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International #1281
Why are we attracted to Asian women?
Why is the IQ of Italians so high?
/fr/ - le francofil
I unironically miss this guy. After lusting after him for 3 months, am left with a desire to talk to him...
What kind of brit are you most like?
When and how did you become a polandboo?
Ungrateful brown monkeys
Sverigetråden - Jaktupplagan
What's the worst region of your country?
Ask an intoxicated Finn anything
What happens when we die
Do Muslims really believe in genies?
Do I look like I have Turkic blood?
Spanish soldiers
1. Your cunt
Why do white women do this?
Post ITT and I'll make a calvin with your flag on it pissing on a flag of your choice
I feel bad for her bros
Brazilians are weird, man
Sweden is ready to take in american troops and join Nato
What’s your ideal woman like? Looks and personality wise?
Post in this thread and get a punching pepe for your country
My pp is weird
Please stop saying that austrians are somehow germans
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Post the store/restaurant you get food from most commonly
Random lebanese: M. President, we ask for international tutelage, we're done with our wicked political class
/fr/ - Diese frankreich
/ita/ - il filo
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Amerikanska upplagan
Is this country as bad as this Zig Forums says?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Here's your new president, Lebanon
How do bongs feel knowing most of the planet was against them?
Talking to someone who clearly thinks they're way smarter than everyone but espouses basic trivia...
Why do you do it, guys???
Name one (1) thing they make that's crap
DLT - Daily Latin Thread #1
I fucked a tranny in her ass. The amount of regret I felt after I came in her ass made me cry
What did America's next head of state mean by this?
Which country has the best libraries?
/deutsch/ gemeinsam gegen die Haider
MFW Russians unironically believe that they are the good guys of history
What is the best country to travel to if you want your boypussy bred?
Which one of them hates Russia the least ?
My surname literally means "good death" in English
1. cunt 2. how would you name your son/daughter up your cunt?
Does anybody find it easy to identify "Finnish" posters?
What is your international opinion of the current government of Finland?
Saw a girl taller than me
Hey people of Zig Forums what are your favourite paradox games...
There are as many Pakistani (25%) as there are White British (28.9%) children in Birmingham
Are nationalists in your country also completely clueless about their own country history, culture and folklore?
Why do Germans on 4channel hate Americans so much?
Look at the best masterpiece japan has ever made
We are all priviledged
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Sverigetråden - Djurplågeriupplagan
Europeans are proud of their old city/town centers
Black nationalists want to destroy this
Have there been attempts by the Irish government to reinstate the Irish language at all?
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
Your flag
Why do we keep coming back here?
Would you rather be top or bottom?
Guess the ethnicity, user
Play as American soldiers in Call of Duty MW2 campaign
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Meanwhile in an alternate universe...
1. country
Why can't Greeks and Turks(Greeks) get along?
This is Germany. It's the only country with Germans in it. There are no germans outside of these borders
Do you want to find love in Southern USA?
What is foreskin like, bros? I'm considering getting surgery to restore it
/world of polska/
What do you think about race and IQ? Are some races more intelligent than others?
How long until my country stops being retarded I just want it to end?
My country is screwed
Hurr durr there's not afterlife, we are just one planet between trillions, life doesn't matter
Do they really?
Tfw everyone used to make fun of Brazilians for being monkeys
Can someone please come to Miami and impregnate our women? Thanks
In the 90s this place were the black metal church. Varg used to hang out there too. Now almost 30 years later
Your cunt?
Crimea has more culture and history than all the Baltic countries combined
Would you rather...?
Which country is the most devilish?
Sverigetråden koppomsupplagan
Nobody loves me
Blue ey*s era is over. Brownoids rise up
Whites dude be like "yes i am 19 years old how did you know"
/fr/ - le francofil
Japan is the only east asian country failing to control coronavirus
Is your country respectful to black people?
/deutsch/ - deutsche Edition
I got my first haircut this year, holy fuck long hair was so annoying to deal with...
Have there been any Lebanon flag sightings since yesterday? If you see any plz post a screenshot...
This is a 7/10 in South India. Seriously
These dudes drink way too much soda
Based Lebanese girls who want french guys
Embarrassing stories from your country
What is public transportation like in your cunt?
/ita/ - il filo
Do you accept t*rkish femboy refuge?
I suffer in Nothern Europe
Be me
Imagine being a catholic
What is your country and do you play paradox interactive games?
France Empires est un rêve du passé
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Feel like shit
Average penis size is 13.25cm
I like Georgia
What is your name? My name is Miika
LET ME IN TO New England
Sverigetråden - Skridskor
What would be your reaction if we happened to recolonise Lebanon ?
Why don't you try to fix your countries instead of emigrating in masse?
/deutsch/ - Froinde Edition
Tfw no Japanese gf who cutely eats her meals with you
/esp/aña /esp/aña /esp/aña
France has a nice shape
How are Italian women compared to Spanish women?
I am fapping right now
I go mid or afk
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Today is the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing
You have to understand this
Why are spaniards so racist?
How do you like the new flag of Belarus?
1.your age
Gf starts talking about marriage
If your country is not on this list it doesn't matter
Economy of Turkey has collapsed
/fr/ - le francofil
Population: 169,080,796
Post the most Japanese picture you have saved
/ita/ - il filo
Guess the country
Post nice natural views from your cunt
American Zig Forumsellectuals
Japan handles corona very poorly because of their "anti science" groupthink
I am a flag enthusiast. Im interested in design and everything about flags...
I hate gray country
Sverigetråden - Episk upplaga
/inferno/ ehemals bekannt als /deutsch/
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /isr/ - /ઈઝરા/ + חברים
Nothing unites subhumans like irrational hatred of gay people
1. Country
Why does Germany lack the soul of France? It's like there's something insincere about the entire country...
French Lebanon
How can Finland compete with Brazilian schools?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What happens here?
God damn Indians on incel boards are getting bullied this hard they’re literally getting surgeries to cope
/med/ - olive oil general
/v4/ + Italy
You alright lebbros?
Would you live in these conditions as a seasonal farm worker earning 10€/h
Why does Zig Forums hate Albania so much?
There are three peoples in Europe
Kurva anyátok
Why meds brown?
Why do Finns have high cheekbones and Gook eyes?
Do the Uighurs deserve it? Did they have it coming or something?
Does this happen in your country?
The majority of swedeshits unironically believe we are the center of the universe and also the perfect society...
Why western art has lack of Moe?
Boggles my mind how there are posters over the age of 25
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Pass this test and you’re smarter than an American
Why does this war criminal country attracts so many white incels?
Dad smokes
/dixie/ - randos and occasionally southerners
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2372
Having a Finish accent is suffering
The finnish gf
Post the most well known movie of your count
Have you ever get 300 over replies when you made thread here?
Why do Russians write like this?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
There are 54 states on Africa, yet american media insists on referring to it as one place. What gives?
Am I gay if I just jerked off to big dicked shemale pornography but I was mostly jerking off to their ass and curves?
Finnish man be like
Does American knows where their ancestor come from?
What is it like to be an Asian man in a western country?
What is your favorite region of the US?
I want to kiss Sayuri's tummy ;_;
How many Brazillians look like her?
Southern US cuisine is gros-
Choose your race and class
/pf/ Tahiti only, others f*ck off
Is jomon girl add cats are origin of anime design ?
Is the point of life really just to have as much wealth/power/sex/pleasure as possible?
1 in 3 people born in the last 20 years will live to see their 100th birthday...
Japan Catholic Population:
Oh...what could had been
If your ethnicity doenst align your flags you shouldnt post here
Brazilians call my accent "cute" when I speak Portuguese
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Really obnoxious accent
Will Muslims in India ever recover?
Catholic Japan
Do Hershey's taste like vomit to you?
Europe Opinion Thread
Who here is a child of immigrants? What has your life been like...
1. your cunt
I'm a MtF transsexual. I wear lolita dresses and neko thigh highs daily. Does this happen in your cunt?
Inventor of global economy
What are your thoughts on trans?
Literally everything bad about the United States comes from this area
Quick! Name 3 polish people!
The most masculine and effeminate men on the planet are mongoloids
3k people die in 9/11, what a national tragedy!
/nachtschicht/ - früher oder später /deutsch/
/desi/-COOMACHALE edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
How did you guys learn English?
Post The Most American Image In Your FOlder
How do I make atleast 1k per month working in Ukraine from home
How the fuck is Latin America not "the West?"
/lang/ - language learning general
Sverigetråden - tuttkosseupplagan
What caused China's population to reach over one billion?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/lat/ + Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/lat/ hilo latino
I hate my country
Populations of European countries if their diasporas came home
Has public firefighting services because fire can spread
Do they really?
/nocturne/ anciennement /fr/
Do they...?
Do we have a recommended Zig Forumsernational film list? If not what films would you recommend from your country?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
How do I move to Russia as a 19 year old NEET?
How do you talk to girls
International music thread
/deutsch/ - Froinde Edition
15 year old sister calls me asking for money so she can buy plan B
Do asian people really think that all white people look the same?
Brazilians are selling tranny pills (HRT) worldwide with pics of anime girls on the packet
What would you do with this specimen from Japan?
Is your country an immigrant country?
Do you want to flee your country?
17 year old
Why the average spain looks like this?
Hello sex sex sex in your country?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2371
Tfw no smart and innovative entrepreneur brit gf who exploits insectoids
Post your most British picture
Why are favelas so romanticized in the west?
ITT: post nationalities of people you have met
Become desensitized to straight porn
I suffer everyday in Germany because my parents gave me a male finnish/ female japanese name
Man I am feeling very sad today
Singlehandledly saves millions of people in Europe from hunger and defeats the Nazis by being the main caloric intake...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post your bunda folder
How does the average countryside city look like in your country?
What's your favourite language?
Most of the world agrees that he was swedish
1. Your cunt
So much freedom
I feel so happy Zig Forums
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Unfunniest, most underage and all-around worst poster Q3 2k20:
/fr/ le francofil!
What are the best Zig Forums posters? For me, it's the Spaniards
What's going on in the UK?
Current year
Vocaroo yourself pronoucing your country's name in your native language
Europoors thread
I got my first full-time job at 32 years old. Is this unusual in your country?
Post your most American pictures
Why do wh*tebois do this?
Gothenburg - home
I am getting a very "woke" vibe from this board
Inner Mongolia, a Chinese province, is richer and more advanced than the actual country Mongolia
Which European country has the most attractive women?
Unnecessary country
Do you have v*nezuelan immigrants in your country?????????
Yesterdays party
/ita/ - il filo
Why do europeans get a free pass on Zig Forums?
there are more Slovak Americans than Spanish Americans
Is this how the average american is born?
How do you treat spanish immigrants in your cunt?
He only speaks one language
Does anything interesting happen here?
The last thing muslims, americans, fascists, indians and rappers with tattoos see
American suburbs are ugl-
Hey black metal fags! The place where 90s bm evolution started is like this now
Japanese cuisine is the best cuisine in the world
Is this the most hilarious looking flag?
What song are you listening to right now?
/fr/ - Le francofil™
/lat/ hilo latANO
Do you guys style your hair? Whenever mine gets too long I just buzz cut it myself
What happens in your country's imageboard?
Google thinks I'm a 35-44 year old male who has a BA...
If you would have been born in the 1920’s, what would your life had been like?
Munchy /brit/
American guys are often awkward, insecure, lack of self confidence, and it doesn’t look attractive...
Germany is saving your ass be grateful
Right: Tokyo, Left: Paris
Ugh.. what could have been
On new years eve 2017, I made and posted the original soyjak
First 5 things that come to your mind when you see this beautiful and majestic flag
You have 10 seconds to act as Norwegian as possible
Why don't you have a Polish boyfriend yet?
Post OLD structures found in your cunt
This makes euros seeth
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ +חברים
Do amerikkkans learn about the native american genocide in school?
Who is the greatest man that has ever lived?
Boys :3
I don't know why, but I think Favelas are pretty comfy to live in (minus the crime)
/lat/ hilo latino
Catching up on attack on titan is gonna cost me $242
You think God isn't real? Prive it
Tfw white but never had sex with a white girl, only Asians
/fr/ le fil franc
Kurva anyátok
Who would win in a war?
Sverigetråden - depressionsupplagan
What do you think about American literature?
Nord girls hit the wall hard at 25
There's an autistic Russia girl(girl) browsing this board this very minute
They could have become the second South Korea
/ita/ il filo
Ur cunt
Migrants make up 8% of Russia's population but only commit 3% of all crime
This is the man who says "nigger" on Zig Forums
Best brand of cigarette available in UK/Ireland/EU?
I suffer in Korea
Any of you cool cats play an instrument?
What do you see
What is your opinion on American (New York Style) pizza? Do you like it?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
ITT: American intellectuals
Are Koreans the jews of Asia? They're still seething over WW2 after all these years
Is this name popular in your country?
We need to be in charge of Lebanon again
/esp/ - Hilo español
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Post the most american picture you have
Why do euro normies buy Samsung phones?
Child murder is still legal in this fucking god forbidden shithole
/simmi mach ackermann/ besser bekannt als /deutsch/
How did Turks go from hairless Mongolians to the hairiest people on Earth?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is 18 cm big in ur country?
Australia appreciation thread. This interview is the funniest shit ever...
Green=recognizes Palestine
/cum/ - Canada, USA & Mexico
Wake up, see this
Sverigetråden - Johtoupplagan
/ita/ - il Filo
Are Indians the new Jews?
Yes ?
>Functional potential european countries forced to live inside a South American country
/lat/ hilo latano
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/balk/ + /ro/
Dairy consumption keeps dropping every year in the Netherlands
I suffer in america
/brit/ london (and that other town) edish
Why do modern white supremacists idolize Hitler so much when he planned to genocide all Slavs and killed million of...
We are Southeast Asians, not East Asians
China #1
/deutsch/ FBR's Wiederkehr
No we won't close our re-education camps
V G H ..... the squares of BARCELVM.... home
Do Brazilian women look like this?
Is public transport crowded where you live?
Why do asian women talk shit about white men, while at the time fucking white men? Makes no sense
I'm this frog. Which frog you are?
Me confronting the KGB intern responsible for killing my country's democracy
Why do Americans have this fetish of the USA being invaded?
Sverigetråden - Episka upplagan
Oh no no no moldovan bros we got too cocky
What did she mean by that?
What nationalities have you had sex with?
Most Europeans support an EU army, do you support an EU army?
This is Germany. It's the only country that has Germans in it...
Traditional Japanese walled neighborhoods are being replaced with American style ones with parking in front...
/desi/-Bhajipao have their Mandir edition
VGH... the histroy of EVROPA
Do you like paradox games?
You will never be french
Austrians can't be trusted, learn from our mistakes
One day you will move to Moldova
/minderjährige japanische määdschn/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Ausbros.... why did you kill all the aborginals?
Who was the most intelligent leader your country has ever had?
What are gamers like in your cunt?
Two strongest Muslim countries are now enemies
Personally, not a fan
Your country
/fr/ le francophile
Pakis breeding Korea after Britain
Oh no no no no
Why Russians spam the western Internet with racism?
/med/ - olive oil general
How popular is Spotify in your country?
Why is every thread on this board about blacks and talking about whiteness...
Map thread
/balt/ides vs /ausnz/ites
Jesus Christ only 70 people died!?
White people
Why do Finns look so masculine in comparison to Swedes?
Why Aussir women are the most degenerate female kind in the world?
Why do Indians write video titles and descriptions in English
All world borders have been erased. Time to claim your land
Everyday I wish I was born american
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ - מהדורת צירוף מקרים
Kurva anyátok
How many times did you buy skyrim? Be honest
I want to cuddle with a dude
/mena/ + /frens/
Thank you Spain
Is Japan actually a hellhole?
The Kazakh gf
US nuclear threats directed against Russia predate the Cold War...
Does anybody find it easy to identify "Japanese" posters?
Germans are the most bullied group on Zig Forums
Does this happen often in your country?
Why do Indians sexualize navel so much ?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine