This is a random buenos aires street

This is a random buenos aires street.

This is the capital of argentina.

This is considered the country with the highest HDI and 97% european population on latinoamerica.

Attached: argentina.png (1031x742, 1.64M)

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>FDR street
el esclavo del esclavo de israel...

Latinoamerica is just the backyard of the US.

The country with the highest HDI in LatAm is Chile, and the most whitest country is Uruguay.
You need to work more on your baits, they are getting weak

You should check out random streets outside the capitol district in Washington DC if you want third world

Looks like Athens

Post some pics, it can't be that bad

>This is considered the country with the highest HDI and 97% european population on latinoamerica.
By whom? Every sudaca I know says Argentina is a joke

>chile HDI meme

Attached: chile.png (1435x743, 1.98M)

There are like 15 million people living there. Hard not to have a shitty street in a city that big.

90% of anything that isn't the nice rich urban areas in capital cities in latinoamerica look like africa.

Latinos always will cherrypick the top 5% of the country to showcase their shitholes aren't shitholes.

Too much work when phoneposting

so what? if that looks bad to you you are a sheltered pussy

Let 'me help you

Attached: 45654654654546.png (1346x618, 1.71M)

come to FRANCE

Attached: 1595424858048_20200724190155326.jpg (1024x983, 1.03M)

Your flag is sideways bro

Looks like a southern black neighborhood in America

What happened to latinx, they never cared about stuff like GDP, HDI or maintenance level, isn't life in South America all about partying, flirting and eating?


Are italians and spaniards considered european though?

Are poles this dumb

You want to tell me that Mexican soap operas were lying to me?

It's a dick waving contest to see which is the least brown thirld world shithole and who is the most european whitest first world developed cunt.

It's all cope because all the region is brown third world shithole.

Nowadays being white doesn't mean being successful

Latinoamerica has a racial caste system where whites are at the top.

I think it will change when the Asian century beings.

dunno, latinoamerica is the bastard kid europe had with some brown women who always wanted to seek the aproval of his white family.

but Europe loves South America, culture, dances, food etc

>Franklin DelANO
at least it's name makes sense about what you are going to find there

yeah, but it will be always the brown ilegitimate kid.
It will never be part of the family.

Dios Mio...

I'm assuming this is a low income neighborhood, but tbqh honest it seems much comfier than low income neighborhoods in Europe which consist on towers of social apartments filled with dangerous people in a dystopic environment
See I.e. the banlieues in Paris or any other mayor french city, Germany, Belgium,.etc

Why is South America so poor if it always had capitalism

> congolombianus think he will trigger us


Because the capital has been kept in a very few hands, they collude with lawmakers to protect their businesses share

no, latinoamerica had some right wing capitalist dictators in the 80's, then spend the rest of the time drinking the socialism kool aid, specially since Chavez, the entire region drank the socialism of XXI century cool aid.

Luckily all has been changing in last 3-4 years and the socialism dream is collapsing in the region.

>the capital of argentina
you posted the province of buenos aires, not the city of buenos aires, they're two different places

Attached: tenor (7.gif (220x199, 98.68K)

>Because the capital has been kept in a very few hands

That's an inherent trait of capitalism and works like that everywhere but in other countries this wealth trickles down to the bottom.

If you have private business allowed it is still capitalism. Only Cuba has more or less socialist economy but still quite a lot of capitalist features (like small private business).

>Foro de sao pablo/Chavez gang aren't real communists

Attached: 1592188676902.jpg (170x255, 11.45K)

Of course they aren't but anyway, Venezuela is only one country out of a dozen.