
Powerlevel under 9000 edition

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fascinating creatures the working class


I got a new dance for y’all call the soulja bwoy

>dogshit yank edition

groin's gone all itchy again lads but I can't get more cream from the pharmacy lest I catch the r*na

*does a little jig*

>Lazy bongs can't put flower, water, yeast and memes together edition

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>not listening to the patrician lofi beats

She’s a model and she’s looking good

The Pillar of Autumn
The Truth and Reconciliation
The Silent Cartographer
Assault on the Control Room
343 Guilty Spark

The Maw

The Library
Two Betrayals

coom time

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this is why labour lost

this one got the lefties riled up

For me it's the group between the underclass and the working class, your lifelong minimum wage workers. Barely any ability for abstract thought in a lot of them, constantly getting into situations they are the sole antagonist in but not realising it. Constant petty drama and just talking shit all the time, empty moral posturing. Hate working with them desu.


If some lad offered you a packet of prawn cocktail wotsits but you had to suck his cock would you eat the packet of prawn cocktail wotsits before or after you suck him off?

I have committed myself, I have dedicated myself, to the pursuit of the dragon. And having made that commitment … all of a sudden, I can see him! There he is, right in front of me, clear as day.… You're so much bigger than I ever imagined, and I'm, I'm not so sure I like this. I mean, yes, you're glorious and beautiful, but you're ugly, too. Your breath reeks of death!… Am I so pitiful that you can sneer in my face like that? Yes, yes, you frighten me! You hurt me! I've felt your claws ripping through my soul! But I'm going to die someday, and before I can do that, I've got to face you, eyeball to eyeball. I've got to look you right in the eye, and see what's inside, but I'm not good enough to do that yet. I'm not experienced enough, so I'm going to have to start learning. Today. Here. Now. Come, dragon, I will fight you. Sancho Panza, my sword! (He picks up a sword from the desk behind him, which he unsheaths from its scabbard.) For truth! For beauty! For art! Charge!

Mental how your country has detiriorated lads.
Your country is now leftist, pro lgbt and islam and full of pakis and niggers.

Churchill would be appalled lf what has become of you.

i just learned my mum and dad think im gay.

probably after to help get rid of the spunk taste

Lol just drove past 2 niggers getting put in the back of an undercover police car typical niggers breaking the law

Move The Library to based and you've got a based post here my friend


>China Uighurs: A model's video gives a rare glimpse inside internment

>Merdan Ghappar was used to posing for the camera.

>As a model for the massive Chinese online retailer Taobao, the 31-year-old was well paid to flaunt his good looks in slick promotional videos for clothing brands.

>But one video of Mr Ghappar is different. Instead of a glitzy studio or fashionable city street, the backdrop is a bare room with grubby walls and steel mesh on the window. And in place of the posing, Mr Ghappar sits silently with an anxious expression on his face.

>Holding the camera with his right hand, he reveals his dirty clothes, his swollen ankles, and a set of handcuffs fixing his left wrist to the metal frame of the bed - the only piece of furniture in the room.

>His uncle, Abdulhakim Ghappar, who now lives in the Netherlands, believes the video could galvanise public opinion in the same way that footage of the police treatment of George Floyd became a powerful symbol of racial discrimination in the US.

>"They have both faced brutality for their race," he says.

>"But while in America people are raising their voices, in our case there is silence."

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probably after, but who's so say what they would do in that situation really?

hello all

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thinking about becoming a professional sports woman

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Carl won the lawsuit

our guy

was quite disappointed they couldnt finish it off. a good effort though

My mum once made a comment about a black guy hanging about saying he was trouble and someone told her off for being racist and immediately after he got lifted by two undercovers lmao

ez troll...

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morning lad, set for another fine day of toil?

>Carl of Swindon

hmm yes quite the modern thinker though I am partial to the opinions of Darren of Slough and William of Reading

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Why didn't the USSR Annex Finland? (short animated documentary)

Almost as soon as the Flood shows up the game takes a nosedive (I know they show up in 343 and Keyes and those are still good). Halo Reach was the single best game of the franchise and that's partly because there was no Flood.

why would i care what an englishman thinks of scotland?

free east turkestan

for me it's Michael of Cheshire

nicked meself while shaving my balls earlier, still a bit sore

Halo 1 had the best campaign imo.
3 was the best for multiplayer.

bog sim his sargon

hate to say it but i agree with the yank
the flood were a shite gimmick

>Churchill would be appalled lf what has become of you.

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what did this mean

Reckon The Library filters the boys from the men on legendary so-to-speak, but I can understand where you're coming from
Reach is a fantastic game but for me comes second only to Halo 3, the franchise's magnum opus

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internet "historians" are cringe tb h. still, tnx for acknowledging that my country exist.

but you've brought home so many girls...
right user
you bring home girls and loudly shag them?

aye that I am

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Mannerheim was great


Too bad Churchill was a kike slave

Mental what has become of your country lads.
Your country is now leftist, pro lgbt and islam and full of pakis.

Queen Vicroria would bw ashamed.
She literally ruled a 1/4 of the world.
You don't even control your own country now.
It's the pakis and africans who do.
Oh and and lgbt.

i dont.

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hwooooahhhhh just seen this howwwoowwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Jack of Darlington has been making sense lately

Based pre-VB-Longneck frogposting Bruce

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Do/Did you have strict or lenient parents?

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I haven't talked to a woman, other than at a checkout or something, for 3 years.

The mission where the flood teams up with you to stop the ark activating was kino


can't wait for prague in a couple of weeks for a week of cheap ciggies and booze

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Toffs rule the country mate. Always have always will.

neither. they just didnt want me doing anything at all so just didnt let me go out.

going poo

pretty lenient all in all
never minded me bringing girls home and having parties
dare not smoke in front of mumberg though

too intellectual for the likes of me

lenient in the grand scheme I'd say
Halo 3 was entirely kino in and of itself


What about covid ?
You are not afraid to catch it in the airport ?

>can't wait for prague in a couple of weeks for a week of cheap ciggies and booze

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What is "toffs"?
I am not familiar with british slang man.
Other than bullocks, mental .


go mad

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Im going spain for a week for that too
Cannae wait

Posh people

the boysss

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Ghost of Tsushima is gorgeous
Combat is very satisfying when it clicks too

enjoyed that tour haha

Zoomer alert
Bet you were about 14-17 when reach came out right

Every video I see about american schools just seems extremely cringe

bit awkward timing for spain

can I come?

I thought the combat was pretty poor and repetitive.

>free thinking
>united against hate and fascism

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go back to your fucking machines then

kek this is literally me and the lads
40 quid return flights de lads
>What about covid ?
should (i hope) be able to sneak in before any small upticks in regulation
>You are not afraid to catch it in the airport ?
desu, not really
afaik czech is safer than the uk in that regard
but yeah tbf airport is a bit dicey but lets be honest its not all that prevalent
i just won't see my grandad for a couple of weeks innit
good lad

Remembering that time I was on so much drug I was walking real slow and two dudes jumped me, I dropped like a sack of potatoes and they started pounding me, but, I didn't put up a fight at all as I really couldn't, and after about 6 seconds they kinda just stopped and we stared at eachother. A wave of empathy ran through and they kindly checked my pockets for anything I had, realized I had nothing and asked if I wanted an ambulance and that they didn't mean to kick me so hard and that they were real sorry they went that far on me. Good moment that, good lads.

goodnight chads

God bless America

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Did you search David Bentley specifically?

We are all going to die.

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Better get your holidays in quick lads, probably only have a couple weeks before we all go back into lockdown

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why do israelis only eat arab food? tahini, hommous, Falafel.
all you had before was Gefilte fish