Who does your country fangirl over?

We literally spent an entire century trying to get France to notice us.

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Many of our leaders had a weird obsession with this country

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In Brazil leftist love european social democracy since URSS fall, and right love usa by now, but some years ago was France too.

>We literally spent an entire century trying to get France to notice us.
Redpill me on this topic romanibro

Yeah we tried for a century to be cooler than we already were and now we are shit, one of the most despises country of europe. except for young naive russian girls :)

US in 90s

What a coincidence. Politicians here are obsessed with the US. It’s like a forbidden gay love

seems like everyone has a hard-on for china these days, used to be russia



No one, other countries want to be us.

>copy their architecture
>copy their flag
>import thousands of French words
>adopt French style uniforms for the army
>have all rich families send their kids to study in French universities
>side with France on literally every international issue
>adopt a constitution that's basically identical to the French one
>try to meme "Little Paris" into becoming a nickname for Bucharest
>even make our own miniature French monuments

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The Soviet union

y tho ?

u are literally US biggest fangirl

We used to be the cool guys of Europe, ya know

For a copy it looks pretty nice Romanon

You wish

To distance themselves from slavs, hungarians, and gypsies

The holy roman empire. Or... maybe Ireland.
I personally like Finland myself(minus the cuckness)

It's true, though
Our culture was seen as the most sophisticated, French was seen as a prestigious language nobles should know

>or Ireland

They started off with potatoes and got wealthy. We are in an in-between period right now. Getting there.

Also pagan roots and some similar past history.


Now maybe their relationship with the UK and the anglosphere in general helped...

the word you're looking for is based, Joao

old people fangril over USA
young people (left leaning ones) fangirl over any western pro homo country

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The USA, like all of the west

thought your boomers fangirled over russia

Why did Romania do that and did France ever notice you?

We're Amerikkka's bitch. We hate them though. We're still their bitch though.

>america not on the israel side
What retard made this

Helped - perhaps. Was not the core factor though. They re-vamped their economy to one that was very business and investment friendly, while not completely cucking out.
We are following suite and our wages have increased by several hundred percent in the last 15 years.

>Napoleon beating the shit out of Turkey, Russia and Austria for a few years
>liberal nationalist movement based on the ideals of the French revolution so in the eyes of the elite France=freedom
>rapid attempt to westernize and since France was seen as the peak of civilization and culture being more modern = being more like France