
thick samples edition

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what am I looking at here

>chink gacha
Dumb zoomer weebs these days really have no taste eh?

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Again and Louder

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Coli abis minum feels great

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coom extraction

wibu kontol

Minum apa gan?

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The frontliners call is very clear. This is to have a clear plan and proper strategy against COVID-19 following the declaration of another lockdown. It's not a rest for them but breathing room for hospitals that are already choking because the Duterte government is not working.

Lockdown can't do anything if the Duterte government is lazy and will sleep again like they did in March.

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Bacolin apa?

Beer doang, konig ludwig weissbier

Mostly amoys, some my amoy friends from uni mukanya polos-polos enak diewe paksa especially dipair sama pribumi cocks

Deep down this is my fetish, imagining chindo lusting for pribumi cock always get me aroused

>50K for beer
Unless it's a hi alcohol or a great tasting beer...
Seems like a waste desu

why never ไทย here? always maritime


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Every single asean country is welcomed here tho. We had dedicated football autist from Vietnam last year.

I know but our presence is non existent, we show up so rare we always get mistaken for expats if we have good english

go back to europe fucking white.

Better than reading Hiatus x Hiatus

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Oppai cute and funny!

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Based, Imagine Orei and Rachel bow down to my BBC after i smashed both of them.


why does she have two google chrome icons on her desktop? what's with the blue question mark on the corner of the icon?

i prefer honkai impact

I like all gachaslut desu

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I wish I can come to Philippines and help duterte genocide the poor

Nobody is "higher" and more important than the people you protect.

If that photo is our police being highly disciplined then we truly have a fuck up waiting to happen.

Same policemen are also probably responsible for the huge spike in cases because they man checkpoints and go around having contact with people. Health workers are trying to save lives while garbage police are taking them.

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Sebentar lagi akan dirilis pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia kuartal kedua

Opinion on this retro otaku pirate captain?

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Peru sucks