American parents ask their sons to pay rent to live in the family home

>American parents ask their sons to pay rent to live in the family home

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to be fair they do this when they're at a age where they can actually move out

I pay 400€ per month but that's for the food too

>Italians live with their parents even after they hit 30

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"I'm not a loser for living with my parents at 40 because I'm European". Why are you people like this? Who the fuck still wants to live at home past 20 anyway?

the nuclear family was a mistake

Yes, i love my mama
Yes, i don't want to work
Yes, i hate jews bankers and landlords

now I go to the beach

> Yes, I don't want to work

Do Italians really?

The western family home used to house all the generations in one single unit not too long ago, my grandma born before WW2 lived with her parents, grandparents and a great-grand parent.
The nuclear family is a very recent western concept.

It now makes sense how why ypipo can put their parents in homes for the elderly.
They don't really see them as relatives.


Can you not talk like a Twitter nigger for one minute of your fucking retarded life?

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how do they handle it when they invite their gf to home? do their family listen to live next room when they're having sex? how does it work?

My family is broken up via childhood divorce but I currently live with my dad rent free and I will probably stay with him here to take care of him as he gets older and then inherit the house when he dies.

I'm 24 and live at home

>invite their gf to home

>having sex

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>moved out of my parent's place into my gf's (sugar mommy) place
>she's only 4 years older than me
wtf did she see in me?

My mom encourages me


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Do you have money? Probably main reason.

It's either a power fantasy or her eggs are drying up depending on how old she is.

you dont do it? whats point of having gf then?

sounds a bit like turkey, but instead of sex they would do it for marriage


>having gf

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my mom do but thats because im 23 and shes very poor


earns more than me and my family (parents) are solidly middle class, not even upper middle class

i do a lot of the stuff around the house, she works very hard

thx user

i think hes trying to say you obviously dont have a gf if you live with your mom

My ex gf was younger than me, better looking than me, and made more money than me. If a woman gets burned by Chads enough time she stops seeking them and starts going for guys who she thinks will be easier to keep and control. It didn’t work though, I still ended up dumping her

I'm 25 and still living rent free with my parents. I'm a NEET.

i must have missed a few bills if that's the case

New levels of based
