Help me understand the white American mind. In theory, it should be similar to us Europeans. In practice, not so much.
Help me understand the white American mind. In theory, it should be similar to us Europeans. In practice, not so much
I'm not a poltard, but to say that other races wouldn't have done exactly what whites did to the world is bullshit. People love conquest and genocide, no matter your race. I mean, Hutus and Tutsis slaughtered each other even though they were both black.
Wait mine was edited?
Christopher columbus is public enemy number 1 for sjw historical revisionists. of course italy is part of the evil white axis
Unfortunately, I think it wasn't, I think that's what Americans actually consider to be non-white.
But you guys were actually cruel to Southern Italians sometimes, now it's the other way around?
> us Europeans
Africa begins at the Pyrenees, João
t. jew
I know, but it's from the Pyrenees UP.
Columbus was from Genoa, not exactly southern italy
nobody remembers when italian immigrants were lynched en masse. nobody remembers nativism. if a "white catholic" american (irish, italian, polish, etc.) seriously tries to use the muh oppression meme, some sjw will copypasta a small novel about how they iz white and they iz privileged
Ye but they were all put in the same bag.
You people are weird.
no one in America has culture. everyone, black, white, Asian, and Hispanic think they do, but no. you were either a slave, an immigrant, a native or a pilgrim. The culture in America is basically about America, fighting british during the 1700s, being free and all that shit. I’m not paying for black reparations though, because my family came here during the 1890s.
What a retarded pic.
1. Everyone exploited everyone. Arabs established slavery in West Africa way before the Europeans even discovered it. The Chinese subjugated and wiped out numerous cultures (e.g. native Taiwanese, who were Polynesian). Europeans slaughtered each other in droves during the Reformation. Serfs were subjugated by landowning nobility. Really shows a mutt lack of knowledge of world history and eurocentrism.
2. So Italians and Greeks aren't white, but the Turks are? What? Iceland isn't white? It wasn't even settled before the Norwegians came there!
3. The mere fact of connecting the color of your skin with "muh exploitation" is racist.
4. With muh oppression also came industrialization and globalization. Some pajeet wouldn't be protesting about muh oppression in Berkeley, because he couldn't have gotten there in the first place without the hwite man.
I'm so tired of this leftoid ignorance.
>In theory, it should be similar to us Europeans.
Maybe a 100 years ago when the majority of migrants came from Protestant Europe. And even then they were usually religious lunatics, outcasts, refugees, etc. You wouldn't leave your homeland unless shit went down for you. After Johnson's 1965 Immigration Act, the demographics started to shift towards non-Europeans. Moreover, America is extremely good at erasing your national heritage. You being Italian American or whatever doesn't mean shit because you no longer know the language, uphold your country's customs and traditions, or can even point it out on a map in some retarded cases. You're American, speak English, surrounded by Americans, and consuming American media. Works with Europeans too. This association between Europe and America only became prominent during the Cold War as a blanket "West". Since the USSR is no more, we now see how superficial the term is.
tl;dr Americans have nothing in common with Europeans
> Moreover, America is extremely good at erasing your national heritage. You being Italian American or whatever doesn't mean shit because you no longer know the language, uphold your country's customs and traditions, or can even point it out on a map in some retarded cases. You're American, speak English, surrounded by Americans, and consuming American media. Works with Europeans too.
You're actually quite innefective at that, Poles still go by Polish Americans, Germans still go by German Americans.
Brazil is MUCH more effective than you at muttifying and destroying migrant cultures, even the goddamn poles that are impossible to assimilate in any other place are 100% delicia there
>Moreover, America is extremely good at erasing your national heritage
Litereally every white American larps as something, from German to Italian to Irish. Even your non-whites larp from their homeland, like Mexicans, or Filipinos or Chinese. Same as Canada. You are terrible at assimilation.
Saying "I'm proud of being white" is a lot different from saying "I'm proud of being black or German". In America at least, Irish and Italian immigrants tried to get themselves considered white to be above blacks, Asians, and Indians. Whiteness is a legally defined category, it has been used to segregate and define who belongs to American society for a very long time. When you say "I'm proud of being white", the term white comes with all this historic baggage. Its hardly even a real identity. Arabs are considered legally white, but I doubt anyone here would consider an Egyptian white
>Poles still go by Polish Americans, Germans still go by German Americans
those terms don't mean much, especially in urban areas. The only time in America I've actually seen Poles being Poles is in Blanca, Colorado. I was on my way to the Sand Dunes National Park and stopped at a store there to buy some snacks. Was surprised to discover Polish food being sold. The guys told me there were a bunch of Polish settlers who came there. But that's a town in a literal middle of nowhere with less that a 1000 people, so it's least affected by Americaniziation.
It's exactly larping and nothing else. When I'm larping as an ork in an RPG, I'm not actually an ork. Most of those idiots have a very stereotypical idea of their home country unless they're 1st-3rd generation immigrants aka they have living relatives who immigrated.
>Its hardly even a real identity.
I agree. "white" is a shitty term invented during the 18th century by anglo-saxon Americans to distinguish themselves from African slaves. You can really see how shitty this term is when people call Italians or the Spanish non-white or anyone who doesn't fit those two color categories categories as "brown". "Hispanic" is also a legally defined category, but it's even more useless since a Welsh Patagonian would be put in the same basket as a black Dominican or a native Bolivian.
These are just bait images for Zig Forums, not sincere opinions. I'm sure someone thinks like this though.
Why cant we be proud of the good things our ancestors did while also recognizIng their evils? Are modern humans incapable of thinking beyond polarization?
Im a whitoid American ama
to add the point about Polish Americans, it's really telling when they themselves can't pronounce their last names according to the actual rules of Polish pronunciation. Ted Kaczynski has a "ch" sound, but everyone hear said it with a "z". Susan Wojcicki (Voytsitski) said in some interviews that her name should be pronounced Wojiski or some shit.
>unlike other races
I've unironically met basic bitches in my college who thought like this. When I gave examples about the Chinese or Arabs exploiting people etc. they said one of the dumbest things ever: "yeah but we're in America".
There's a lot of people that think like that. For instance try doing a google search for "reverse racism" and results about how reverse racism isn't real will top the results.
The word slave literally comes from the word slav
Cope, finngolian. The word Slav comes from the word "slovo" or "word", referring to a common language. In contrast, the Germans are called "nemcy" in Slavic languages, meaning "the mute ones" aka they can't understand each other.
the Finns used to be called "chukhontsi" in Russian btw, which today means "an uncivilized person".
jesus that's frustrating as hell. I'd probably stutter and grumble trying to figure out the mental gymnastics in order to get around that one and they'd take it as a checkmate
All ethnicities exploited each other, we were just the best at it