Attached: 363-segunda-republica-espanola_400px.jpg (413x248, 12.23K)

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Good, Spanish Civil War 2: Franco's Return back on the menu!


Please be never

whos going to win now?

Hopefully the good guys this one.

reminder that the 2nd republic wasnt elected democratically and there was fraud in pretty much every election they did

sounds based to me

that is, cnt/fai

No one with more than two braincels would support a monarchy in this day and age

>he thinks he doesn’t already live in a monarchy just because he’s allowed to vote for one of the royal families

I'd kill the queen myself if I had the means to do so.

Good guys won the last time too

>Implying they have the balls to go gun-toting and committing assassinations anymore

i dream about a red iberia...

Kick the king but please let's preserve the flag. The republican flag is hideous. Remove the coat of arms or whatever, but pls no that horrifying purple.

based if you ask me
monarchies are a useless relict of an oppressive past and should be done away with

Attached: Screenshot_2020-08-03 Monarchies in Europe - Wikipedia.png (1027x721, 258.16K)

I agree
you could use the flag of the first republic

Attached: Flag_of_the_First_Spanish_Republic.svg.png (1280x853, 44.84K)

damn, we had our own color

Republic? yes, but not that tricolor garbage as a flag pls

Based Switzerland.

Beware of the severely autistic republican spaniard.

Riego, Riego
We sing of your victory

Attached: British_Brigades.JPG-for-web-LARGE.jpg (800x600, 38.78K)

Love me king
Love me Church
Don't like lefties
Simple as

>1st Republic
>A failed state that lasted a year and had 5 presidents in that time amidst a carlist war and a cantonal rebellion that it couldnt handle
>2nd Republic
>A chaotic leftist republic that only got power because monarchist faction had internal fights and the king fled the country
>didnt even use democracy to elect itself or its constitution and made the state secular in an overwhelmingly christian country
>modified the electoral laws to try to make sure the left was permanently in power copying laws from Mussolini's Italy
yeah why would it be better this time chief

Attached: indalecio1933en.png (1076x545, 63.03K)

The Spanish civil war was started by the Spanish military bringing in Italians, moors and Germans to murder and plunder the Spanish working class, it had little to do with the king.

It was started by Socialists sending police death squads to kill the heads of its political opposition.

>he says this with a cuckstamp on his flag

There are plenty of republicans in Australia and Britain too