
"One race - The human race" edition


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Thats it im making the next threat.

are you the aromanian user by any chance?

You people only know how to make threats.


Based toskoid


Romanians are subhumans, its a shame they are the same former religion as me.

Oops, forgot the song

I remember telling the toskoid dont come to Zig Forums or you’ll get stuck here. Months later, here he is, every day. Another one falls

eat shit faggot, we're more human than shq*peris

Lmao on your dreams you fucking gypsy

It keeps happening.

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The fuck you talking about? Ive been here before you left Vlora for Ghenk.

>fucking gypsy
>signed, Ahmad bin Abdoulaziz bin Murtad

Fact: there was never a romanian noticable poster on /balk, and there will never be one. Anyone here agrees on that

>el nu stie

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Romanian posts are just shit on general. Never read a good romanian post in ny life

Why do the biggest chimps always try to imply they're human the hardest?

first for homosexual sex in the anus with no condom

fuck are you even doing here?

There we go, another bad post, as expected. Read a book


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>there are people itt that go into life with their Zig Forums views of other nations and apply them on individuals outside of this cesspool

I know every albanian poster who posts here, and I was definetely here before you

Ros was noticable. Romanian posters ain't that bad, or let's say not worse than the rest on average.

He was not noticable at all. What is he known for? For being a fatass?

>no, I'm the bigger incel
weird flex but ok

>that go into
I don't think many people venture further than their bathroom here desu
I bet the spammers havent even had contact with a person other than relatives for ages

Fact: fyromians are the soul of the general. There are just too many noticable posters with that circus flag. Noticable can be replaced by a bunch of other words, as you all know

He was an ultra autistic sperg and then became normal and even soft after a break. Like if he converted to buddhism or smth

>ultra autistic sperg
He wasn’t even the best at that. Many other better autistic spergs then him. He was just an average autistic sperg

Learn now he's married and has a kid


Name 10.


Anyone saw the last post of the last fucking thread? Ffs

he said 10, not 20

You are not even human, iki. You’re a mimic, a fragment of a man locked in a loop of miserable obsessions.

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All are sashko's other 10 personality splits.

Fyromian posters that are/were noticable:
Fyrombey, Sashko, Animebey, Simpbey (Animebey), Klime, Mkshqip, Kazanboy