>American suburbs are ugl-
American suburbs are ugl-
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I just think American houses are so ugly. They look like they were designed in Sims or something
That's Durban
simple =/= ugly
lol no
It is not ugly, rather it is monotonous and that is not pleasant.
Most suburbs aren't ugly but I wouldn't want to live there since I like walking to stuff
But if I really liked boating or something and its on a lake that'd be nice
you're welcome
You fell for one of the classic blunders. "Birds eye syndrome"
If you spend time worrying over whether something will look aesthetic from a distance, you lose track of whether it's actually nice to live in.
> Nearest supermarket: 30 km away
> Nearest cool bar/club: 70 km away
> Nearest publicsquare: 9000km away
looks absolutely soulless
Why do Yuros always assume this? This is exclusively a rural problem.
Reminds me of home.
I can smell you, normie.
Grass lawns should be outlawed
he's mad his country will never look as beautiful as pics like the one I posted
wtf this looks like Moldova
Bet those houses cost at least a million dollars, not exactly a suburb.
F-fuck. that pic just drained all my daily vigor.
Lol. That's how brit neighborhoods look? How do they not commit suicide on mass?
ah... my screenshot... never forget uk street threads
Price =/= suburb
A suburb is just a neighborhood outside a city
i'll never understand the point of trimming lawns or having lawns, especially one of that size, over an actual park of some kind
looks ugly when shortened
how much of what bongs post is just a cope because they know all their former colonies are more beautiful than they are?
That's more like an exclusive community than a standard suburb though is what I mean.
I live 10 minutes from here
Traffic sucks balls and it's full of jews who are debt-leveraged up to their eyeballs
The real rich people live near Windemere
c-cor blimey...
Are mosquitos pain in the ass? Lake gives good scenery but it makes me uncomfortable to remind that it's a breeding ground for these fuckers.
Oh yeah, those are just called "gated communities" here because they're usually walled in from the highway or the rest of the city or whatever they're attached to. My aunt lives in one on a country club and it's quite beautiful, but I imagine all her neighbors are rich assholes.
No matter how much you praise us, this board will not accept anything American being good. They’ll just say
>houses are ugly
>soulless lol
Etc etc
Yes, annoying as all hell. The worst thing in the world is being in Florida heat and having mosquitoes bite you.
I unironically want to move to Miami
property value and it looks nice
America is based. You guys made/make the best cars (thank God for my Impala) in the world. The best music. The best booze. The best food. You name it, you guys got it.
>inb4 höh ameribooo lol
Yes, and fucking proud, so go on. Spam your soy picks or whatever. I can take it. God bless America.
>Oh yeah, those are just called "gated communities" here because they're usually walled in from the highway or the rest of the city or whatever they're attached to.
He's talking about negroes.
they are not even that expensive
>The median home value in Winter Park is $317,410
also, think about what houses you can buy for the same price in the uk
It looks pleasant at a glance but when you think about the drawbacks:
>sweltering heat and humidity
>blacks and crime generally
>rich jews
it does not look nice
it looks clean
nature is inherently clean
But at least you can walk 3 minutes to your neighbourhood boozer to drink yourself to death over living in such a dreary shithole and laugh about stupid yanks in Florida having barbecues in their sunny, palm tree-covered gardens behind their spacious Spanish villa-style suburban homes (SOULLESS!!)
Thanks swede bro
if it's well maintained yeah
I like Sweden too fren
suburbs have disgusting strip malls
Pretty much. One of them in my town got in trouble a couple years ago because their charter still said colored people weren't allowed to live there.
>>sweltering heat and humidity
Not much of a problem. You get use to it.
>>blacks and crime generally
Mixed bag really, some are good, the good ones are typically down south.
I will admit this is shit, but in the same way the UK is
True, tourist in America are typically fucking terrible
>>rich jews
Eh, don’t really care much bout em.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you non-normies preferred to hang out in the suburb backyard and malls