys laughing at us right now...
The perfect country doesn't exis-
Animals outclass us in everything like speed, endurance, strength etc. everything except in intelligence...
What's your job?
Map thread
What exactly is this piece called?
/brit /
Sverigetråden - Götham Stad
I suffer in North Korea
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Southern European villages look like favelas in Brazil...???
Is there any more based commie than Ho Chi Minh?
This is the coat of arms of a Finnish municipality. Thoughts?
/fr/ - le francofil
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Is anyone here actually a NEET?
Literally shaking right now. Eurobros, tell us this isn't true
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/lat/ - hilo latino
Americans use a knife to open bananas
Why is he crying?
A Manlet in America has it worse than a black slave in the 1700s
Do women know how to cook and clean in you're country?
Apply for 50 different no experience basic warehouse/supermarket every month since March of 2018
"I killed millions of children in gas chambers because I was ordered to do so"
/ita/ il filo
Does your country have a monarchy? and if it doesn't, do you want it back?
/IRQ/ - /عير/
French boys are yummy
Asian women
Sverigetråden - Freja är knäpp
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Kurva anyátok
My ancestors :)
Land of the free
The Jews of Latin America
France rhymes with pants
Your country
I wish I could have sex whenever i want with whoever I want
Everybody is brown and short here (1,60 meters is the average male height). Women look horrible and are fat too
This entire board browse /r/europe and pretend not to. You don't have to be ashamed
Hilo /lat/ANO
Afrika ehemals /deutsch/
They took this from us
Question to turks is this a good country to live in? Is the western part at least east euro tier developed?
Coome to Brazil
Why are Amerimutts so afraid of a zoomer song and dance app?
Learning french
/fr/ - francofil
How do they cope with being ruled by another country their entire history?
Why are Finns so fucking weird?
/mg/ - Mongolian general
Is pic related the reason our ancestors colonised Africa??
Goodbye friends
Houses for €1 in Italy
Sverigetråden slupixlatupplagan
Hmmmm "W" looks kinda like 2x "U"
What German phenotype is this?
/ita/ - il filo
Why are the online interactions of Spaniards and Latin Americans always so hateful?
What is life like for the citizens of these countries?
Your country
/balt/+/ausnz/ + allies
What do they have in common?
/fr/ - Le francofil™
You wake up in Alicante, most underrated city in Spain
Is Wales nice? What are Welsh people like?
Why do these guys have 0 Culture?
1. Your Country
1. your cunt
Russian memes
Post shitposters from your general
Be me
Do you want USA to nuke your country?
/lat/ hilo latino
Fue sin querer queriendo
I want to make a Reddit account. What are the best subreddits to subscribe to?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
His country doesn't have a cool neighbour
UK has launched the first ever KARA BOGA forces ever
Is housing affordable in your country...
Brazilians must be stopped!
Does anyone here like the direction their country's going in?
Eyes of Zig Forums
Whats your favorite thing about the Netherlands?
Sverigetråden - Gotlands hårda gator där bara de starkaste överlever
Would you rather want 1,5 billion chinks or 1 billion Greeks in the world?
/brit /
Kurva anyátok
Khas muji
Do you want to find love in Japan?
His language has leas than 10 vowel sounds
If you post moeshit anime you must necessarily be a genetic abomination
Are North Africans 'African'?
/fr/ - le francofil
Native English speakers: what foreign accent do you think is the worst?
My parents thought Pan's Labyrinth was a children movie and left me alone watching it while they were out when I was a...
Meanwhile in Berlin
Euros no longer want to conquer or build or explore or have families...
/tr/ deneme tiradı
Why is it the only likeable muslim nation in the world?
Duolingo says that Finnish people use "kiitos" like the English "please". For example, "Kahvi, kiitos"
Do they even have a chance of at least a referendum?
/esp/ - Hilo español
Which countries are your friends
Capital Punishment
/deutsch/ - Weltoffen-Ausgabe 2
Sverigetråden - Majoras upplaga
Sum up your country in one image
Hi Zig Forums!!! I recently took this selfie and I thought I would post it on here...
Athens, home of goddess Athena, site of the holy Parthenon temple, and birthplace of western civilization...
Russian high school
前スレ: >>127893986
They took this from you
Meanwhile in America
This is a great great great grandson to a american president
Croatia is third wor-
/ita/ - il filo
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/deutsch/ - Kein Bock auf Editionsnamen
Is it acceptable for men to approach women in public in your country...
Do you have many black-owned business in your proximity and do you shop there preferably? I certainly do
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
Indian chad
Can you solve this German quiz?
Are your sisters hot?
Hows life in ur cunt Zig Forums?
What's a phenotype in your cunt that you always avoid?
This guy has a gf
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/deutsch/ - Weltoffen-Ausgabe
Tell me about my country
Greek men are more popular than Japanese
Why are Russians like this?
Rate this hospital meal
/fr/ - Le Francofil
I pay 4,5 Euros monthly for 300 minutes of calls...
The EVROPΛ that could've been.... without all the cucks like sweden, england, and germany
Why do westerners think "indian architecture" is indian architecture?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Go to the local library
Greeks work harder than Japanese people
Miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
The Chinese word for Africa is "Mistake Continent"
Do americans and westoids not shake hands anymore? wtf
Is- is that a TRANSLATED BIBLE??!?!
Does this happen in your country?
Sverigetråden - Båtupplagan
They deserve migrants
Why don't you work out in your country?
Why are the Russian so outspoken like knife?
Your people
Where's the bloody scenery?
Will the brits ever tired of getting EXPOSED?
What are police like in your cunt?
Mr gay 2020 spain
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /እስራ/ - מהדורת מה שנכון
/gen/ - general general
Do germans really?
Muslims are homopho-
What’s the most trouble you’ve ever gotten in
Public toilet in japan
Yeah I’m thinking he’s back
Kurva anyátok
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2367
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Why is it that if I criticise any part of modern American economics and hold beliefs like "raising the minimum wage...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ita/ - il filo
Could of
I want to die a martyr for my illiterate pedophile prophet!
Finland bc. 9 700
The three intellectual titans of the 21st century
Why are we two not doing more together
Really makes you think huh?
What happens here?
South americans of Zig Forums
Lmao do wypipo actually do this?
BASED! Kill ameroids and white tourists
Americans hating on arabs because they have terrorists reminds me of the time when my dad slapped me because I cried...
I only come to Zig Forums to talk to Americans and some Canadians
Post your country's leddit meetup
Do you support any separatist movement?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Russians always say that people are too sensitive when it comes to jokes and bantz about their countries
I wish I looked like this
What do Mexicans really think of the cartels?
Are most ausie land really unlivable?
Why do Chinese and Vietnamese hate each other so much?
Do people like the Arctic monkeys in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil qui s'hydrate
Do people in Asia still eat with these things in the 21th century or have they finally upgraded to forks...
There are black people posting on Zig Forums right now
China will never apologize for the virus
Why do Japs bully hapas?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
His height is less than 1.85cm
The netherlands will be underwater within a few centuries
Euros are sleeping :(
How do we fix Baltimore?
Brazil more like soulesszil
How do you get a brazilian mommy gf?
/lat/ hilo /lat/ANO
His name was Jack Johnson
Childhood pics of Zig Forums
Do you want an international bf?
When will the EU merge into one country
How would people in you're country react if you brought home an asian gf?
Do you like spicy latinas?
Can Americans explain this?
i love voluptuous woman but being born as an Asian a jap at that
Sverigetråden - Ensamhetsupplagan
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Women explained in one image
1. your country
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber /deutsch/
Post ur cunt's air-force
Would I pass for a local in your country?
/ita/ il filo
I had a dream where I entered this box and I found janny and allah were having a hot anal sex...
WTF Germany???
How can so many South Americans be descendant of Iberians? I'm sorry but it's not possible, it's a meme
Does this happen in your country?
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
How do we solve the global obesity problem?
How wealthy would you estimate the average American poster on Zig Forums is?
Today on the radio call in show, we have Greta Thunberg!
Ask anything to Japanese dude who woke up early today
Tfw twink genes
What would your American name be if you were born in the US?
I'm getting seriously concerned with the amount of hate Poland get on Zig Forums...
Venezuelan girls
What are you good at?
Why are Americans so smart?
Have you ever been to america? What did you think about it
What phenotype is this?
What is harder than learning German in less than 1 year?
/lat/ hilo latino
Lets play a game, Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - Götham Stads upplaga
Google '(Your city) street fashion' and post the first image that comes up
Spain no no no
Are Americans masochistic?
Why are Southern European cities so ugly?
What would happen if I went to Mexico?
Is Spain Italy done right?
How many of the world's 196 countries can you name?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine