How many gfs have you had in your life so far?

How many gfs have you had in your life so far?

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Paying, like him? Zero


0 and decreasing

>negative number of GFs

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1 I think. I had a close relationship to a girl in middle school but we didn't call each other a couple


>Paying, like him?


what does mutual affection feel like

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1 when I was 18 (9 years ago). Was too nervous and drunk to get hard so didn't fuck.'


One's now a drug addict, one's a single mom, another one I'm doing better than, one's doing better than me, have no idea about the other two.




He g neetbux for his condition then hires a prostinurse with it. It's a good deal.

.1 is smaller than 1
a hand could be considered .1 of a gf
a schizo murderer could consider a bodypart his gf

That's how it works here in Brazil, can confirm I'm so GFless that women I've never met randomly announce they're breaking up with me in the middle of the street.

4-6 dunno

That's a nice summation of what is most appealing about women desu.


won't ever need one

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one when I was sixteen


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where the proof tho
i thought she's one of em bitches with a savior complex

What are you talking about?
Several years relationships? Then 4
Few weeks relationships and 1/2 nightstands? Well, about 20


None, but I've had sex with about 20... Am clearly just the guy they fuck by mistake.

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2 in 30 years.
