US nuclear threats directed against Russia predate the Cold War...

This. Americans never finish anything.

>didn't do it

You just know that if stalin had nukes first he would 100% use them asap
Americans are sissies who are afraid of a real war

Attached: db8l5mr-fb73d145-27e2-430f-82d7-6ce51cbb5d1a.jpg (5000x4245, 3.92M)

>How would Eastern Europe look today?
like this of course

Attached: 7ce9ac57872537.59e720544c7ad.jpg (900x1200, 987.48K)

Are those 7 days to Rhine plans?

100% this, Americans are being displaced from the 1# place in the world precicely because they are too pussy to do the things that ought to be done.

>Would be carried out in response to a NATO first strike on Poland. Such a strike was estimated to cause 2 million immediate Polish deaths near the Vistula

threat is not how I would put it. again, soviets stopped of their own will. allies clearly wished to fight USSR, but didn't. still
> army that fought and won a war
> vs an army that did a side show to it
eh, you know the drill. bombing cities is the only winning tactic Western allies had going for them, but it's useless against a mobile and well-armed and land army.

true on Americans being pussies too. that's part of the reason they didn't do much in ww2 save for trading and logistics
nah, all Russian leaders including Stalin always treated Europe with a softer hand. Stalin would also have used nukes on Japan sooner than in Europe.

>near the Vistula
cracow and warsaw, so jews only