If the EU is ever to truly unite we need radical administrative reform

If the EU is ever to truly unite we need radical administrative reform.
We need to abolish current administrative units completely (nation states) and set up a new uniform europa wide system of

>federal states
>statuatory cities

How would you redraw the administrative divisions of europe?

Attached: evropa.png (2715x2771, 486.84K)

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Well first of all absolutely not like in your pic

inb4 civil war

>map annexes austria into bavaria

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>No City state of Berlin, Hamburg & Breme
Those 3 cities are already Lander within Germany

And Corse has nothing to do with Italy but in that case would rather prefer a personal union with Sardaigne. They hate as much Italy as they "dislike" us.

Liechtensteiner und Vorarlberger sind Alemannen, nicht B*yeisch


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You need to die, satan spawn.

I support this because the EU would disintegrate, maybe we could reunite later into something that isn't a neoliberal hellscape

>City state of Paris
>but no City state of Constantinople

If I were in charge of it, I'd create a Prime Minister of the EU instead of an opaque, technocratic European Commission, and give legislative initiative to the European Parliament.

I'd also allow referendums to make EU laws with a 60% vote.

The way I see it, the EU is basically good but it needs to be more democratic to be seen as legitimate.

Attached: I happen to be an idiot on this subject.jpg (800x576, 63.06K)

>We need to abolish current administrative units completely (nation states) and set up a new uniform europa wide system
And yet all of your divisions are based on ethnicity and culture?

Did the German who constantly made these threads on Zig Forums move to Austria?

>muh kneeling
>muh Hong Kong
>muh revisionist history
>muh rottless Eras*s and odysey fund plan for paid for by tax payers, drunken college sex adventures
>muh babel project for a sole language

europerino culture

Could Russia join the EU?

>If the EU is ever to truly unite we need radical administrative reform.
fuck you

EU army when?

>Europa Occidentalis
yeah, that's pretty much on par with what we have to offer. just the ass-end of europe

I am not living in a place called "Gallia", I'll take Celtica but Gallia just sounds retarded

that's because it's the name the romans called some celtic tribes by. it's why wales is called "paĆ­s de gales" or just "gales" in a lot of romance languages. not to mention irish is literally called "gaelic"

gallia is the latin name for the lands of the celts though.

it just makes me think of france though

the divisions are somewhat based on culture but more with regards to equal population/economic power

russia can join the eu if they ask nicely :)

you might be onto something

would you be willing to accept russia as a strong leader just as france or germany?

well I want a europe completely seperated from current nation states so no germany france or russia only europe and its federal states. Russia would be divided in a few federal states as well like siberia and european russia

So are you still landcucked there Barbaria?

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>well I want a europe completely seperated from current nation states so no germany france or russia only europe and its federal states.
and power is evenly divided as well as ownership of media and education among member states?
or does one nationality dominate?

I'm sick of your autism maps with retarded borders.

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the australian approach
doesnt seem too bad actually

>hold up... i just want to make a small change

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