Why aren't you rich Zig Forums?
Why aren't you rich Zig Forums?
Cuz I am not Northern European
I am. I’m a British citizen with a Overseas Citizen of India card (if you can prove you have at least one Indian ancestor somewhere in your line you’re a citizen of India). I am in India to dump my mother’s ashes. I own a decent plot of land back in Britain and also in India.
A series of disastrous personal choices fueled by mental illness
I am passive, lazy and indecisive
Wanna have gay sex?
born poor, high crime high poverty no job area
im just trying to get an education and see what happens from there
Because i haven't won at the lotto yet
dude i just came here (i'm arab), it takes time to become rich.
I am
I'm volpoor
Maybe later
Not too ambitious.
wait what? I thought you needed some residential proof of OCI
I've made a conscious decision to reject material wealth. I am rich in happiness
You just need to:
1) Have an Indian ancestor. Even gypsies are eligible. A DNA test to confirm.
2) Vow to not serve in any foreign army or give up the citizenship.
i am
i am the big retard
because I'm poor
Do people in your cunt suffer from insomnia/lack of sleep?
because i'm poor
cheer up and you can overcome
I use sleep deprivation to stave off depression. For some reason it alters brain activity and makes my calmer and happier
I have about $500,000 USD net worth from holding a large amount of Chainlink but I'm not cashing any of it out until 2025 at the earliest so I have to keep living like a poor NEET until then.
Because of capitalism.and not because I have no education and offer nothing to anyone else.
99% of rich people were simply born to rich families
I never really figured out how to get a nice job or how to make money elsewhere
Literally have 0 ambition to do anything other than lie in bed, fap or lurk here
Did you fight with isis
I do the opposite. Sleep always clears my mind of troubles.
cuz gubmint finna gone took mah guap
Well I wake up feeling dreaded most of the time.
At least I never have bad dreams.