
Attached: BlackNorwegianForestCatWinter.jpg (1000x800, 128.79K)

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pen katt :3

Attached: oqGxfLo.jpg (720x534, 30.04K)

tid til at spille computerspil


så er aftenens første glas whisky hældt op

Fatter ikke hvordan man kan pådrage sig en rift i røvhullet og ikke blive dødssyg. Der må da komme fækalbakterier i blodstrømmen.

Allt och alla dör i slutändan, även /skandi/

dö inte

Attached: 1596643825838.jpg (188x333, 24.85K)

hold liv i den da

vart är Jógvan när man behöver honom

så går jeg ud og henter aftenens første øl

det var seint


Attached: 1592921677017.jpg (1078x1439, 185.56K)

Attached: J18NvQP.jpg (719x695, 40.53K)


Attached: Varg.png (1129x859, 422.06K)

Baserat. Fåglar > katter

Attached: a1nket61g3c51.jpg (960x720, 126.5K)

>Cagots were shunned and hated; while restrictions varied by time and place, they were typically required to live in separate quarters in towns, called cagoteries, which were often on the far outskirts of the villages. Cagots were excluded from all political and social rights. They were not allowed to marry non-Cagots, enter taverns, hold cabarets, use public fountains, sell food or wine, touch food in the market, work with livestock, or enter mills.[2] They were allowed to enter a church only by a special door and, during the service, a rail separated them from the other worshippers. Either they were altogether forbidden to partake of the sacrament, or the Eucharist was given to them on the end of a wooden spoon, while a holy water stoup was reserved for their exclusive use. They were compelled to wear a distinctive dress to which, in some places, was attached the foot of a goose or duck (whence they were sometimes called "Canards"). So pestilential was their touch considered that it was a crime for them to walk the common road barefooted or to drink from the same cup as non-Cagots. The Cagots were often restricted to the trades of carpenter, butcher, and rope-maker.
>The repression lasted through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Industrial Revolution, with the prejudice fading only in the 19th and 20th centuries.
>A last theory[11] proposes to see in these men descendants of the Vikings who had invaded Gascony in 840 and were defeated at Taller near Dax in 982. This would explain why they appear around 1000 in Gascony and Navarra, the lands of the victors of the battle, the duke of Gascony and Urraca, his wife the queen of Pamplona. This would explain why they were not allowed to own weapons and trade, why they excelled in woodworking, why they hunted whales in Capbreton and Biarritz with Scandinavian techniques. To explain the physical differences....
wtf, vores forfædre... jeg vil have reperationer

Så er det tid til at se en pornofilm.
Hvad skal du se?


sorte kvinder

Attached: 1591631784443.jpg (1080x1246, 300.18K)

Var första ledsna bilden jag hade, kör inte UNO just nu

Attached: 1596641325569.png (740x640, 229.14K)

tror ni varg kommer spela korstågskungar 3 när det släpps?

havde du en god dag?

Ja det hade jag, hur har din dag varit?

ja, tak for at spørge!

Gött att höra! Har du gjort något speciellt idag eller?

meget godt at spille pik


Attached: 60ba05f6531348c56ec67cd2c32da5c6.jpg (451x406, 56.38K)

Hvussu kunnu vit fáa fleiri fólk í skandi sum ikki eru anime, bög, porno?

ubegrænset lager af øl, pizza, chips og cola

Okej! Vad görs?

Attached: 1595536163275.png (801x880, 582.12K)

Jógvan, drik en øl og glem bekymringerne.