
>have you ever had a homosexual expirience?
>how did u react to it?

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only hugs and slight kissing (as a joke)

swordfighting with my classmate when we were 12 at his house. was weird.

The chaddest chad in my university got really drunk, groped me and sniffed my neck. I thought he was doing it as a joke kind of like how me and my friends send pictures of our balls to each other when we're at work but now I'm thinking that he's a faggot for real.



oh what the fuck lmao

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Captain Sweden does it again!

i want to have Sex with shinji!

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Yes, I made out with a boy.

My reaction was to fall in love with him and end up getting hurt :(

this one night a friend of mine and a gay roomate went out for some drinks and what not, trid my luck with a couple of girls but it didnt turn into much. this one back dude sold me some cheap cocaine on the way home and the gay dude started flirting with me and was trying to get me to sleep with him. said no and went to sleep

It's like 9AM where I live and there is too much gay posting on my board.


He cute

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>gay roomate
Lmao how the fuck do you even live with him?

a gay neighbour ones gave me a video game for free don't know why

he's one of those normal gays, you wouldnt really tell unless he says. plus we were all drunk so i didnt really cared much for it

Why not? You know, normal people out of this site aren't coomer who think about sex 99% of their time

Lol, I’m gay and I had roommates, none of them were cute enough to fuck

a gay roommate might try to turn you gay

i wish i could be turned gay... more people to be attracted too the better


You do what with your friends?

>more people to be attracted too
aren't there more females then males? you would be attracted to less people

i meant b

isexual. like if i could learn to be attracted to men while still be attracted to female

dude too many people here are gay just stay the way you are

You don't get turned gay. If you weren't gay you could have a bisexual without you realizing

>turn you gay
that's not how it works

I kissed two guys when I was in high school because a girl dared me to. She said it was hot

>without you realizing
i thought people always know that they are fay or bi

Some old fag followed me when I was walking home and offered me $50 for a handjob or some shit. I 360'd the hell out of there.

i meant to say gay not fay