The wife edition
Other urls found in this thread:
not particularly fond of living
built for nigger cock
girls like this always fuck black guys
off for a 3.30am pack of crisps, cholesterolberg on the proverbial ropes
despise yanks with a burning passion
just take a moment to appreciate that this is the first place your mind went, not only that but you felt like you had to post it.
get a grip you vile worm
Dunno about britain but in Australia the security guards are literally not even allowed to touch you if you are stealing something. Literally just keep walking, impossible to be caught if you do that.
She's cute
Well, at least you experience passion still. You're welcome
she fucks black cock
got heartberg down to ~60 bpm
that'll shut him up for a hit
You need help man.
training to take a bbc
Thought she was cute and innocent from OP webm but alas she is a worthless whore
Are you trying to falseflag us?
imagine them both sharing a bbc on camera for my wanking pleasure
Here's the source
no one understands me
Haha, my cat is so cute, she woke up, hopped off the bed and licked my ankle, then turned around and hopped on the bed again and fell asleep.
Why? I can try my best.
if i don't slide it in warm pussy today im gonna do it tommorow
oh my god xd
need her on asap
Laughing my head off at this american
That is funny and people will say it isn't because it offends them.
Thank you for your service!
Average British hands lmao faggots
didn't get it
really not sure how liverberg keeps up with it all honesty
yes. big balkan cock
never considered the confed flag to be racist myself
the dukes of hazard arent racist, theyre smalltown southern boys with their own distinct vibe, they don't associate it with hating blacks.
but enough purples on twitter have got together and screeched enough that now its such a mainstream opinion people who have never set foot in the US will get fake offended at the mere sight of the thing, yet they wont bat an eye at the rising sun flag
more of a baltic than balkan man my self, love a bit of lithuanian fanny
What can you guys tell me about Devon?
its next to cornwall
Havent had a dream in a long time
fuck off you yank cunt
fuck off you serbian cunt
fuck off you aussie cunt
fuck off you irish cunt
fuck off you ukrainian cunt
fuck off you monkey cunt
fuck off you nazi cunt
1 3 2 5 4
Try using a sleeping mask
Yeah but what else? Can you tell me something about the city of Exeter?
why they all have massive foreheads and abuse crack
sup nigga
based xenophobe
in Texas teenage white boys have been sent to prison, raped repeately, and then killed themselves
according to another thread
dont know lad they're just easy and good shags, have more fun in lithuania than i have in other eastern euro countries
Link it
Nm mate hbu
Can you tell me something about Winchester?
Whities fighting is so cute
Bend over white boi and receive my ARVBIAN CVCK
is this the star wars negro
does that really come as a surprise to you?
that's standard all over yankland
You wanna talk some shit nigga I'm down nigga give me yo address so and I can talk shit to yo dumbass face nigggaaaaa
Any other tradies ITT
Why is this so Peng?
Yeah I trade stocks on the market
Former capital of england, and wessex
hello urdini
Doea it have a fair amount of Saxon history there? Any cool museums?
White bois are literally built for BAC(big Arabian cock) period
by us standards of course