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International #1280
/deutsch/ am Morgen
/ita/ - il filo
Americans will defend this
I've met a Ukrainian girl recently. Talked her up, got her phone number. That part went just fine, so far so good...
Do you have a fetish for a specific nationality/ethnicity...
This is a multicultural thread
How does Chinese cope that their founding father was westernized christian guy?
Why is Brazilian culture so sexual?
Go eat some tacos late at night
Fun fact...
Is this phenotype common in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Damn.. will nords recover?
I'm Korean hitler god told me I'm a reincarnation of hitler I will now lead the gookoid race to world domination and...
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
You wake up in Sicily
Imagine thinking the US is some brown, nigger filled country
Korea is sueing us again help
Literally nobody here cares that Tik Tok was just banned until the United States
Be Lebanese
What region/state in LATAM is the most first world... looking at low crime rates... good salary...
Starting to actually feel nostalgic for 2016
In Japanese culture it's considered polite to slurp your food as it shows the cook that you appreciate the meal
You deserve to be loved
I am learning french solely to trash talk back at the french in online games because they won't speak english
Can you speak spanish?
There are cute lolis posting on Zig Forums RIGHT NOW
Does this happen in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Tintinupplagan
Do you hate America?
How is America a first world country?
Why do you guys want to come into Canada so badly? Stay over there
What do Mexicans think about going to Canada or 3-4 months out of the year and picking fruits and berries for $15/hr?
Third world stories thread
Does this happen in your cunt?
American men scare me
The internet is slow tonight
American education
Post how you dress regularly. Let's see if Zig Forums has any fashion sense (pic related and yes ik I dont)
Why do Afro American love to latch on Nubian culture and claim it as their own even though Bantiods aren't related to...
/lat/ hilo latino
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/deutsch/ durch die Nachschicht mit /dunning-kruger/ früher mal /majus/
Enter grade 8 school dance
/cum/ + /aus/
Where does the "frenchmen are smelly" meme come from?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2370
Christianity is dying in Europe
Bleached Tik-tok
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht die Allerechte
Post photographs of your country
How are NEETs treated in your country?
Do you love Polish girls?
Post overrated cuisines
I'm not racist, I just want my grandkids to look like me
This corona shit got me fucked up
/ita/ - il filo
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What race was he?
Reckful killed himself a month ago and his friend have forgotten about him lol two days before he roped his friends...
Sverigetråden - Majoras domedagsupplaga
/EA/ East Asian
/lat/ - Hilo latino
Is wmaf even a thing?
Why American Africans don't have this skin tone?
Good Guy Israel
Gay lefty Bavaryan here
Why do we need to have so many boards just to discuss electronic toys for children?
The Norwegian on this board who goes around fucking Swedish boys is back. This time he took the boat over to Sweden...
Please translate this sentance to your language
/deutsch/e Nachtschicht
The view from my house
/fr/ - Le filet de sueur qui coule le long du dos et qui vient mouiller l'élastique du caleçon
What are some unsolved crimes or mysterious cases in general from your country that created a big impact on the society?
Why are Portuguese so brown?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
A picture of my mom when she was 20
Sverigetråden - Skridskoupplagan
Meanwhile, on Bizzaro Zig Forums
Is Portugal the Finland of southern europe? The more I think about it the more true it sounds
/ita/ - il filo
Today’s my town pics
Russia is such a beautiful country
/lat/ hilo latino
Amazon expanding into the Nordic region
The amerimutt meme is just a carica-
Do you really get upset when people call your country "Holland"?
Taleb when a waiter gives him sunflower seed oil instead of olive oil
Does European Spanish sound prestigious in Latin America?
Koreans love German cars
Why are the French so rude?
/fr/ der französische Faden
Watching videos that came out of Lebanon
Why does riding the bicycle suck everywhere except for the Netherlands?
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Be german
Sverigetråden - Il filo upplagan
Have a bowl of siskonmakkarakeitto
If everyone in mena excluding the gulf states simply asked Israel to annex them nicely they would all be better off
In 10 years, will your country be better or worse than it is now?
Does anyone else here love Middle Eastern culture and history...
Seriously why do Euros have no modern pop culture? Looks like they are only enjoying Amerimutt stuff
How many gfs have you had in your life so far?
German media vs Bulgaria
Look into this noble, proud man's face. You murdered his race, and for what? For burgers, israel and mutt goblins
Has communism ever been attempted anywhere in Africa? Did it work? Did it fail? If so, why?
Nuclear explosion in Beyrouth several minutes ago
Do people in your country see France as a dream destination? Here they certainly do
What do you think about this map?
What is it like to live in Eastern Europe?
Why are all East Asian zoomer girls obsessed with this drink?
Kurva anyátok
The new leaked footage clearly shows Floyd dying from a heart attack, rather being sufficated to death...
Ancestral tree thread
Brits want to become German because of Brexit
Why do people think Canada is more Americanized than Australia? There's no place in Australia like Quebec
/fr/ - Le francofil™
How does one cope with being fat
You have to accept the facts
Americans look like THAT?
Do you love explosions from Lebanese culture? Or do you prefer other cultural explosions?
Sverigetråden - Mjölkisupplagan
Ðis is what ðe west was all about
/balt/ + /ausnz/
W-we are full
This is the most commonly used image on Zig Forums right now
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why are there so many Ukranian nationalists when literally no one can tell the difference between a Russian and a...
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Germans should apologize for the Blitz
You are americans there are no differences between you people...
You're not white just because you're pale
Itt post your three least favorite countries. for me, its pic related
Are amerindians the lost aryan tribe?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
I haven't masturbated in five days and all I can think about now is sucking cock and being fucked while wearing girly...
/fr/ - le francofil
Do Russians really?
This is a random buenos aires street
Americans want to deport this arse
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - kasselupplagan
Tell me ONE (1) good thing that came out of the turkic migrations
/ita/ - il filo
French food is so refined bread butter and cheese is a delicacy
How do you get in university for free in your cunt?
One country
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ - מהדורת החברה
Map of modern Asian script groups
Does your cunt have a family?
If you are heterosexual, you are mentally ill
/deutsch/land beste
I live in Kyoto where do you live
Reddit is having a meltdown because the nigger that died actually overdosed instead of getting chocked to death
Do people do this in your country????
Have you ever had girls crush on you in your cunt but you were too stupid to realize it or you didn't want to make a...
The webm that destroyed Zig Forums's conception of the world
Your country
Kurva anyátok
Throwback to when india was under the rule of two homos and defeated Mongol BVLLS
Is Brazil based?
Why are Europeans racist against Poles?
You may only post ITT if you are roman
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Scandinavians holiday in your country? What are they like?
Am I white?
Are Croats the most handsome Slavs?
Sverigetråden - Episk upplaga
Who does your country fangirl over?
This is the highest IQ type of pizza
Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki
/ita/ - il filo
How are pakis unironically treated in turkey
/fr/ - Le fil élastique de masque
/deutsch/ - Österreich-Ausgabe
What is Zig Forums's overall opinion on Islam?
I am not even memeing when I say that I'm genuinely only attracted to black women...
Your country
/skinny fat/
Waiting for my burger, bros
Women should be property
Whats everyone listing to?
I actually feel bad for people who live here...
Daily reminder we're overall the best country in Europe
Convince me to stop being racist
Just be yourself bro
Use of the word subhuman per country per 10,000 posts
Dangerous nafri thug AMA
This kills the anglo
Any NDN Zig Forumsers on right now?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Trips decide the country I visit for a week this august
My eyes aren't even light brown, they're practically black
Sverigetråden - Svenska basketupplagan
How do you view asians?
What do Europeans think about blonde hair?
Why don't men want to date white women?
/brit/ aka /shit/
Are you afraid that Trump might ban Zig Forums? For example, a lot of Zig Forums posters here don't like him...
ITT: ugly flags
Why do you call us insect or bugman?
If you could eliminate one country, which one would you eliminate?
Are the himba the most based African tribe???
The Britannia Coconut Dancers, nicknamed the "Coco-nutters"...
Why Dutchoids are so cruel?
/esp/ - Hilo español
How do people in your county kill themselves?
My favorite uighur artist won't be releasing any new singles or doing any more shows because he got sent to a...
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Based Finland
Have yuo ever physically fought
What's your favorite fact
1. your cunt
/v4/ + Uzbekistan + friends
I want to live in America
How do we make Anglos pay child support?
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ - מהדורת הטיטאנים
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Korean girl without makeup
Pakistani aryan goddesses being sold to ch*Nks
What does race mean for you Zig Forums, is it more biological or cultural?
Tfw indian accent
Post average people from your country. NO cherrypicking. New worlders of course don't need to post for obvious reasons...
Can you walk at night in your city/neighborhood?
Hilo latino /lat/
How is the black community seen and treated in your country...
Who do I need to fuck in order for my son to look like this???
His country ends in "ia"
How do we remove racism from Zig Forums?
I love you :3
Why do every Asian angels appreciation thread get 404?
Your official thoughts on Jeffrey Epstein?
1. your cunt
Ok, so tomorrow is the last day when i can sign up for a language course at uni. But...
Kurva anyátok xD
Why do americans do this?
What is Helsinki like?
85.5% of our COVID deaths were clinically obese fat fucks
The American experiment was worth it if only for this interaction
Why do Mexicans fear this?
Miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
I want the world to know something about sushi
/cum/ canada usa mexico
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2369
$15 an hour
/ita/ - il filo
Girls with bangs are the epitome of female attractiveness
How do americans fall for this?
These four countries should team up to counter growing Zhang influence or else it will be tributaries all over again
/lat/ hilo mundo perfecto
You will live to witness the gradual decline and ultimate death of Islam
Thoughts on Napoleon?
I am currently masturbating
Your country
Number of posts on Zig Forums per country
Your country now has its own Second Amendment embedded into the Constitution
Leave the west to us
Are there any pro unification with Spain movements in Latin America?
Post Argentine women
American culture
Did you just say the N word?
I have never seen a friendly post from a french flag
Vietnam won again
How come everyone has their population under control except Africans...
¿What are your honest thoughts on Poland and their politicians?
Sverigetråden - Svenskisraeliska vänskapsupplagan
Hilo latino /lat/
Are the descendants of Spaniards (non-Mexicans, from Spain) in the US dangerous?
Trump says he should get a cut of TikTok sales
Why are there so many gay/trans people on 4channel
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I was born in petropavlovsk kamchatsky, in eastern russia...
A European makes a Super Bowl reference
What is George Floyd's phenotype? He looks kind of odd
So it turns out this fucking nigger was resisting arrest and complaining about his breath long before he was on the...
/lat/ hilo latino lat hilo el hilo lat latino /lat/
Take a 3 weeks vacation in the south
What was your country's worst dictatorship?
1 Your age
How do we fix western men?
Why don’t Germans like Merkels corona response?
Countries the people you fucked were from
How do you deal with robbers in your cunt?
Anyone here bi-racial? I'm half Black, half Dominican. Its kind of cool to be two different things at once
/fr/ - le francofil
Which one is best??
Algeria is RICHER than 90% of Europe
前スレ: >>127991903
Islamic vs hindu india in one picture
Why is non-American (especially British) standup so bad? it's like 30 years behind American comedy
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Sell out important info to mongols which led to the deaths of slavs and subjugation of Russians for 4 centuries
Mexico is the brother brazil never had
Perdón user, I only like guys who know how to dance
Blue eyes
Thoughts on Vietnam? Do you like Vietnam?
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht
Post your ancestors
There are people other than ORTHODOX CHRISTVANS browsing int
I can't take all the tranny shit in this country
What countries are more sexually open?
I Love France
Is this common in your country?
IMAGINE not making it in this country
What are you having for dinner tonight lads?
The UK is hated by all of Europe even though we're completely loving in return
Sverigetråden - Gotländska etnostaten
Americans can be shot in their own homes by the police
Int ylyl
Are you able to say that you work harder than this kid?
/fr/ - le francofil
What country is this phenotype most common in?
What's the most bullied country on Zig Forums?
/MENA/ Based poetry edition
Why are Americans such heartless monsters?
I used to be a dinosaur, you know
Post girls from your local area
/flag/ + /extraflags/
There, I fixed North America
/ita/ - il filo
Be american
/Nederdraad/ - 5G-editie
Why is America fear the this?
What is wrong with humans? There is literally a garbage island just floating out in the ocean
Would this work?
Is the mutt meme really that accurate? american anons, show me yourselves
Anyone else here trying to become an English Teacher in Japan?
A Polish lad drowned trying to save 3 German children in Ik Ook land
My addiction for this site (and board) Is making me mentally ill
Why are white people doing this?
Be Herzegovian
Japanese/Asian people of Zig Forums
Why do the Nordics buy houses in Spain en masse?
Mutt's law 2
Your country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
You may only post here if your country has an aircraft carrier
Jiren or Broly?
Do people in your country believe angels exist?
What was the most intimate thing you have done with a girl?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Could England and Japan be considered similar?
Sverigetråden - Närconupplagan
Tfw no brown prince to inseminate
What is the general opinion on Russia in your country? I feel like it's completely warped now that I'm visiting Russia...
Hasan Piker could castrate you with his bear hands. Bow to your TVRKISH master
If dubs germany will be
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ מהדורת קח קואסון
You're probably wondering why I gathered you all here
Hilo latino /lat/
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Eyes thread
Post the most famous person from your city
How do I become a sexy female like her? is hrt the correct way? I want my pusst to get wrecked by big indian bvulls
Corruption, the country
/fr/ - Frankreich
Any immigrants here? Why didn’t you stay in your homeland and improve the place? It’s not that hard
I change my underwear all 2-3 days
Are you normal by your country's standards?
Americans just stole several mexican states
Kurva anyátok
Uh, Germany, are you ok?
The year is 2150 and Mars has been terraformed
What were your grandpa and dad like in their youth?
/ita/ - il filo
Tfw 5'7
Is Cuenca (Spain) the ugliest city in continental Europe?
Sverigetråden - Spelkubupplagan
American parents ask their sons to pay rent to live in the family home
Why does picrelated trigger Poland so much?
During the first waves of migration to the United States...
Zig Forums Zig Forums
Do American women really???
How did romanians preserved the language with all the invasions and migrations that happened in the balkans?
I want to move to Germany. Would I be welcomed there?
If the EU is ever to truly unite we need radical administrative reform
Why do they hate each other all of a sudden?
Who's your favorite? How many of the sultans in the pic do you know?
Turks aren’t whi-
/fr/ - Le francofil™
My Austrian ex-girlfriend Maria
Home :)
Why is Zig Forums like this?
Do Russians these days wish the monarchy never ended? It seems these days they really miss them
If you went back to 1900 in your country, what would you do?
I sometimes go naked in the forest and have a wank. It is our family owned forest so I have the right...
Germany is the best friend of the Netherlands
/celt/ - some irish boy wanted me to make this edition
Japan's biggest economic sanction on Korean countdown!
My little brother and his friends pooled their money together and bought a broken down house in a bad neighborhood of...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine