my pp is weird
My pp is weird
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How? Let me see
You're not cute
Is that full erected?
yes, 11cm :p
You seem to have phimosis
What's weird about it?
Cute and small
Dunno fren, looks like a small pp
I would touch it btw
do i?
it's ugly and weird *sigh*
Nah it's not true
you're just trying to cheer me up. it's okay user, I can handle the truth.
I don't! I want to touch it and rub mine against it for real
And don't listen to americans, hooded dicks are the best
Was this thread just an excuse to post your dick?
well, if you really think so... i appreciate it
i just wanted to unburden.
At least it looks thick
No, not all. Excessive foreskin is gross, it should be snug around your head
Are you gay?
it is i guess, but i don't care about size too much.
i'm glad to hear it.
Unburden your cum? UwU
Can I have sex with you? :3
Did that fluster you user? :3
sure, if you are a grill.
yes! you caught me by surprise. you shouldn't say lewd things user.
Im not a girl, but you're cute and need a man to breed your bussy.
you have a normal pp bro
you have the big gay... I'm 99% straight... we are not compatible, sorry.
thank you, that's good to hear.
cute pp i wanna rup pps wiht you so you dont feel weird about it......................
its not different user, its artistic
listen here you little macaco, youre gonna take your pants off in the woods with me and pull out your CUTE little dick for me to rob my cute little stiff cock against and youre gonna love it
do you understand??
Qual sua altura?
why r u like this
that doesn't sound too good
i meant rub
because your pp is cute
you sure rubbing pps isn't gay?
>99$ straight
i'm taller than most girls just so you know.
i can be a cute girl for you if youre not gay..............
be my gf pls
it's true.
fine, do whatever. I always end up pretending to be gay to please you guys because you're always horny for some reason.
why are you so gay